Just take me home

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Harry opened his eyes to see a blond girl watching the TV. He'd been dying to get out of his apartment ever since he'd gotten back from the hospital last week but everyone insisted he had to rest. At first he thought he was just imagining Taylor again but as she turned around he realised it was Camille. She must've gotten back from Paris early.

Camille: How are you feeling?
Harry: Fine.
She dropped her purse onto his bed and sat beside him.
Camille: So are you going to tell me what happened?
She asked, running a finger down a scar on his cheek.
Harry: I was going over to Taylor's.
He paused as her eyebrow raised.
Harry: To write our song. And I heard screaming coming from inside.
Camille raised a hand to cover her mouth.
Harry: I didn't know what to do so I broke in and- and when I got there she was-
He took a moment to swallow and gather himself.
Harry: She was on the floor, with her pants down, and her boyfriend was on top of her. Hitting her. And there was broken glass everywhere.
Camille: Oh my gosh babe.
Harry: I tried to get him off her and we got into a fight. Eventually she managed to stab him with one of the broken pieces of glass and I picked her up and ran.
He was about to go on when he noticed Camille was on the verge of tears. Harry lifted her chin up to face him.
Harry: Hey. What's wrong?
Camille: You really like this girl. Don't you?
Harry opened his mouth but nothing came out.
He didn't have it in him to lie anymore.
Camille: Did you ever love me the way you love her?
Her voice was shaking and tears were now falling onto the bedsheets.
Harry: I-
Camille: It's okay.
She whispered, wiping the tears away.
Camille: I get it.
She planted a soft kiss on his cheek and then got up from the bed.
Camille: It's always been her.
She smiled sadly and walked away. Out of his apartment door and probably out of his life.
Harry squirmed with guilt. She hadn't  deserved that.


Andrea: Taylor are you sure about this.
Her mother checked, fluffing up her hair as she was about to go on stage.
Taylor: How many times am I going to tell you. They are the people who keep me moving.
She said, gesturing towards the sound of the crowd screaming.

She stepped onto the lowered platform and it lifted her onto the stage.
Taylor: Well Hello New York!
It felt great to hear the crowd screaming like that again. This was where she belonged.
Two songs in and she was really started to have doubts. Her bones ached and her lungs were burning. It had only been a month since the accident but she'd insisted on performing. Taylor had never cancelled a show in her entire career. A couple broken ribs wasn't going to change that.
Taylor: So now, If it's okay with you, I was thinking we could take a trip down memory lane for a bit?
She smiled mischievously at the crowd as the intro to love story started playing.
She turned back towards the stage as it started to change colour to suit the song, wincing and taking those couple seconds as time to shake off the pain.
Taylor: Just shake it off Taylor.
She joked to herself under her breath.
She was half way through I Knew You Were Trouble when it became unbearable. Her breaths were getting shallower with each note she sung. Her ribs burned and throbbed.
She stopped singing and bent down, pressing her hands into her thighs to try and gather herself.
"For fucks same Taylor, suck it up."
She turned back towards the crowd and carried on singing but shot a glance at one of her dancers, Christian. He nodded understandingly and came running towards her. But he couldn't seem to get there fast enough. Her vision began to blur and the stage started to spin. She stopped singing and reached out towards Christian for support but she only managed to brush his hand and collapsed to the floor.
Gasps echoed around the stadium as her body hit the stage.

The music stopped playing and all her dancers rushed to her.
She flailed her weak arms around looking for her microphone. Finally, a security guard pulled her to her feet and someone handed her the mic.
Taylor: S-Sorry guys.
She managed to mutter before being rushed off stage.

Andrea: Taylor! What happened honey? Tell me you're okay.
All her team was gathered around her, shouting at eachother and fighting about what to do. It was all too much.
Unexplainably, she let go of her mothers hand and sank to the floor. Everyone was too caught up in what to do to pay attention to her.
Everything blurred as she flasbacked to everything that had happened in the past few weeks.
Her seeing Harry walking towards her in the bar.
Joe kissing her.
Harry kissing her.
Performing with Harry.
Sleeping with Harry.
Joe hitting her for the first time.
Sleeping with Harry at the grammy's.
Joe hitting her for the second time.
Waking up at the hospital.
Joe getting rushed away in handcuffs by policemen.
Her management forcing her to drop charges.
Tabloids and paparazzi flooded her mind.
It all felt so real as she remembered it all so clearly.
The blood soaking through her shirt.
The stinging pain in her cheeks and the shattered glass.
The immense weight of Joe's body on top of her's.
His blood stained hands frantically unzipping her jeans and pulling them down.
The feeling of him forcing himself on her.
Inside her.
She couldn't stand it. She'd tried but the memory wouldn't go away. She hadn't told her mom about that part. The only person who knew was Harry.
She longed with every bone in her body too see him. She ached for his presence but she knew she couldn't have it.
After the media uproar that had happened after the accident they'd both been instructed to stay away from each other by management.
It was for the best.

That was when she saw him. Appearing from the shadows and slowly walking towards her. She hadn't seen him in so long.

Harry: Everone leave.
His voiced echoed around the wings backstage and, though they had no reason to, everyone obeyed. Taylor watched them scatter to the sidelines untill it was just the two of them.

Taylor: You shouldn't of come.
She said coldly as he helped her up from the floor.
Haylor: I just came to watch the show. I heard about it and I-I- I just had to see you. He reached out for her hand but she slipped it away and began walking away.
Taylor: Well I don't want to see you.
It killed her to say it but they couldn't do this again. Not with everything as crazy as it was.
Harry: Where are you even going?
She stopped briefly in her tracks to ask herself that same question but then continued moving towards a door she was pretty sure lead to the parking lot.
Taylor: Just leave me alone Harry!
She opened the door to be greeted by a gust of cold wet air. Rain was splattering all over the pavement but she continued anyway.
Out of nowhere her knees started to feel weak and her chest began to burn again. She winced and tried to blink away the tears swelling up in her eyes.
Taylor tried to make her way towards a car to lean on but her knees failed her and she collapsed to the ground.
Fuck. She thought to herself as she banged her fists down into a puddle beside her.
Why did she have to be so pathetic?
She heard the sound of feet pounding against wet pavement and then felt two strong arms lifting her up.
Taylor: Dammit Harry! I don't need you're help! I told you to leave!
She pushed him away but as soon as his support was gone she went falling to the ground.
She began to cry out of anger and started to hit the ground. Rain soaking through her clothes and hair.
He knelt down to her level.
Harry: I think it's pretty clear you do.
He said picking her up once again.
She clung on to him desperately, begging her body to stay stable.
She bit her lip to stop herself from crying and lifted her gaze to meet his. Fear flashed through her eyes. She felt so helpless. So scared.
Harry: Let me help you. Why are you pushing me away?
Taylor turned away to break eye contact. She couldn't look at him without wanting to melt in his arms.
Taylor: When I'm with you it feels like it's happening all over again. I can't see you without thinking of it, of him. It just all comes back and it's so real I just-
She paused as she tried not to cry.
He pulled her into his chest and wrapped his arms around her. He felt warm and strong like he was protecting her from everything that had happened.
Harry: You knew me long before you knew him. Before everything this is what you knew.
He pressed her deeper into his chest.
Harry: This is what you used to feel. To know.
Doesn't it just feel right? Push the memories of him away and just remember this. What we were like before.
Taylor: If only it was that easy.
She whispered into his chest. She wanted to stay there forever. For it just to them two together and him to shelter her from the rest of her life. From all of the chaos going on around her.
He pushed her back and lifter her face to meet his.
Harry: It could be.
Taylor looked at him with tears in her eyes. There was no way they could be together
Harry: Run away with me.
She laughed in disbelief. There was no way.
Harry: I broke up with Camille.
Her heart stopped for a second.
Harry: She knew, everyone knew it was you. It was always supposed to be me and you.
Taylor broke away from him. Strength somehow regained in her body.
Taylor: Harry, you know we'd never work.
She began to turn away but he reached out to grab her hand.
Harry: You never gave us a chance!
Taylor: Give you a chance! Do you remember last time!
She dropped his hand and backed away in anger. Was he seriously suggesting it was her fault they'd broken up after he cheated on her?
Harry: Of course I do! I regret it everyday!
They were both crying and shouting now.
Taylor: If we couldn't work then. How the hell are we supposed to work now!
He opened his mouth to speak but she cut him off.
Taylor: This whole thing started again with us cheating. How could I trust you? It took me years. YEARS! To get over you Harry and I'm not about to get broken again.
He grabbed her by her shoulders and pulled her towards him.
Harry: I know. I know Taylor and I'm sorry. But I promise you I'll never hurt you again.
Taylor: I've heard that before.
She forced herself out of his arms and away from him.
Harry: Taylor-
Taylor: Why should I believe a word that comes out of you're mouth! How do I know you won't just-
Harry: Because I-
Taylor: Give me one good reason!
Harry: Because I fucking love you Taylor Swift. There I said it. I love you and I'm not going to let you leave my life again.
She froze. There he was. Standing there shaking in the rain. Wet hair hanging in curtains infront of his bruised face. Bruises he got fighting for her. Protecting her.
She knew she loved him too. She'd always loved him. All she wanted to do was run into his arms and runaway with him but she couldn't. There would always be something holding her back.
Harry: Please.
She watched a tear roll down his cheek. Seeing him helpless like that. Something changed. Suddenly none of it mattered. She didn't care about what people would say. About what would happen to Joe. She cared about him. And he was all she wanted. She couldn't explain in but something about the two of them together just felt right. She could feel it inside her. And with that she ran towards him. Grabbed his wet hair and kissed him. Kissed him like she'd always dreamed of. Even after they'd broken up. Even after years of not seeing him. It was always him who would show up in her dreams. Who she'd pine for secretly. And now he was here. His arms twisting around her as he lifted her up from the ground. She wrapped her legs around him and pulled away from the kiss to look at him. Resting her forehead on his.
Taylor: I love you too Harry Styles.

(Hey guys! That's the end of this story. This was my first ever whattpad story so thank you so much for reading it! If you want more Haylor you can check out the new story I'm just writing called Wonderland;)

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