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No ones pov:

Sanemi hung his head low not wanting Giyu to see his flushed face. "Hey uh Shinzugawa when are they gonna open the box" "I DON'T KNOW! " Sanemi snapped.


Giyu slept against Sanemi chest, Sanemi can't help to notice how cute Giyu was

Sanemi's mind:"Damn didn't know this nerd was cute- wait what no I am straight(or are u😏) "

Sanemi wrapped his muscular hands around Giyu's thin waist, he remembers how Giyu touched his 🍆 it felt great....... Sanemi couldn't help but think about how Giyu would look naked(that's lowkey gay)

Let tImEsKiP

They both were awake but Shinobu haven't opened the box yet but Giyu's phone was not with him. "Um Shinzugawa do u have ur phone? ""Yea, why? "" We could call them. Sanemi couldn't reach his phone as it was in his back pocket so he asked Giyu

"Tomioka could u maybe reach my back pocket my phone is there"

"I'll try" Giyu moved his cold thin arm to reach for Sanemi's pocket but there was nothing........

"Uh Shinzugawa are u sure ur phone is here? Shinzuga-"

Sanemi was sleeping soundly, Giyu brushed his hand through Sanemi's fluffy white hair.


Sorry that my chapters are short 😖

But bye little rats🤪

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