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"hey, we have a party going on this friday, you want to join?" felix asked.

"who's going?"

"tons of people. oh, and jack's going too," felix smirked. after that conversation, whenever jack wasn't around, mark has been talking about him non-stop, and felix supported his best friend, even making a joke by combining the two names together. mark had begged felix to not tell anyone about his rambling, and felix, being felix, grinned.

"i guess i'll go then," mark said, and felix nodded before going back to his own seat, leaving mark to his own thoughts.

jack, with his pretty blue eyes and his amazing hair. jack, with his quirky smiles and loud laughs. jack, with his wonderful accent and —

just, jack being jack.

and before mark knew, he was falling, hard.

for a certain someone with an irish charm and a loud voice.

hey! just to clear this up: i published another chapter before this to show that mark and jack has been talking to each other more (by being friends) and thus explaining the growing feelings mark has for jack.

this is so that it would seem more logical because there's actually interaction which leads to mark having a teeny weeny crush

and to take note that this is probably a few months into school so yes, there is a big time skip that you guys might not be aware of.

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