t or d

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Trixies pov:
I was having a party with only a few friends. Ginger violet pearl Kim Bob and Katya. My parents where not Home they where at a holiday. They let me be Home because i was a Angel.

Whe decided too play a good old fashion game of truth or dare. Truth or dare trixie? Violet Asked. Uhh truth Trixie Said. I feel like a fifth grader saying this but whatever. Violet giggled. Just tell me! Trixie Said a little frustrated. Who in this Room would U make out with? A smile grew on Violets face.

Trixies face turned bright red and her eyes conected with katyas. Oh i see. Violet Said. You obviously wanna make out with Katya but you dont have the courage to say it. Violet Said. Shut Upp. Trixie Said.

Third person pov:
The Girls played a few more times nothing interesting happend soo they decided that they could only say dare and not truth anymore.

Katyas pov:
Dare or dare Katya? Bob Said. Uhh i think dare. Katya Said jokingly. Pick one person from this Room and have a make out Session in the closet for 10 minutes. What!! Katya Said kind of shocked. Her mind went too trixie straight away. What? I think you already know who its gonna be soo just to in there with her already. Bob Said dying of laughter. Everyone was looking at trixie and Katya.

Cmon just go already jeez. ginger Said. Katya looked at trixie. Their eyes met. Katya gave trixie the you okay with it? Look. Trixie slightly noded. You know what fine come here trixie. Katya Said as she stood up. Everyone was laughing except for Katya and trixie.

Trixie pov
I stood Upp as Katya dragged me to the closet. Dont start fucking eachother! Violet screamed. Yea if soo dont scream too loud. Pearl laughed. Shut Upp you whores. Katya Said. Trixie giggled as they approached the closet.

Katya let trixie go in first and closed the door behind them. Trixie was standing there same as Katya both of them not knowing what to do. So c- can i kiss you? Katya Asked. Yea trixie Said softly. Katya came closer and cupped trixies face their lips conecting in a long kiss

This is the end of chapter one i Will make a part 2 but i didnt have time today remember too vote and comment have a Nice day

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