177 Days Before

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Check out my new Treacherous-inspired story Beneath the Skyline! Vote, comment, and share :) (2017)

tweet about treacherous using the tag 'treacherous update/ fanfic' ! I like rting stuff about it lol.

Say hi to lucifer ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶

:: 42 :: SAT, August 23, 2014

CAREFULLY closing the door, I flinched as I heard it creak. It was one in the morning and definitely past my bedtime and the non-existent curfew I had.

I took a quick look around and only saw darkness and heard nothing but my heavy breathing - it was a good sign. It meant that I was alone.

Slowly, I crept my way upstairs and into my room.

Not even has the thought of changing and nibbling a couple of crackers crept my mind, I went straight to bed. Almost attacking the sheets, something or someone shook violently underneath. I jumped back up on my feet and scratched my eyes at the sight of Ashton sitting up on my bed.

"What are you doing in my room, Ashton?" I groaned, scratching my head.

He didn't get up, he patted the empty space beside him. Concern was written all over his face.

"It's past midnight, I'm really tired. Can we talk about whatever this is tomorrow?" I said, collapsing beside him. I shook my sandals off and pulled the sheets over me.

"That's the point, it is past midnight. Why are you only home now?" He grunted, his eyebrows furrowing.

I wanted to tell him I was in the hospital with Luke but I didn't want to alarm him. It would lead to too much interrogations. However, I hated lying to people at the same time - to Ashton especially. He's my brother and I've told him everything ever since I learned how to speak. I couldn't keep it from him. Besides, I'd be a hypocrite if I keep this secret after claiming I hated when people do that.

I took a deep breath, my eyes bloodshot. Too soon to realize, I fell in Ashton's arms. By instinct, he started rubbing my back.

"I'm going to tell you something, okay?" I started off.

He nodded his head.

Sighing, I finally said, "I've been going to the hospital every day this week."

"Oh no, you're not . . . " He almost whispered.

"What? No, Ashton! I'm not pregnant or anything." I exclaimed nervously.

He pretended to wipe beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

I twisted my head and said to myself softly, "But I'd much rather tell you I'm pregnant than tell you about Luke's condition."

"What'd you say?" He asked. I buried my head in the small of his shoulder and felt the tears rolling down my face.

"Luke is sick." I finally blurted.

He grabbed me by my arms and pushed me far enough so he could look at me in the eyes. His hazel eyes looked darker as he replied hoarsely, "Is he okay? Will he get better?"

"That's the thing, I don't know if he'll even get better." I answered, rolling my hands into fists. "He has c-cancer, Ash."

As if a big weight was lifted from my chest as I said this but another quickly replaced it when I saw the trembling fear and sadness in Ashton's eyes. He blinked and a tear escaped. A single tear was all it took for this night sky to even get darker.

He cleared his throat and asked, "How is he?"

"He's being discharged from the hospital on Monday." I answered but it appeared my response wasn't exactly what he was looking for.

"No, I mean the cancer . . . How bad is it?" Ashton tried to look away so I couldn't see his eyes red and bloated.

I reached for his chin and made him look at me in the eye. "Hey, it's okay."

"Jay, tell me. How bad is it?" He repeated through gritted teeth.

I looked down at the butterfly locket Luke had given me and gingerly replied, "Stage three - but what I know is he still has a chance to get better so it's not that bad. In fact, he's flying to North Carolina on September 2 to meet his doctor and probably for an surgery. I'm not really sure. I don't like paying much attention on the medical stuff because they just make it sound like Luke's dying."

"But he is, little sister." Ashton whispered, thinking I wouldn't hear but I did. I hugged him and held onto him like the first time I scraped my knee riding a bike, like the time when I dumped ice cream on Jasper's head, like the time I failed my biology exam, like the time after my father's accident.

"I need you more than ever, Ash. Don't bail on me now." I stuttered to say, tightening my hold around his neck.

Ashton hummed to the tune of The Killers and rubbed my back as he said, "I will never bail on you. You're my little sister."


"Tell me where we're going first." I demanded to know, sitting up straight on my seat. Ashton was driving. I practically woke up in his car since he made me get ready at seven in the morning, telling me we're going on a little adventure.

"I want to visit Luke at the hospital. Now just tell me what's his favorite movie. I get free movies and tapes at the record store I work at." He told me.

"You'll laugh. I'll just pick it out when we get there." I said as I felt my ears warm up.

"No, tell me. I get the free stuff, not you. Is it something girly? I promise I won't laugh." Ashton told me but he was already laughing his socks off. I can't trust this man child anymore.

"It's Mean Girls, okay?" I muttered swiftly.

Like I thought, he laughed.

"You're kidding me! You hate that movie." Ashton started giggling.

"I do but apparently he loves it. What can I do? If you love someone, you're going to have to accept him and all of his flaws." I chirped, tilting my head.

We arrived at the record store and Ashton let me walk in first like the nice gentleman he is. He greeted the girl behind the desk who in return smiled at us, wider even when she saw me.

"Welcome to Zoom's Record Store. How can I-Oh my, Jay! Is that you?" The brunette behind the desk shrieked, making her way in front to pull me into a big hug.

"Sam? Is everything okay? I heard you screaming." Another girl who looked to be also Ashton's age popped out of the door behind the desk, carrying a stack of DVDs. "Oh hey, Ashton." She greeted, tucking a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear.

"Hey, Louisa. This is Jay, my little sister." Ashton said, putting a hand on my shoulder.

Sam stepped aside for me to shake Louisa's hand.

"Let me help you with that, Louisa." Ashton said, shuffling to gather the stack she was just holding. Louisa tried arguing but Ashton insisted.

"It was nice meeting you, Jay. I'll be right back." She smiled then followed Ashton back in the room behind the counter.

Sam tapped my back and leaned in my ear to whisper, "Louisa's only been here for a month and she's developed the hugest crush on Ashton."

A shiver sent through my spine as I snorted, "Who would even date that loser?"

Sam's eyes widened, "I did!"

I missed Sam so much. She was Ashton's girlfriend for almost two years. They started dating when they were freshmen in college. They broke up around mid semester of the second year just because they felt better off as friends. I cried more than Ashton did. It was a weird memory.

"So what brings you here, Jay?" She put an arm around my shoulders as we started walking around the store.

I traced my fingers on the rows of disc boxes and said, "I'm looking to buy some movies."

"Honey, this is a record store. There's a DVD rent store next door if you're interested." Sam laughed.

I shook my head, "I know but Ashton gets free stuff here."

"Alright then, I must warn you we don't have lots here but if you're looking for some good Bon Jovi records, we got them." Sam told me, leading me to the small section of DVDs.

I immediately dragged my attention to the 'M' row and pulled out 'Mean Girls'.

"Is that for your friend, Dylan, or something?" Sam asked over my shoulders.

Tucking a strand behind my ear, I let out a quiet snicker. "No, it's for my boyfriend."

"Don't tell me it's his pick." Sam blurted. I laughed and broke it to her as much as I hated to.

"He's a big dork." I said. My eyes travelled to the 'D' row and pulled out a Divergent DVD. "He has a huge crush on Divergent Girl over here too."

We shared a couple more laughs until Ashton and Louisa finally walked out of the room. They looked like they were enjoying themselves and that made me feel all fuzzy inside as much as I hated to admit it.

"Isn't Ash dating that photographer, Cami?" I whispered to Sam's ear. We were at the counter now, checking out the DVDs.

"He was. I don't really know what happened, to be honest." Sam replied, entering Ashton's ID pin on the computer then sliding the tapes in a bag.

"Jay, you all set?" Ashton called out. He was standing pretty close to Louisa.

"Yes, thank you again. You good over there, Louisa?" I teased, noticing she was as pink as a peach. She simply nodded her head.

٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ ((Ermergerd ä$h10))

We said our quick goodbyes and left the store, got on Ashton's car and drove to the hospital.

"Louisa is nice." I said, Ashton stopping at a red light.

Ashton let out a chuckle and agreed with me. He said, "Sam keeps telling me Louisa likes me but I just think she's sweet to everyone."

"You idiot. She's totally crushing on you." I cocked my eyebrow, nudging him a bit.

"We're just friends." He told me. I just smiled sadly at him, knowing exactly what he meant by that. After all, I used to say the same thing about Luke.

I hope if the time is right and the situation is coping, Louisa and Ashton would end up together. Maybe they could have a better story with a better ending. Who knows?

For the past days, I managed to be strong and handle whatever is at hand maturely and rationally. Although the thought of losing Luke had crept in my trail of thoughts a handful of times, I had simply shaken it off and decided to enjoy and make the most of what I have with him now.

I have a week with him left before he leaves for North Carolina, more or less. The scary part about it is the fact I don't know whether or not I'll see him again after that.

"Earth to Jay," Ashton snapped. I shook my head. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, Ash. I am." I answered, forcing a smile.

"Hey, aren't you still seeing that psychiatrist, Dr. Harolds?" He asked me, making a quick u-turn.

I shook my head, "Noah told Mom I didn't need our sessions anymore."

Yesterday was the last time I saw Noah and had to sit through two hours in that too organized room. I'd be lying if I said I won't miss her and that room though. She helped me so much but it was for the best. I had to let go of a lot of things in hopes of focusing on the present and future but I won't forget.

"You've been zoning out a lot, Jay. I'm getting worried." Ashton said, eyeing me from the corner.

I forced a smile and replied, "You've got nothing to worry about."

Oh big brother, you seriously have nothing to worry about but I unfortunately do.


"Knock, knock." I chirped, entering Luke's opened room. He put his phone down and smiled when he saw me, even wider when he saw Ashton. I thought he would be upset that I told about him but he didn't seem to be. That's good.

"Hey, baby girl. I thought you were Mom for a second. I almost threw my phone away." He sounded weak but his tone was glee. It made me glad to hear he's coping.

I walked over to him, dropped the bag of DVDs on his stomach and leaned in to peck his lips.

"Ashton, buddy." Luke immediately greeted, sitting up to shake Ashton's hand but Ashton pulled him into an embrace.

"I haven't seen you in forever, man. Jay told us you're in North Carolina, the little fucker." Ashton managed to joke.

"That's another dollar in the swear jar, Mr. Irwin." I crossed my arms, sitting on the other side of the bed.

Ashton defended and bickered, "I just hooked you up with free DVDs so you shouldn't be talking, Ms. Irwin."

"You know, sometimes I forget you two are related but then I remember you both can't shut up - I mean that in the best way possible." Luke cut in. He reached for the bag and started rummaging through it.

A smile crept on his lips as joy filled his eyes. "You got me two of my favorite movies. Thanks, you guys but how can we watch these? We don't have a DVD player."

Ashton slapped his forehead and sighed, "Damn it, we forgot about that. I'm going to go ask around if they have a spare one we can borrow. Maybe I can find a nurse to charm. Oh and make sure you calm your hormones until I get back. I don't want to walk in something again." He got up and walked out.

"Ashton knows?" Luke asked as soon as Ashton left.

I intertwined my fingers with his, being careful to not move the needle in his vein in any way.

"I'm sorry." I said. He raised our hands to his lips and kissed the back of mine.

"It's okay. I don't want you lying to people, anyway. You can tell your Mom, Calum or Dylan if you want. It gets pretty lonely here so I wouldn't mind the visitors. I'm starting to get sick of just seeing yours, Mom's, Michael's, my nurse's and doctor's face everyday." He said, smiling. He licked his chapped and pale lips, making his lip ring pop.

"Michael has been visiting, yeah?" I asked, recalling our not-so-pleasant last encounter. I forgot about our plan, his plan. There's no way I'm letting him pull through it. I've had enough people getting hurt, I don't need more.

Luke started spinning one of the DVD disc with his other hand's fingers. He said, "Almost everyday, actually. He usually visits an hour or two after you do. I'm surprise you two never bump into each other."

"Me too, it's as if he doesn't want to actually." I said, tightening my clasp on Luke's hand.

He stopped spinning the disc and asked me, "You're not mad at him, are you? About what happened at Prom and with your Dad? I don't know, it's a stupid question because you actually do have the right to be, just at me and not him."

I smiled sadly at Luke, "Of course not, we talked it out already. I've forgiven you two. It was an accident and we said we'll forget about it, right? He might have forgotten. Remind him the next time you see him."

"Jay, you know I'm leaving for North Carolina soon right?" His voice faded. "What happens to us?"

"Whatever will happen to us, I only know for sure is that we'll be okay. You will be okay." I assured him, squeezing his hand.

"I sure hope so." He replied. Slowly, his eyes closed and I knew he was tired. I almost wanted to tell him we can watch the movies another time but his eyes fluttered open when Ashton knocked on the door.

"A nice nurse had one we can borrow! So what movie will be first?" Ashton announced. He walked over to the flat screen plastered against the wall and began working with the wires.

"Let's watch Mean Girls first because I know how much Jay hates it." Luke said, extending his arm out with the disc he was spinning to give it to Ashton.

"I just want to let you know that I'm only watching this chick flic for you, Lucifer Hemingway." Ashton taunted, pointing the disc at Luke's face, poking his nose.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm not fancying that new nickname though, Ash." Luke said, chuckling.

Ashton slid the disc in the player and plopped himself on the couch next to Luke's bed. He waved his hand, "It's too bad you're stuck with it forever."

Ashton laughed. Luke laughed and so did I. We all laughed like everything was doing fine but I knew better that these moments won't last forever.

(A/N): it's been a week, I'm sorry :( told you updates would slow down as school starts :(

Just an fyi: I start on September 4th so yeah.

This was boring, I'm sorry. the next one will be better and I'll make sure you won't have to wait another week! I'll try to update lots before school starts.

For now, check out Last Thursday if you want :) ((that's the next story I'll be working on)).

Question of the day: What's your tumblr urls?

I don't have friends lol. Mine is hxmmings-1996 !!

-Sofia the bestest

Follow me here and talk to me on twitter @lukeanillusion! tweet about treacherous using the tag 'treacherous update/ fanfic' ! I like rting stuff about it lol.

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