Cas woke up around 4 pm to see Dean sitting back in his individual seat, looking very worried. Dean heard Cas shift around in his seat, so Dean wiped the distressed expression off his face and turned to Cas.
"Hey, buddy, how'd you sleep?" Dean asked.
"Uh, pretty good actually." Cas replied. "I noticed that you were looking very worried over there. What's happening?"
"Uh... nothing." Dean said, rubbing his hands together. "I'm not worried."
"Yes you are, Dean." Cas said. God, Dean loves the way Cas says his name. "What's wrong?"
Dean sighed. "Fine, fine. Something happened with my brother. I'll talk to you about it in the hotel tonight."
"Hotel?" Cas said to himself. "What hotel?"
Dean must have sensed Castiel's confusion. "You know, since we're stopping at a town tonight at five for the night."
Oh right! That hotel! "Yeah, of course! We can talk at the hotel." Cas said, feeling stupid that he had forgotten all about the night he had been thinking about all day. "So where do you think we'll get off?"
"Looks like there's going to be a stop at a small town in Colorado in about 30 minutes." Dean said, looking at the train's schedule. "Sound good?"
"Sounds great!" Cas says, and Dean smiles back at him.
Thirty minutes later, Cas and Dean gather up their possessions and head off the train. The station is smaller than the one that was in Lawrence. But then again, it is a small town Dean supposed.
Cas had a surprisingly large amount of items, so Dean made it his mission to find them a hotel room.
"So here's what we're looking for." Dean said, showing Cas the tourist guide of the town he grabbed from the station. "Somewhere that's kind of in the center of everything, because we don't want to have to walk too far for anything. Something low budget, since our lack of funds, but also something semi decent because nasty hotel rooms are... well... nasty. It would be nice if it was a hotel with less services though, because then less people are likely to stay there and we're more likely to get a room without a reservation. Got it?"
"I got enough of that." Cas said. "How do you know so much about hotels?"
"I've stayed in a ton of them, but I don't think now's the time to bring out all that. Look for hotels."
Dean and Castiel's eyes scanned the document over and over again. They were hunters, searching for a specific place in the midst of a sea full of flashy advertising.
"Got something!" Cas said, his finger flying to a name on the paper. "The Motel 55. It's on Main street, and since it says Main then it's likely the center of everything. It got 3.8 stars, which isn't great but it isn't too bad either. There's no breakfast or room service, and no pool or laundry room or any of that."
Dean's eyes searched over the information for just a moment longer. "Cas!" Dean said excitedly, clamping his hand on Castiel's shoulder. "You found the night's hotel."
"Woo!" Cas said, trying not to get too flustered over Dean's warm hand on his shoulder.
"Let's get to walking, then." Dean said, removing his hand and getting up. Cas got up and they began walking towards Main street.
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