chapter 21

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Dean woke up early. Cas was still sleeping peacefully next to him, so Dean carefully slid out of the bed and walked over to the bathroom. He brushed his teeth and showered, and when we walked back out he saw Cas standing up.

"'Morning." Dean said. Cas just grunted in reply. "What, are you not happy to see me?"

"I'm not happy to see you at 5 in the morning." Cas said. "It's way too early to be awake."

"Well, if we're going to escape from the cops, we're going to have to have some early mornings and some late nights. You can sleep in the car though, if you'd like." Dean said.

Cas just grunted again and trudged into the bathroom.

In a few minutes, Cas was out, looking exactly the same but smelling nicer. "That's the first shower I've taken since we stopped at that town in Colorado."

"Where we got these?" Dean said, tugging on his blue necklace.

Cas touched his matching green necklace. "Yeah. That place."

"C'mon, let's go get breakfast. I saw a great place just a mile away when we were driving in."

Cas and Dean checked out of the hotel room and got in the freshly stolen Impala. They got gas before they went to breakfast and then they stopped at a tiny diner that was almost completely empty.

Dean and Cas walked in and a little bell on the door rang. A middle aged woman with graying hair came over to them, handing them menus and sitting them down across from each other at a booth. They both flipped open the menus.

"What do you think you'll get, Dean?" Cas asked.

"I don't know, this thing called Pig in a Poke looks pretty good." Dean said. "On the other hand, maybe not."

"I think I'll get pancakes. I love pancakes." Cas said.

When the same woman came over to take their order, both Cas and Dean ordered pancakes. Cas ordered plain pancakes and Dean ordered chocolate chip pancakes, agreeing to share. Both boys spent the time waiting for their pancakes talking, not bringing up what they had discussed last night.

The pancakes arrived and Dean put half of his stack of warm, fluffy, chocolatey pancakes on Cas's plate and Cas put half of his plain but still warm, fluffy, and delicious pancakes on Dean's plate.

They ate in silence, as both of them were famished. Both stacks of mismatched pancakes were gone in a matter of minutes. Dean wanted to take a little bit longer before he started to drive so he suggested that Cas and him order coffee and hang out in the booth for just a couple more minutes.

Before they knew it, 30 minutes passed. They were both slumped in opposite sides of the booth, feet up next to each other.

Dean laughed. "So you're saying that your brother... Gab-reel-"

"Gadreel." Cas corrected.

"Gadreel, my bad, he got expelled from middle school by letting all of the frogs out of their cages?" Dean said.

Cas smiled. "Yes, they got everywhere and he was expelled immediately."

"How many frogs was it?" Dean asked.

"I'm not sure, but I've heard over 100." Cas said.

"Wow!" Dean said. "That dude has some nerve."

"You have no idea how much trouble he got in with Dad. My dad grounded him indefinitely." Cas said.

Cas kept talking, but Dean's focus was somewhere else. He was watching two women, who were sitting near the door of the diner. They were whispering hushedly. One of the women kept making glances towards the booth were Dean and Cas were sitting, and the other was on the phone. When Dean heard the wail of police sirens in the distance, he finally understood what was happening.

Cas was still talking, and Dean interrupted him. "Cas, stop talking."

"What? Why?" Cas asked.

"I think we've been recognized." Dean said.

"Wait, what?" Cas said. "Like... here? From the news?"

Dean nodded. The sirens kept getting louder. "We have to go. Now." Dean slapped thirty dollars on the table - enough to cover breakfast - and got up out of the booth. Cas got up as well.

Dean kept glancing out the window. He had to think of something. The Impala was parked out front, but that's likely where the cops would pull up. "Cas, do you know how to drive a car?" Dean asked.

"Yeah, but I'm no good at it and I don't have my license." Cas said.

"That's enough for me." Dean said. He grabbed the car key from his pocket and pushed it into Cas's hand. "Go out front and start the car. Drive it around to the back, then get out but keep the car running. Sit in the passenger seat and I'll be there in a second."


"You won't get caught. They don't know we're driving an Impala. Just go. Now." Dean ordered.

Cas gave Dean an apprehensive look and then ran out the door and into the Impala. Dean looked around and found the door to the kitchen. He walked as quickly as he could to the kitchen door, right as he saw the cops pull up in front of the building. Dean opened the door to the kitchen. It was mostly empty, except for two younger chefs.

"Hey!" One of the chefs said. "You're not supposed to be in here!"

"I'll be gone in a second, just please tell me where your back door is." Dean said.

"I can tell you where the front door is!" The chef replied.

"Please!" Dean yelled. He had never felt so desperate in his life.

The chef sighed and pointed to a small hallway behind the kitchen. "It's down there. Just don't come back."

"Promise." Dean said, sprinting down the hallway. He opened the door at the end of the hallway to find Cas and the Impala, doing exactly what he said. "Hallelujah." Dean muttered to himself, sliding into the driver's seat.

"What now?" Cas asked.

"We make a speedy getaway." Dean said, plunging the car into drive and speeding down the road. He was breaking the speed limit by about 30 miles an hour but he didn't care, as a speedy getaway means speedy. He merged onto the main road and followed the road signs until he got to the major interstate and started heading north again.

Once the car was cruising safely on the highway, Cas finally spoke again. "Wow, I think I've been holding my breath since the diner."

Dean laughed. "Yeah, that was scary. But I can't promise you that won't be the only terrifying and daring escape we'll have to make."

"I never expected it to be."


what's up guys? sorry for not updating for like... a month and a half. whoops. in my defense i was very stressy and depressy.

but this book is gonna get real good real fast (if it hasn't gotten good yet) so stay tuned!

-theo :)

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