Chapter 5: Promises

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"Bye Clyde," I say as I exit their house.

I smile at Tweek as he walks away in total silence, I grab his shoulder and spin him around to face me.

"Are you Okay?" I ask seeing tears form around his eyes.

"I don't know," He says wiping a tear away.

"Did I do something?" I ask cupping his chin with my hand.

"I saw everything... I saw the way you looked at him, I just... don't want to accept it." Tweek replies looking away from me.

"What can I do to show you that I dont like him, I love you..."

"Walk home Craig, I need time to think." He says sitting in the driver seat of MY car.

He closes the car door and begins to drive away, a small drizzle of rain begins to pour. I shiver as I look at the back of the car as it drifts down the street.

Where is my coat? I think to myself.

"Back inside," I say heading up the small walkway towards the house.

I rudely just enter the house, "I forgot my coat..." I say before being silent staring in confusion at the scene laid out before me.

Token towers over a whimpering Clyde on the ground.

Fear appears on Tokens face as he sees me look from him to Clyde back to him again in quick succession.

"What happened?" I ask hesitantly walking towards them.

"He just tripped," Token says.

Clyde nods in reassurance.

Token reaches out a hand to Clyde, he rejects it and stands on his own. I squint my eyes indicating I don't believe them.

The constant damage done to Clyde's face, the caked on makeup he had and now this, it all makes sense now.

Clyde moves towards me and grabs my arm, he pulls me out of earshot of Token and begins to speak in a slight whisper.

"You will not say a word to anyone," Clyde says with a stern voice.

"What did he do to you?" I interrogate staring at him intently.

"Nothing, he did nothing. So stay out of it." He replies shoving me aggressively against the wall, tears threatening to escape his already bruised eye.

"Let me help you," I plead gripping his shoulder.

"I don't need your help, I need you to leave." He says pointing towards the door, "Promise me Craig that you will say nothing to no one."

I sigh in defeat, "Fine, but promise you will text me if you need help." I say striking a deal.

"Fine, a promise for a promise, Now go." Clyde agrees shaking my hand.

I grab my coat and exit the household, the door closes. I stand on the small porch stating at his door, my thoughts all muddled and all over the place.

I have Tweek to deal with, he looked pissed and now I have Clyde to help.

I step out into the night, the rain pelts me as I slowly make my way home. The undying need to make things right with Tweek keeps me going...

Craig's House

I trog my way to the front door, I reach into my pocket for my keys to find nothing but air.

I sigh and raise my fist to the door, I nearly press it slightly against the wood.

I pull my hand away, I close my eyes and remember what he said... Tweek needs to think so I will give him the time he needs.

I double back and make my way into town, I walk through the streets of South Park. A too familiar sight comes into view as a smile appears.

I push open the door to Skeeters Bar, I sit at the bar and await to be ordered.

"Hello there nephew what can I get for you?" My uncle Skeeter asks.

"Whiskey... on the rocks. Make it a double," I say burying my head in my hands.

"Trouble in paradise?" He asks.

"There cant be trouble in paradise if there was no paradise to begin with," I say gripping the drink, I place twenty dollars on the bar.

"What happened, do you wanna talk about it?" He asks.

"No I really dont, all i want to do is drink it all away and deal with it tomorrow, can you help me with that?"

"You know more than anybody that this is the best place to forget it all," He replies smiling, he pours himself a drink, he hold his out and I hit it slightly with mine creating a slight clink.

I smile as we down our drinks, "Keep them coming," Skeeter says to the bartender as he sits down beside me.

He wraps an arm around me, "Let's have some fun..."

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