chapter 25

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The morning came after a long night for Dean and Cas. They woke up when the sun started shining into their window.

At first Dean woke up and he groaned and stretched, only remembering that Cas was sleeping in his arms when Cas started to stretch as well. When Dean woke up, he was greeted with Cas's blue eyes staring at him with adoration.

"Good morning, baby," Dean said. Cas kissed his lips sleepily. "I had fun last night." Dean said between Cas's tired kisses.

Cas just smiled and kept kissing his boyfriend. His wonderful, sweet, amazing boyfriend.

"Where's all this affection coming from?" Dean said, having to pull back from Cas's insistent kisses.

Cas's heart dropped. "I'm so sorry, am I too much? Oh god I screwed up... I'm so sorry." Cas turned away.

"Oh, baby, no." Dean said, pulling Cas back to face him. "I'm not upset. I love getting this much affection, believe me I love it so much. I'm just wondering how you're so affectionate all of a sudden."

"I don't know, I just like that I have someone like you and I never want to stop kissing you." Cas said. "I could do it forever."

Dean sat up in the bed and Cas sat with him, facing each other. Dean grabbed Cas's hips and pulled Cas onto his lap.

"Oh!" Cas said, a little surprised by the movement. "Oh."

Dean put his hands on Cas's bare lower back. Cas went down to kiss Dean and Dean gladly accepted, holding Cas even closer and tighter. Cas wound his hands in Dean's hair.

The pair stayed like that until they couldn't any longer.

Dean got up slowly as Cas was still trying to keep Dean in bed.

"Baby, we gotta go somewhere. We gotta go get food." Dean said.

"Yeah, okay." Cas said, finally letting Dean leave the bed. Dean got up and put his shirt back on from where it had fallen on the floor. He touched his neck, ensuring that the blue necklace was still there. When Cas saw that motion, he did the same to his green necklace.

Both boys got dressed and ready for their day out. Dean decided that today they would go to a local grocery store to pick up some food so that they could live on the road for a while. When Cas was ready he went out to the Impala where Dean was already standing.

"Is my baby ready to go?" Dean asked.

"Yeah sorry it took so long-" Cas replied.

"I meant the car, Cas." Dean said. Cas gave him a confused expression. "I'm kidding!"

Dean walked to Cas and gave him a quick kiss before opening the passenger side door for him. Cas took a seat and Dean shut the door and went over to the drivers side. He started the car and pulled out of the motel.

Dean found signs that led him to a small but adequate grocery store in the town. He parked the car in the front of the store and locked the doors. "Just in case."

Dean and Cas walked into the grocery store and grabbed a cart. They walked around for a while, grabbing things that they figure they'd need on the road. Cas would grab a six pack of his favorite soda, and Dean would grab a bag of his favorite chips. They opted for some healthy options, too. Dean learned that Cas's favorite fruit was apples, so Dean grabbed a big bag of them to share on the road.

The store was eerily empty. Dean figured it was just because it was early on a weekday, and everyone was either at work or still asleep. But since the store was empty, it allowed Dean and Cas to hear everything that was going on.

While the boys were in the coffee aisle, they could hear two employees gossiping in the next aisle over.

"Do you remember hearing about that one boy from Kansas on the news?" One employee said.

"Yeah, of course." The other employee replied. Dean looked worringly at Cas, and both of them slowed their breathing so they would better hear the employees talking.

"Well, apparently he's here in Boise." The first employee said.

"Why would some kid want to come to Boise? It's like the most boring place on the planet." The other employee responded.

"I think Kansas would qualify as more boring, Chad." The first employee said.

"True, true." The employee named Chad said. "Are the police any closer to finding him?"

"I mean they found out what hotel he stayed at last night, and they figured out what car he's been driving. An Impala, they said." The first employee said.

Cas looked at Dean. There were tears in his eyes. Dean looked scared, more scared than Cas could have ever imagined him to be.

All of a sudden, there was an announcement over the speakers of the grocery store.

"Could the owner of the black 1967 Chevy Impala please come to the front? The police need to see your ID and registration."

Dean looked Cas directly in the eye. "We need to leave. Now."

Cas nodded, and the boys abandoned the cart in the middle of the aisle.

Dean led the way, running through the entire store trying to find some way, any way, out of this store rather than the front entrance. Dean looked through aisle after aisle, finding nothing.

Dean was about to run down an aisle that seemed to show a back exit through the meat department, but he saw a cop at the end of the aisle. The cop shouted "Dean Winchester!", so Dean decided to run in the other direction.

"Dean!" Cas said, pointing towards two doors behind the bakery section. "This has to lead out!"

Dean nodded, taking Cas by the hand and pushing through the doors. It was the stock room. There were hundreds of pallettes filled with food. The room was cold, and it was a little scarily dark. Cas and Dean found some pallettes sitting near the doors and pushed them in front of the doors so no cops could follow them in.

Dean found a source of light in the back of the room and walked towards it, but then he saw cops standing outside the door. The cops couldn't get in, it must have been locked from the inside. Dean saw another light, this time to the side of the room. Another door! There were no cops standing outside that door.

But Dean made another decision.

"Cas!" Dean said, grabbing his boyfriend's hands. They were facing each other.

"Come on, Dean. We can make it out that side door-" Cas tried to pull Dean to the door, but Dean stayed standing still.

"No." Dean said, tears forming in his eyes.

"What? No, Dean, come on! We can go, we can make it!" Cas said, his heart pounding in his chest.

"They'll still be coming after me." Dean said. "The cops won't stop looking for me. They know which car I'm in. As long as they don't have me they'll keep looking."

"They'll stop eventually!" Cas said, tearing up as well.

"But how long will it take? Weeks? Months? Years??" Dean said, tears sliding down his cheeks. "I don't want to make you go through that."

"I will, I promise I will, Dean."

"No, Cas. I can't make you go through that."

"Please, Dean." Cas said, sobs strangling his words. "I can't leave you. I can't."

"You have to, baby." Dean said. He let go of Cas's hands for a moment to rummage in his pockets. Dean grabbed his wallet and the keys to the car and shoved them in Cas's hands. "Here, take these."

"What? Dean-"

"There's a couple hundred dollars there. It should hold you over for a while. And take the car. You need her more than I do."

"Dean, please no." Cas said, his voice sounding weak.

Dean swallowed hard. "I'm turning eighteen in five months. The second I do I'll leave home and come find you. My dad can't follow me then. I promise I'll find you."

"Dean-" Cas said.

"This is the only way. I don't like it either. But it is." Dean said, his face shining with tears. "I'll go out the back door and get caught. Go out that side door and get to the front. Once you see there are no cops out there, take the car and get out of here as fast as possible. They won't follow you."

"I can't-"

"Yes you can. You can do this, baby, I know it. And whenever you feel lonely, or when you miss me, hold onto this necklace." Dean said, pointing at the green necklace hanging off of Cas's neck. "I promise that I'll come back and find you. That necklace is my promise."

"I promise I'll be waiting for you." Cas said. "And that necklace you're wearing," Cas pointed to the identical blue necklace Dean was wearing, "is my promise."

Dean pulled Cas in for a kiss. It was as long as they could have made it.

Dean pulled away first. As he was walking to the door where the cops were waiting, he said something he was dying to say for a long time. "I love you, Cas. I promise I'll find you."

Cas stayed standing in the exact same place. "I love you too, Dean."

Dean gave one last look to Cas before opening the door.

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