Barb and I just got home like three hours ago at about midnight. When we got home we immediately said goodnight and went to bed but... I couldn't sleep. Well I fell asleep but I had disturbing images in my mind. Images of when I was about to be eaten by a Bergen... when I lost my colors and then just stuff that my mind made up. Everyone just died and I can't stop crying about it. I don't know what to do or where to go... usually I just pop over to Poppy and we hang out but... things are different now. I wasn't at home. And it scares me. What do I do here when I have nobody to turn to? I mean I know Barb but... I can't disturb her she's asleep. But where else do I go? I sigh. I stare up at the ceiling where I have placed a few Polaroid pictures that Coop gave me at the party in pop village. I start to tear up again.
-Goddamnit, I say and sit up and carefully swing my legs over the edge of my bed. I grab a pillow and hug it, as well as my phone and carefully walk out into the hall. It's not very dark here, they actually have torches to light the halls. I tip toe down the hall towards Barbs door and a couple of tears fall in thought of the possibility that she rejects me.
Barb POV:
I hear a knock on the door and I stir and lean onto my elbows.
-What? I yawn to myself. The knocks were very soft on my door, not like any other knock I'd get. I swing myself off of the bed when the knock are heard again. I stretch as I walk to my door and swing it open, but I get woken by Y/N standing on the other side.
-Hey, she whispers softly.
-Hey... what's going on? I ask and look down the hall to both sides before I look at Y/N again. As I look into her e/c eyes, they are slightly more glazed than I've seen them before. Well except for when I...
-Is something wrong? I ask when she doesn't respond. She buries her lower face in the pillow she's hugging and nods.
-Come in, I then say and step out of the way. She walks in and carefully sits down, keeping her eyes on the floor. I close the door after her and walk after her, sitting down beside her. I have a small lava lamp on, a gift from prince D, that lit up the room in a soft neon pink light.
-I had a nightmare, Y/N's voice comes out muffled.
-Oh, I say understandingly.
-It was long and scary... Y/N continues and looks up at me.
-I'm sorry about that, I say.
-I didn't know where else to go... I'm sorry if I disturbed you, Y/N says and a tear falls from her eye.
-Hey it's ok, this is what friends are for, right? I ask. Y/N nods and looks down on the floor again. I frown. She's never seemed this upset before, about anything. It was weird seeing this confident and gorgeous girl seem so insecure and small right in front of me. I softly put a hand on her arm.
-It's ok, nightmares are scary, I say. Y/N nods.
-I get them sometimes. And I can never sleep afterwards, she says.
-I usually just walk out and knock on Poppy's door and she would stay up all night with me or until she fell asleep, she sniffles. I nod.
-I miss home, she says and begins to cry.
-Wh- hey, hey look at me, I say and she looks up at me. Tears were welling from her eyes and her nostrils were flaring.
-Do you want to go home? I ask sincerely, practically already getting dressed. She shakes her head.
-No, she sniffles and dries her eyes with her palm.
-I don't want anyone to think that I can't do this. Besides I am home, I just... I'm scared, she says.
-But you are homesick? I ask confused.
-Yeah it's weird, I know but... pop village has always been my home. But through the years it felt less and less as a home and I just thought that if I'd treat it the same then it would still be home, she says.
-But I guess it didn't feel like I belonged anywhere there. Well I mean I do but... I felt off, she says and her crying wears off a little bit.
-Before I always felt like something was missing. I was the odd one out that didn't think like the others but... she looks me in the eyes.
-It's so much easier now, I whisper in understanding. She nods. She felt alone and overcrowded at the same time.
-So you want to stay? I ask.
-Yeah, she sniffles.
-Ok. Do you wanna... do you wanna talk about it more? I ask unsure.
-That would be nice, Y/N says. I nod.
-Ok come here, I say and make a space at my headboard for her. She sits there, leaning against the headboard and I sit in front of her.
She talks about what she dreamed. She tells me everything she can remember and I listen. Just like she always listened to me, though I wasn't the best at it. After a while I noticed that she was actually getting sleepy, something I didn't expect to happen. So as she was getting more drowsy, the less words we shared and the more we huddled up. I sat beside her and she was starting to fall asleep on my shoulder. Not that I payed it any mind because soon after that I was also gone.
Y/N POV, the next night:
These nightmares wouldn't leave me alone. I woke up in tears once again but instead of laying awake for hours, I immediately ran over to Barbs room and knocked, just like the night before. Barb opens the door and as she sees me she immediately opens it wide for me and we sit down leaning against the headboard. Our arms touch as I sigh and she looks over at me.
-You wanna talk about it? She asks and my nightmare flashes in my mind and I immediately shake my head.
-Ok that's fine, Barb says. I look at her face. Her eyeliner was smudged, probably cause she fell asleep with it on. Her red Mohawk almost lit up the room as the pink light hit it. The red dye had slightly stained her pillows, although they were grey.
-Can we talk about you? I ask quickly.
-Uh... Yeah sure, Barb says confused.
-Sorry, but I just... I don't wanna talk about this one, I really don't wanna think about it, I explain. I cover up the fact that all I wanna do is listen to her voice. It was calm and soothing, something familiar that I could hang onto and know it would always exist.
-That's fine. What do you wanna know? Barb asks and smiles. As she tells her story, I fall asleep listening to her raspy voice. She sounded so happy and grounded and my nightmare was but a memory at that point.
Barb POV:
The same thing happened for about three more days. Y/N would have a nightmare or just feel alone and afraid and she'd run over and we'd talk and fall asleep. We had slept in the same bed, five nights in a row. The thought made me blush. Two days ago I had woken up still sitting against the headboard and Y/N laying down, hugging my waist. As late as yesterday I had woken up with us practically cuddling. She had been so close, her eyelashes softly touching her cheek. I remember how I blushed like a maniac. I had breathed out a quiet "wow" and it had brushed her face lightly. It made her scrunch her face and squirm a little before cuddling her head underneath my chin. And I was burning up at that point. I had smiled to myself and put a soft hand on the back of her head and the other underneath her pillow. I had just softly massaged her head to keep her asleep because I was used to having only a few hours of sleep and she probably wasn't. And that night had been particularly hard on her.
I shake myself out of my trance and look at the clock. It was about 2 am and she'd usually had come by at this time. I blush to myself, because I'd probably be asleep now too but... I can't sleep now. Not without her. And that sounds absolutely crazy but it was the truth. I haven't slept as great as I've done these past 5 days since forever. And I needed her here so that I could sleep but she had probably already fallen asleep. And I blush as I come to the realization that nothing would happen unless I talked to her so I run my hands over my face and curse to myself. I swing my legs over the bed and take determined steps towards the door. I swing it open but... at the other side stands Y/N, with a closed fist up in the air. She looks shocked at me and we both blush. She was just about to knock...
-Hi... she smiles.
-Hey, I smile back. We both just stand there looking at each other, before I realize and step out of the way. She quickly walks in and I close the door. As usual we sit on the edge of the bed.
-So what's up tonight, I ask and sigh.
-I can't sleep, she says.
-Well, obviously, I say and snicker.
-But why? I ask.
-Actually... I don't really have a reason. I just can't sleep by myself now somehow, she blushes furiously and I smile. I then fake a cough and try to collect myself.
-Yeah uh actually same here, I say and scratch my neck. She smiles softly and I don't know this time of it was the lamp or something else, but a small pink tint covers her cheeks.
-Then shall we? I ask and mention to the bed. She nods and lays down. I walk around the bed and hold up the covers as I lay down beside her. She turns to me and I turn to her.
-This is... kinda weird, she whispers and I laugh.
-It is, isn't it? I ask and she nods and looks around.
-I like your room. It's cozy, she says.
-guess I never noticed because of my panicked state I have whenever I 'm in here, she says and snickers at herself. She then looks back at me. All I've been doing is staring at her. This time I was drawn to her lips. They looked soft and chapped as she talked and now they're just resting. They are slightly parted as soft breathes escapes her mouth and hits me in the face. Then I look up at her eyes again. They're so very entrancing. If I had to choose between my phone and Y/N's eyes, I'd choose this everyday. Her eyes dart around my face, but I don't feel watched. I felt calm actually. Then her eyes met mine again. They're starting to droop of exhaustion. She had been doing a lot of practicing and social work today so I didn't blame her.
-Is it cool if I sleep here? She asks.
-That's cool, I answer shortly. She then buried herself in the comforter and then leans her head towards me, letting it rest gently against my elbow. She takes a deep breath before she relaxes and starts to fall asleep slowly. I blush to myself and when I know she's asleep I fix a strand of hair on her head to make it lay in the right direction. She is so pretty. So gorgeous and so nice. Even to me and my people. To everyone. The thought of her warms my heart and I huddle a little closer and put my other arm around her to hold her close as I too close my eyes and let myself drift away into a sleep where I only dream of Y/N.
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