Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

My phone rang and an unknown number showed up.

I scrunched my eyebrows together and hesitated to answer, but in the end I did.

"Hello?" I said unsure.

"Nina Henderson?" A man said whose voice I recognized from two days ago.


"Hey, you remember!" he said ecstatically.

I chuckled lightly. For a twenty three year old he sure acts like an eighteen year old when he talks. "Uh, yeah, I guess. Hang on, where'd you get my number?"


I froze. "What?"

"I asked him if he knew his mother's temporary PA's number." he answered casually as if it was normal. "For business purposes."

"Uhm, w-what did he say?" I said trying to act normal.

"Don't worry I just asked if he had your number and him being his cocky self told me to talk to his PA and so I did. So, anyways, what's up?"

I blinked. Well, they don't have a good relationship apparently.

"I-uh-I'm-what am I doing?" I asked myself completely forgetting why I'm standing behind the counter of the diner and what I was supposed to do.

He chuckled at the other end of the phone snapping me back to reality.

"Uhm, nothing. I just finished work." I said remembering that I was just gonna get my bag and head out.

"Really? Are you doing anything else?"

I thought for a few seconds. "Uhm, no. I guess I'll just head home."

"Where are you right now?"

"Uhm, I'm just heading out of Hawk's Diner." I said as the opened the door making the bell ring.

"Oh, well stay there I'm headed there right now."

I stopped in my tracks. "Wait, what?"

"Yeahup, I'll be there in like two minutes." he said happily.

"Wait a second. Hold up. What's happening?" I asked completely confused.

"Get in the car."

"What car—?"

I was cut short when I turned and saw a white Ashton Martin beside me, the passenger side window opened to reveal a smirking Jake with a black cap and his Aviators on.

Two minutes? More like two seconds.

"Well, get in."

I just stood there dumbstruck, my phone still against my ear.

"Nina, people are staring." He said his smirk growing.

I snapped out of it and looked to my right to see an old couple staring.

I quickly took my phone off my ear and got in the car, my face heating up.

I heard Jake chuckle as we drove off. I turned my head and glared at him.

"That was so not funny!" I said slapping him on the arm.

"Ow! Don't slap the driver." he said chuckling.

I groaned and shook my head. "What are you doing anyways?"

"We are going swimming."

"What?" I asked surprised.

He nodded and smiled at me. "Yup. At my house. But first, we are going shopping for swim suits and other."

I rolled my eyes. "You know I have a perfectly good pair at home."

Why did I get into the car again? Oh, yeah, because I'm out of my mind apparently.

"Well, I'm too lazy to go to your place. So, we'll just stop by a mall on the way to the house." he said shrugging.

"Why do you even wanna swim? Don't you have work or something?"

"Cause I'm too stressed even on my day off. I just wanna relax for once."

"And why are you dragging me along?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"Cause I don't wanna go swimming alone. I'll look like a loner and everyone knows that Jake Hawkins, or any Hawkins for that matter, is never a loner."

I stared at him like he just grew another head. "Why the heck would you be a loner in your own house?!"

He shrugged smiling innocently. "Cause all my other friends are busy, and the once that are free would probably want to go somewhere expensive or to a bar or something. I just wanna do something normal, and from all the people I know, you're the closest to normal as I can get. Now hush. You should be happy that I'm taking you shopping and you're getting it all for free."

Normal? You have no idea how wrong you are.

I turned wide eyed at him as he parked the car and shut it off. "I have money you know."

He turned to me pushing his Aviators slightly down. "Yes I know. It's my treat for dragging you into this."

I rolled my eyes as he got out of his car and I got out too. I slung my bag over my shoulder and walked to Jake who I realized was wearing a simple shirt and dark jeans.

Hmm, he doesn't look like Jake Hawkins, billionaire owner of Hawkins Corporation. He just looked like Jake Hawkins, a normal twenty three year old guy spending his day off casually in a mall.

"Checking me out?" he said smugly making me snap back to reality.

I scoffed. "You know, for a twenty three year old, you sure act like a teenager." I said rolling my eyes walking pass him.

I heard him chuckle and catch up to me. "Okay, honestly, I'm only like this with you."

I looked up at him my eyebrows raised. "I don't know if that's a compliment or an insult."

He chuckled. "It's a compliment, don't worry. I'm usually either business mode, or normal-twenty three-year-old-guy mode with my friends."

His face suddenly turned soft and a bit serious. "I don't know, I'm just really relaxed when I'm with you. It's like I forget that I'm the CEO of a huge corporation and act like I'm just young and having fun." He said softly as he shrugged.

Huh, I guess this is the real Jake Hawkins, not the one in an Armani suit that's the CEO of a huge corporation, but the one in simple jeans and a shirt acting like a normal young adult.

"Anyways, we have to buy you a swimsuit, slippers, a sun dress—"

"Why do I need a sun dress? I'm fine wearing what I'm wearing now."

He looked down at me and up at my face. "You wanna wear jeans and a quarter sleeved shirt after swimming?"

I bit my lip and sighed eventually. "Fine. You win."

"Of course, I win." he said smugly as we went into a store.


Okay, I did not expect us to shop for two hours.

Apparently, Jake is very specific in picking the right outfits for me, plus he also went shopping for his own clothes.

He made me change into some black jean shorts, a baby blue tank, a white quarter sleeved button down that was left open and white sandals.

He changed into beige khaki shorts, a dark blue button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up and white plimsolls.

He also bought me a mint colored dress, with black flats. The dress had a sweet heart neckline and straps at the back showing some skin, it hugged my curves and landed just above my knees. I have no idea why he needed to buy me a dress when I was fine with the shorts and top.

He also bought me a swim suit which I didn't let him see me in while I was trying it out. I told him he had to wait till we got to his house.

I kept complaining that it was too much but all he did was shush me and hand the cashier his platinum or black card.

When I told him I could pay him back his reply was this, "Have you forgotten who I am? I'm multi-billionaire Jake Hawkins, CEO of Hawkins Corporation."

That earned him a punch in the arm and daggers to the head. Talk about a huge ego.

Right now we were in his car again. I turned to him and smiled innocently. "You know what I learned while we were shopping?"

He briefly turned his head to me, an eyebrow raised, then turned back to the road. "What? That I'm such an awesome guy for treating you?"

"No." I said sweetly.

"Then what?"

My sweet smile then turned into a scowl. "That you're an annoying, stubborn, billionaire."

He placed a hand on his heart and gasp dramatically. "Ouch! Nina, that hurt. Well, I take the billionaire as a compliment cause it's true, but the annoying, stubborn part? That hurt."

"Oh, whatever. You are such a huge baby."

We arrived at his mansion that was as big as my house, so I wasn't surprised at all.

I mean what do you expect from a billionaire like Jake Hawkins, of course they'd be living in a mansion.

"I was not expecting this." he said as he parked his car in front of the porch.

"What? That I'm not gaping at your enormous mansion?" I said smirking at him.

"No, I kinda figured that since you are Marian's temporary PA." he said smirking back at me, then his smirk turned into a scowl when he faced forward. "I mean, I wasn't expecting my dear cousins to be here."

From his facial features I could tell he and his cousins didn't have a good relationship.

I looked forward and saw a Ferrari and an Audi parked side by side.

He groaned and ran a hand down his face. He then look at me apologetically. "Listen, whatever I do in there, just go along with it, please?"

I raised my eye brows at him. "Uhh, as long as it doesn't get me into any kind of trouble, I guess I could do that."

He shook his head. "It won't get you into trouble, I promise. Just make sure you don't get left alone alright? Just stick with me."

I nodded. "Alright."

"Thanks." he sighed and unlocked the doors. "Alright, let's go."

He both got out of the car and got our bags from the trunk. A guy in a suit came forward and greeted Jake and took his car away.

We entered his house, and not to my surprise, it looked as grand as all the mansions you usually see.

A huge crystal chandelier in the middle of the foyer, a grand staircase, expensive paintings and furniture, you know the usual.

"Jake!" a man that looked about Jake's age, with dirty blonde hair, called making us turn to him as he came out of what I saw was the living room.

"What are you doing here, Kaleb?" Jake said dryly. "And what the hell is Anthony doing in my house?"

Another guy came out with dark brown hair, a mischievous look on his face. My first thought, this guy didn't look like a good person to become friends with.

"Aww come on, Jake. We just came to hang out." The guy, which I assumed was Anthony, said smirking.

"Come on, Jake. I just wanted to see how you've been." Kaleb said, surprisingly I could see and hear the sincerity on his face and in his voice. "You seem happy from what I've been hearing lately."

"I am, that is until you came to my house."

Well, that was rude, I wanted to say, but I shut my mouth and remained invisible. That is until Anthony noticed me.

"This your girlfriend? About time you got a new one. She's prettier than Carrie. I would know since I left her too. Aren't you going to introduce us?" Anthony said smirking mischievously.

My eyebrows shot up. A new one?

Jake grabbed my wrist and slightly pulled me behind him. "No. She's my friend and she's most certainly not going to be introduced to you."

He then pulled me away from them and headed to the stairs.

"That's a pity. I would've loved to meet her."

"Shut up, Tony." Kaleb hissed. "I'm regretting allowing you to come now."

We were half way up the stairs when Kaleb called making us stop.

"Wait, Jake! Please, I came here to talk. Don't mind my sorry excuse of a step-brother."

I'm glad I was facing Jake's back because my eyebrows shot up again. Anthony, or Tony, is Kaleb's step brother. I was not expecting that at all.

I looked up at Jake, he didn't turn his head, but I heard him sigh. "Fine."

And with that sharp reply he pulled me up the stairs and disappeared with him.

Once we were in the hallway he sighed. He still hasn't stopped walking or holding my wrist.

"I'm sorry you had to hear that." he said and I could hear the embarrassment in his voice.

"And I thought my life was full of drama." I muttered.

I heard him chuckle to my surprise. "Makes two of us."

I smiled knowing I lightened up his mood. I was also thankful that he didn't ask about it or that would just lead to catastrophe.

We stopped by a room with white double doors. He opened the doors and my eyes grew wide.

"Well, here's my room."

"Whoa." was all I could say. His room was huge. It was bigger than my suite room. It was my room combined with my brother's room. His room was like a royal suite or something.

He chuckled lightly and closed the door behind him. "Yeah, kinda big for my taste. I barely have stuff here anymore so it's a bit empty."

He said and I realized that he was right. The bookshelves were half empty, the stack of DVDs beside his flat screen were almost empty as well. There was a Xbox sitting under the TV unused in a few months I guess. There were still posters on the wall of football stars and teams. There was a wall with two shelves side by side with trophies, medals, certificates, and pictures of his football years in high school and college. His graduation pictures and medals during high school and college were decorated on another wall.

Well, he's an achiever. No surprise there.

"When did you move out?" I asked placing my bags beside his at the bottom of his king sized bed.

"When I went to college. I come back on holidays and sometimes on weekends." He said walking to a door and heading inside. A walk-in-closet I suppose.

"Oh. Do you still sleep here?" I asked as I bent down and grabbed my swim suit and slippers.

"Sometimes when I feel like it, but most of the time I sleep in my condo."

"Oh? Where?"

"Hawkins Luxury." He said a matter of fact.

I rolled my eyes. "Of course."

He chuckled coming out of the closet making me turn to him. He was wearing black board shorts and a button down shirt which was wide open showing his amazing six pack.

I shook my head in my mind and snapped back to reality.

"Well, you change fast."

He smiled amused. "Yeah well, I have guests." he said rolling his eyes.

I wanted to ask him about Kaleb and Tony, but I knew it was too personal so I just shut my mouth.

"Well, you can change here or in the bathroom over there if you want." he said pointing to a door to his right. "You remember the way downstairs?"

I nodded. "Yup."

"Well, the backyard is through the kitchen, it's just in front of the living room."

I nodded. "Alright."

He walked to the door but then turned back. "Oh, and don't worry, you can come out in just your swim suit. No one's in the house. My parent's are in London right now."

I rolled my eyes. "You'll see me later in my swimsuit, alright? No need to rush."

He scoffed playfully. "Whatever. See you downstairs."

I changed into my two piece swimsuit. It was white and had dark blue strips, the top was a string type.

I decided not to wear my shorts since it was gonna be a hassle to take it off later, so I just grabbed my button down shirt and put it on leaving it open.

I went to the bathroom to use the mirror and ended up seeing a freaking spa.

He had a huge bath tub, a huge shower and freaking jacuzzi. There were no towels since he didn't stay here often. The shelves were pretty empty too.

I found a full body mirror on the wall and looked at myself. I buttoned two of the middle buttons on my shirt. Hmm, that's good enough for me.

I went out of his room and down the stairs. I looked to my right and saw the living room, so the left was the kitchen.

I walked into the kitchen and again, it was huge. I don't think I need to explain what a billionaire's kitchen looks like.

"Well, going swimming are we?" a voice said making me jump and turn to him.

Oh, damn.

That's one of Jake's rules. I can't be alone.

Anthony was leaning against the doorway his arms crossed.

"Well, you look sexy." he said his eyes going up and down my body.

I looked at him in disgust. I quickly turned my back to him and headed to the glass French doors leading to the backyard.

I put my hand on the handle but before I could open it an arm went around my waist and pulled me back making me gasp slightly.

"Where are you going in such a hurry?" He said breathing down my neck.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I bursted ripping myself out of his grip.

"What? You know you like it." he said getting a hold of my arm.

"Get away from me." I said getting my arm back.

"What the hell are you doing?" a new voice said.

I turned to the door to see Jake and Kaleb. Both of them looking really shocked and mad at Anthony.

Jake stormed to my side and roughly pushed Tony away. "Get the hell away from her!"

I grabbed his arm and pulled him back. "Jake, stop."

He turned to me and looked at me with worry.

Why is he worried?

"Are you alright? What did he do?" He asked concerned.

I shook my head. "Jake, he didn't do anything."

There was relief in his eyes then he turned to Anthony again. "Anthony, I swear if you touched her—"

I pulled Jake back. "Jake, enough. Come on. We're going swimming, remember? Come on."

He eventually let me pull him away from Anthony and Kaleb and out to the backyard.

My life has none stop drama, I swear.

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