18: whispers

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as Snape left the astronomy tower, you, Cedric and Draco stood there looking at each other in silence, trying to understand what just happened.

You go over to the wall and grab your stuff off the floor, as you grab your stuff Cedric grabs your hand softly "hey I'll walk you back to your room" he says while smiling, his cheeks going rosy, and blood running lightly down his nose from Draco's punches.

But before you could nod your head or say anything, Draco nudges Cedric to the sound and gives him a glare, "don't be such a git. I will" Draco says while he grabs your other wrist, the tension between the three of you was so powerful.

"Now now boys... settle down" you say in a intimate voice, "why don't you both walk me home" you then walk forward as they stood there behind you, taking in what you just said, they then both look at each and glare, then they push each and run trying to catch up to you.

The walk was quiet but not awkward, the tension was still a high.

You felt hot and powerful.

On your left you had Cedric, a sweet, handsome hufflepuff, who treats people with kindness and always speaks with loyalty,

And then on your right you had Draco, a hot, sly and confident Slytherin who gets on your nerves,

Two fine looking men walking by your sides, they looked so tall compared to you. You felt safe with them by your side.

You finally make it back to the Slytherin common room, before you enter Cedric takes your hand gently and softly kisses your hand while looking into your eyes, you couldn't help but blush, he was so sweet.

"Oh please" draco scoffs and pushes Cedric aside, Draco doesn't give you much, he was trying to act cool, but his hand pressing against your back, his cold rings pressing down on your bare skin sending shivers, he then whispers in your ear "don't go dreaming about me too much" he says while grinning, you roll your eyes so it looked like you didn't like what he said.

"Goodnight boys" you cheekily say as you turn around, as you turn around you give them both a wink, and you walk into the common room.

You reached your bedroom and got into your bed and gently fall asleep.


You wake up to the sound of birds chirping and the warm sun rising over the hills,
You get yourself ready for your classes.

The day went really slow, your mind going crazy thinking about how this detention may go, how is it going to go to have Cedric and Draco together with you.

You had classes with Draco but he didn't turn up, you hadn't seen him all day,
Which makes you question if he would come to the detention later tonight.

Snape dismissed your final class and the butterflies in your stomach build with anticipation, nerves and excitement,

You head to your room to get ready and get changed, you knew you need to look good for this detention.

You curl your hair, you put some beautiful lipstick on, apply some foundation and your skin was glowing, and your Hogwarts robes hanging off your shoulders and you were ready.

You walk through the corridors of the school, with your head held high and full of confidence, you could hear whispers everywhere you go, people were looking at you, you wonder if people know you have a detention with the two hottest boys at Hogwarts.

You forget that thought when you see that you were close to where the detention was being held, your knees becoming weaker with each step, you hands became a little sweaty from your nerves, butterflies in your stomach,

You then reach the big wooden door that lead into the detention, you take a deep breath and place your hand on the cold handle, but before you push open the door you hear whispers from inside the room.

You were confused as it was only Cedric and Draco in there, you place your ear on the wooden door so you could hear better, and try and hear what they were saying.

You recognise their voices, it was them.

What are they talking about?
Are they talking about you?
Will you hear any secrets they have?
Will their true identity be shown?
Do they know your listening?
How will this detention go?

Y/N: sorry for this chapter being so short, and most likely a little bit boring but the next chapter will be better :)
See you then xxx

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