I sit and breathe behind the barrel for a while. I turn back into town as I hear Delta and her cavalry return, and I gasp.
-Please don't see me, please don't see me- I get cut off my someone grabbing my arm and me being pulled up from the spot on the ground. I see Deltas eyes burn through me.
-So you're the sneaky little pop troll that thought she could infiltrate us from the inside, huh? She asks.
-What? No this is not what it looks like, I- I get cutoff by a scoff.
-Yeah sure sugar, I've heard that one before, Delta says.
-No please let me explain! I beg. She looks surprised at me.
-Absolutely not! How dare you come into my town, claiming to want good from us? She asks.
-Please, you're the queen of country! I-I'm the queen of pop, sitting on the throne next to my sister Poppy, I say.
-You mean the little bubbly pink one? Delta asks as she ties my hands together in front of me.
-Yes! We came to warn you and the other trolls! I say as she drags me to another cell on the other side of town, but she stops.
-The others? Now what do you want with them? Delta asks and puts her hands on her hips.
-We went past Symphonyville, by my sisters request. And when we got there... it was all destroyed, I explain. Everyone around us gasps and kids start whimpering and men start growling.
-And why should I believe you? Delta asks.
-Because- suddenly a loud guitar rings through the town. Nasty looking fish-like creatures are coming barreling towards us.
-Oh no... I whisper and Delta squares up. The creatures stop and one opens its mouth like a zipper. Out steps a female troll.
She has grey-ish purple skin and red flaming hair standing up in a messy mohawk.
-Hey hey hey, if it isn't queen Delta Dawn! She says.
-Who are you!? Growly Pete says from next to me.
-I'm queen Barb, of the rock trolls. And I'm going to need your string, she grins.
-What do you need our string for? Delta asks.
-Oh, it's for my world tour! You see, once I've captured you all, I'm gonna make us all United under rock, Barb explains tauntingly sweet.
-Rockers! She shouts and puts a hand up. The other creatures' mouths open and out comes more rock trolls.
-Round 'em up! Barb says and the trolls start rioting the town. They put everyone on their knees in front of the biggest creature, the creature with Barb in it. It's tongue sticks out and Barb walks towards Delta, who's sitting next to me. Barb lifts Delta's hat and sure enough... an orange string. Barb flicks it and a tune plays from it.
-Yea-he-eah! We got it guys! Barb celebrates and the rock trolls cheer. She puts the string in her pocket and I watch her closely.
-Now lock em up! We don't need them anymore, Barb sneers. Barb starts walking back into the creature. As rock trolls grab Delta and heads for me, I stand up.
-Wait! I shout. Barb stops in her tracks and turns around. She looks at me.
-What are you doing? Delta hisses at me.
-I'm not a country troll, I say. Barb looks unimpressed at me.
-In fact I.... I'm a pop troll, I reveal. Barb does not look happy at that. She glares deeply at me.
-But I wanna be a rock troll! I say. The country trolls around me starts making their way to me, but is stopped by rock trolls. They scream and yell at me that I'm dumb, a stupid little girl.
But Barb... she looks... amused.
-Are you out of your mind!? Delta asks.
-Hush! Barb tells her as she walks back down the tongue and she walks up to me. She stands incredibly close and looks at me, up... and down. I swallow a lump in my throat and I become nervous.
-Who are you? She asks.
-Queen of pop music, I almost breathe out. It turns completely quiet. Barb smirks and then starts chuckling. The chuckle then turns to a full blow laugh and she has to turn away and double over. I am basically shaking from my knees up, but I try to show it.
-You? A queen of pop wants to become a rock troll!? Barb asks as she turns back around and points to me.
-Yeah, I try to stand my ground, so she wouldn't walk all over me.
-Weren't you the one who sent me that letter? She then asks as she composed herself.
-What letter? Oh. No, ew! That was my sister, Poppy, I roll my eyes as good as I can to make it seem like I hate her... Oh please Poppy forgive me.
-So, you're queen Y/N then? Barb asks and puts an arm around me. I nod.
-Yeah I am, I say.
-Well if you wanted to become a rock troll, what're you doing here in lonesome flats? She asks and starts leaning on me. I take all the courage I can muster up. Please don't let her see right through me.
-I wanted to find you, I say. Barbs face light up.
-Really? She asks. I nod.
-Well then, search no longer. For here I am, Barb let's go of me and starts walking backwards into the creature.
-Now pack them in! But that one comes with me, Barb walks into the creature and points to me. The rock trolls cut me out of the ropes and I gently rub my wrists. As I get escorted into the creatures mouth, the country trolls are causing havoc as they resist.
-How could you, you traitor!? How could you? You led them right to us. Delta yells as she gets dragged into a creature that looks like a cell.
As I get into the front of the creature, Barb stops the trolls and looks at me with a thinking face.
-If you're gonna be a rock troll... you're gonna need a make over, because this, Barb países and motions to my clothes.
-Makes my eyes bleed, she says. A couple of rock trolls hands me a pile of clothes.
-Now go put them on, we gotta go, Barb says. The rock trolls usher me into what looks like a toilet stall and I look the door.
I look at the clothes they gave me. It's a ripped black loose cropped shirt and a f/c skirt, along with a pair of ripped fishnets. I put them on. As I roll the shirt up, a couple of shining pieces of gold roll out. It's earrings. I clip them onto my ears and look myself in the mirror carefully. This didn't look like me, yet I felt like this was it. It was me. My eyes get dragged to a black pencil laying on the mirrors edge. I grab it and look at it.
-"eyeliner".... well I just have to go all in, don't I? I tell myself as I make two black lines under my eyes. I also put some on my eyelids and smudge it. Now I look like a real rock troll.
I nod to myself in the mirror before unlocking the bathroom door and heading out. I see everyone staring at Barb. I walk forward and see her putting the orange country string onto a scary looking guitar. As the guitar case closes and she turns, she looks at me. Her eyebrows rise and she grins.
-Heeeey pop troll! She greets.
-Hey, I say shyly as everyone turns to look at me.
-I'm digging your eyeliner dude, a random troll says.
-Oh, thank you, I say awkwardly.
-Yeah you got your own style going there, I like it, Barb comments.
-Now listen, she says and throws an arm around my shoulders and walks through the bus/ship thing.
-Anyone can't just magically become a rock troll, she explains and I nod.
-Actually, I don't know anyone ever wanting to, she continues and let's go of me.
-Ever played an instrument? She asks.
-Uh yeah, I play guitar, I say confused. She nods and throws an electric guitar at me. I catch it and look confused at her.
-Show us what you got, Barb grins.
Oh sugar honey ice tea......
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