15 ❥ Perfect person

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I watch the pack with narrowed eyes, people coming and going around me as if I don't exist. It's kind of nice. I like not being stared at. I've barely been here a month and I'm still not quite used to all of it. It's all so...different. Bizarre really. Being in charge, giving orders without threatening to kill people. It's odd. It's even stranger when I realize how much I enjoy it.

I enjoy it more than torturing and intimidation. I work smarter, not harder.

Closing the door behind me, I stand on the porch of the office for a while to observe everything silently. It's not a large pack here in Montana. We're settled in a valley in the Beartooth mountains. It's beautiful. And the small pack fits perfectly with the backdrop. It's just the right size. The fact that most of its population are lycans means that numbers aren't exactly a problem.

My mate is one of the only werewolves here, and I couldn't care less. She still means everything to me, no matter what species she is. She could be human, vampire, mermaid, werebear, fae... it wouldn't even matter. I would love her no matter what.

I think of my perfect mate, and my legs automatically carry me away from work, my Delta mindset is gone, replaced by my protective nature.

My favorite thing is coming home to Tressandra after a long day of helping run the pack. There's lots to do, but some days I don't go into work just because I want to stay at home. I don't get punished for it either, the Alpha understands. Veiler is growing on me.

On my chosen days off I lock myself in my bedroom with my mate, spending hours with her at a time. Most days we make love, but some days we simply lay there together. Sometimes Tressandra falls asleep in the middle of the day. Actually, she does that a lot.

She's always tired now. I don't know what to make of it. Maybe I'm tiring her out with my constant need to touch her. I can't keep my hands off of her, even if I tried. As soon as she gave herself to me, I couldn't stop taking her.

But I've never heard her complain, not once, because I know she loves it just as much as I do. She's always eager to be with me. It pleases me more than it should. Some part of me takes a lot of satisfaction from knowing how much she loves me, and how much she enjoys our relationship.

It's more fulfilling than killing. I've never thought that could happen. Spilling blood has pretty much always been my favorite pastime. My one hobby. But when I'm with my mate, that all fades away. I'm not a monster. I'm not a murderer. I'm not a feral lycan.

I'm Ryk. Her mate, her lover, her protector, her provider. She sees me as something completely different.

I don't deserve it, but I'll gladly take it. I'll do whatever it takes to deserve those sacred titles.

Usually Tressandra is asleep when I come home, even if it is only 7PM, and the sun is still bright. But, she's not in our bed when I find myself back in our home.

The bedroom is void of my heart. I pull the big, white comforter away from the mattress, but she's not there. My breath halts, and confusion leads to fear. I whip around, and my momentary panic is interrupted with my name being called.

My head snaps up.

"Ryk!" She calls again. Her voice doesn't sound scared, but there is an alertness to it that puts me on edge. I'm quick to run to the bathroom. Once the door is open, I see my beautiful mate standing over the sink, tears in her eyes.

Now I'm really freaking out. I bolt to her side, grabbing her and looking her over frantically. As soon as my skin touches hers, I look past the fuzzy warmth of the mate bond to feel that she's shaking like a leaf. Trembling under my fingertips with the heft of her emotion, Tressandra won't look at me. I don't know what the emotion is on her face, but I plan on finding out.

Tears slip from her blue eyes, and I can't help my terror.

"What happened?" I demand, trying to imagine what could possibly be wrong. A million scenarios run through my head, and I don't like a single one of them. I'm assuming terrible things, my mind jumping to conclusions of all the horrible things in the world.

"Something... wonderful." She murmurs, her smile bright, a flashing light in my dark world.

How can it be something wonderful if she's so overwhelmed? She's crying. How is this good? How can her tears be worth anything on this planet? It rips me apart to see her this way.

"But, I'm, I'm uh, a little scared to tell you." Tressandra says, her smile dropping as reluctance crosses her features.

I blank, not knowing what to say in reply to that bit of information. Why would she be afraid to tell me something? Is she afraid.... of me? I hate the thought, want to run from the possibility of it. But I can't pretend like it hasn't crossed my mind over and over.

Of course there's a chance that she would be afraid of me. Everyone else is. I don't mind it so much. But her? I don't want that. I want her to be able to relax around me, feel safe in my presences

I clear my throat, my voice like gravel.

"Your reluctance, it hurts me." I manage through clenched teeth.

My mate is quick to correct herself, much to my relief. I regain some sanity.

"I'm not scared of you, Ryk. I love you, you know that. You could never scare me. I just... don't know if you'll be as happy as I am about the news. That's all." She rubs at her forehead absently. "I don't know how you'll react."

Her rambling only builds up to whatever it is. I'm dying to know, growing impatient. I would never lash out at her, but I gently press her for more.

"It's okay, angel, just tell me. Come on. I will not be angry." I reason, coaxing her. I wonder if she made a mistake and thinks I will snap. I can't imagine that. No matter what she has done, or will do, I will always love her. I could never be harsh with her. She's my angel.

Instead of answering me with words, she simply holds up a plastic stick. I squint at the thing, not knowing what I'm missing. It's long and white, and there are two pink lines at the top. I don't actually know what it is.

I grow impatient.

"Am I supposed to know what that is?" I ask, narrowing my eyes on the thing with no recognition. Tressandra's mouth drops open in shock.

"You've never seen a pregnancy test before?" She wonders, and now it's my turn to go silent with shock. I stand very still, trying to comprehend what she's telling me and failing. Pregnancy?

Tressandra weakly lifts it up again.

"It's positive. I'm pregnant. You're going to be a Dad. Surprise." She murmurs, laying each word out carefully like I'll freak out at her sudden announcement.

I narrow my eyes at her, feeling my heart beating quicker in my chest at the thought. A pup. We're going to have a pup. I can't believe this is real.

I watch Tressandra's face fall, and then she sniffles, dropping her head. I jump forward, grabbing her and crushing her to my chest with as much restraint as I can. I can't be too rough with her now.

Happiness overwhelms me, and I can hardly breathe. But I'm also confused, I will admit. I don't know why my precious mate is so sad.

"What's wrong? What troubles you?" I beg, hoping and praying to the Moon Goddess that nothing is wrong already with her or the baby. I almost choke at the picture. I can't lose her or our unborn pup, I just can't.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I didn't know how you would feel, but it seems like you're not happy. I'm sorry. Please don't be mad." She cries, sobbing into my chest.

I feel relieved. Nothing is the matter at all. I simply brush a hand down Tressandra's golden hair, soothing her. She still has fearful habits from the awful way she was raised by that cruel female. She feels the need to apologize for everything, and always holds guilt over nothing. I hate it, but she is getting better.

"I am not upset. I am very happy, my sweet angel. I was just surprised, but believe me, I am exceptionally pleased." I insist, and Tressandra raises her head to look into my eyes.

"You are?" She wonders, and I nod.

"Yes. And you have nothing to apologize for. Never be sorry over such a miracle. And, if anyone is at fault for the creation of this child, it is me. I'm the one who pounced on you every night for the past month. What did you expect to happen?" I chuckle, my eyes gleaming with pride as I lay my open hand on her very flat stomach.

I imagine our child growing there. I clench my jaw, trying not to get misty eyes and failing. It's setting in more and more. I am going to be a Father, and Tressandra will be a fantastic Mother. I tell her as much.

"You will be such a wonderful Mother. I can't wait to see you and our pup. It is everything I have dreamed of, having you and a family. I'm excited." I say, but my beautiful mate glances away quickly, biting her bottom lip innocently.

It draws my attention to her delicious mouth, and I can't help myself, I kiss her deeply. She pulls away, looking slightly amused and a bit embarrassed.

"How do you know I'll be a good Mom? I don't exactly have an impressive family tree." She murmurs, looking far away. I feel a pinch of annoyance at the reminder of her horrid Mother.

"You are nothing like her, you are everything that she is not." I persist, but she still does not appear convinced. I decide that I will change her mind on the subject.

I grab her, carefully, and carry her into our bedroom so I can lay her down flat on our big bed. I crawl over her like a predator, pinning her under my body weight, but still being gentle. I can't be too careful now. My mate is pregnant, and I must take special care of her.

"You are kind." I kiss her nose.

"You are intelligent." I kiss her behind the ear.

"You are sweet." I grin, kissing her throat.

"And you are the most perfect person I've ever met." I whisper, pressing a final kiss on the place where my mark shines on her shoulder.

Tressandra moans, arching into me, a natural reaction to my attack. I smile, unable to control myself. I kiss up her neck, and she laughs.

"You always know the right things to say. I love you." She tells me, and I take a moment to simply look down at her. I'm filled with so much love that it nearly blinds me. This is my life now, this female is my entire world. I'm ecstatic about it.

I trail a hand down to her womb, imaging it growing there. This child has changed things, brought so much more love and light into my life that I never thought possible. It's all because of her. She's shifted everything. My whole universe has been flipped upside down by one girl.

      She has showed me a different side of myself, a side that I didn't know existed, a side that I like. She's showed me that I don't have to dwell in darkness and violence. She showed me the light.

I finally kiss her lips, savoring the taste. Then, I wrap my arms around her tight, hoping she never slips away.

"I love you too, and I always will."

✄❥ ✄❥ ✄❥ ✄❥ ✄❥ ✄❥ ✄❥ ✄❥ ✄❥ ✄❥

     If you're reading this, you're worth it:)

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! This story is almost over, and I'm so glad I decided to write it! Ryk and Tressandra are one of my favorite couples I've written, and their story is close to my heart.

Don't forget to vote and comment! It's brings me so much joy❤️

See you soon

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