jayda pov

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• oh nothing just told baby to take my pictures & he said no lmao , yes lil baby is my babydaddy he is not my boyfriend at the moment until he gets his shit together,  we both take care of our son loyal,  I think thats the best gift we got out of the relationship and baby would agree . I love me some baby & I know everybody love them some baby , but he just don't know how to stop treating me like i don't matter , yeah he buys me materialistic shit but I can get that myself why hurt my feelings because your unhappy with your self.
But right now I'm getting my son loyal ready for the movie , it's his last day in Atlanta with me & his father before summer starts & he goes to LA with his grandmother . Loyal says to me " mom i don't want to wear these big shoes " I say " yes you will they expensive and you look handsome , let me take you some flics for insta " . Loyal says " mom can we wait til we at the movies please" I say " yes loyal after I take 3 outside" , afterwards I say come on let's get you Ina car your father is waiting " . He yells " yayy mommy let's go" pulling my arm , I started to laugh because I love my baby .

Arrived to the movie theater. 


yell loyal name as he try to attempt to run across the street he turn to me and start to giggle n baby say " listen to your mom boy and come back " loyal starts to run back, I love when baby make time for us because he be so busy with booking and stuff that he actually doesn't have enough time for us . I grab loyal hand and walks him inside the building with baby walking behind us , we get inside and baby pulls out his wallet to pay for us , while he doing that I say loyal let's get some flics of us he say " daddy come take us pics" baby grab my phone and start snapping I got a couple cute ones to post on the gram . As soon as I posted it everybody was on it , I love  Instagram. 

Liked by kehlani and 54,981 others

Jaydawayda love having my son around .. he helps me forget my problems 🥰

I start scrolling on Instagram looking at other people pictures.  while waiting on baby n loyal to come out the bathroom

Liked by daveeast and 97,987 others
Ndiya love I'm so rich..  he love him a rich bitch .

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Jaydawayda 😍😍

Ariell my bestie💕

Daveeast  I'm in love with you.  😘

Lmaooo I laughed at Dave comment him and ndiya go at it on the media all the time they're the definition of toxic literally .. me and baby could not top them if we tried our hardest lol 🤣🤣

Loyal and baby exits the bathroom I put my phone in my purse and we entered the Spiderman movie .

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