It was enchanting to meet you

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Taylor: Joe I told you I have to do this tour.

Joe: So you've said.

Taylor: I know it's a long time but you can always come visit me.

Joe: I have a career too you know. I can't just drop everything to catch a plane half way across the world every couple days.

Taylor: That's not what I was saying-

Joe: - I may not be Taylor Swift but that doesn't mean my work doesn't matter.

Taylor froze. This argument had turned into something she didn't know how to solve. She opened her mouth to say something but how was she supposed to reply to that.

Joe: You know what it's fine I was just leaving.

Taylor: Joe wait!
Taylor reached for his hand but he slipped it away.
She panicked, they'd never had a fight like this before.
Her Mom had warned her it would be hard to date someone not as successful as her but Taylor didn't see the problem. She claimed they'd always be jealous. Even if they tried to hide it.
Taylor knew her mom wasn't lying but she didn't like to think that way. It seemed shallow to only date guys who were as famous as her and it hadn't worked out well in the past. Besides, Joe wasn't like that.
At least not normally.

Taylor: C'mon Joe don't leave like this.

She said pleadingly, he was being unreasonable but she really didn't want to have a fight.
Joe stopped in his tracks and turned back to Taylor, quickly kissing her head.

Joe: I'll see you back at the house k?
He said softly this time
She didn't want him to go while things were still tense but it was late and she could see he
was tired.
Taylor: K bye. Love you.
She watched as he slowly left the bar then turned back around towards the bar tender.
Taylor: Another Old Fashioned please.

Taylor: another old fashioned please.

Harry stopped. He could recognise that voice anywhere.

Jake: Dude. You were saying?
Harry: um yeah so I always try to mix up the hair.
He said trying to get back to his conversation. It couldn't of been her anyway.
He got a laugh from his friends but it was all a blur to him.
The only thing he could think about was that voice.
Finally he managed to break away from his friends and turned towards the bar.
Harry was struck by a brief moment of panick.
There she was.

Harry: Taylor.

He muttered under his breath. He'd missed being able to say her name.
It seemed like years passed of him just standing there staring until the bar tender caught his eye.
Bartender: whispers something to Taylor.
(Points in Harry's direction)

Her wavy blond hair swung over her shoulder neatly as she swirled round on her chair.
She searched the room for someone until her eyes locked on Harry.
Her cold blue eyes met his and the world stopped.
Or at least for Harry.
The feeling felt oddly fimiliar as he gazed at her nostalgically.
Why'd he ever give this up?
Finally she broke the silence.

Taylor: Its rude to stare you know?
Harry smirked and walked over to her. But didn't say anything.
Taylor: I would expect better from a true English gentleman.
Harry: I thought you would of had your fair share of English gentleman already.
Taylor glanced down embarrassed as she thought of Tom and Joe.
Harry hadn't seemed like the type to keep up with all the celeb gossip but she guessed she was wrong.
She was often wrong about people.
Harry: I was just being considerate.
He said jokingly, trying to make Taylor feel better.
Harry: Thought you might enjoy a good ass now and then. Screw gentlemen.
They both laughed.
She'd forgotten how witty Harry was.
Taylor: You're right you'd play the part perfectly.
He rolled his eyes and took the seat next to her.
She was taken aback by his familiar smell.
Harry: Shut up and let me buy you a drink.

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