Chapter 30 - Xyrus City

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Chapter 30 - Xyrus City

An hour before the King and Queen and the rest of the characters of this novel were in my room, I was alone with Elder Rinia, who at the time was healing me with her arts.

I tried to manipulate mana as she healed me but it wasn't possible, much like there wasn't any elemental affinities or mana in the atmosphere.

Puzzled by it, I asked Rinia a question. But she didn't look me in the eye but rather concentrated on her current task at hand.

"Elder Rinia, why are there no signs of elemental affinities here in this room?"

She took a minute to answer, her hands glowing with multiple colors, giving me a general idea that maybe my question didn't reach her.

"Hmm. Well what makes you think that?"

A question answered by another question. It's quite like her character. I amused myself with that one thought at mind.

With my right hand, barely able to move it, I imaged the fire element on top of my palm. It was something even a beginner could do, yet, I couldn't seem to fathom the fact that it was not doable.

My core was in a stage where being a Lance was not far from being a dream. Nevertheless, it was something stopping me from even achieving a simple fire spell activity.

I closed my eyes in frustration and fear, fear that I wouldn't be able to manipulate mana anymore. Yet, what I found was something more than just fear and frustration. It was something unexpectedly terrifying, a plot twisting path.

"W-what is this? Elder Rinia?"

Her multi-colored eyes finally met my own. They expressed a sense of wonder and doubt, but much more than those two, it was the fact that she was calm...

There was only one reason for her to be calm like this, her eyelids relaxed like it was something expected from the get go.

"Whatever you've encountered in the dungeon didn't let you leave without any reason whatsoever," Rinia pointed at my sternum. "There seems to be a certain spell near, if not, on to your core. Close enough that it has been eating at your mana for some time, until now."

My hands clenched the bed sheets. "Until now?" I said, not taking my eyes off the old elf.

Her nod threw my emotions, like she knew what I was going to do. "I have placed a protective layer of my mana arts around the spell. For now it wouldn't be able to do anything else except consume small amounts of mana that enters your body."

"How long will that last?"

I knew that it was the only thing I could do, accept the fact that Cadell had placed his SoulFire arts in my body, in hopes that I'd die before I could get away from him.

I shouldn't be whining about having it. If anything I should be grateful that I've lived against his strongest spell. Cadell has killed many with that dark mana arts, since the war arc and until the beginning of Victoriad.

If I was being honest, I didn't think there would be someone or a way to live against it unless he himself took it back like how he did with Bairon and Virion.

And something deep down told me that it wasn't going to be like that just because I would ask him to do so. Only Agrona or himself, those two are my only option... unless.

I looked down at my hands, especially the one near my sternum. Mental images conjured in forms of the four elemental affinities. Floating around like some motes, something that could only be seen with RealmHeart. And again, something only the Indrath clan or someone who wields some sorts of power can do extraordinary things.

It pisses me off that these beings, gods, get to see us the lessers struggle for power when they have it easy. Being born into a category of "Gods" and instantly becoming a cheat against us the lessers.

Calm down, Luke. I spoke to myself mentally, already seeing the daylight of dawn through one of the singular small windows this prison provided. Lets not think about far into the future yet, though, I have to plan it somewhere into the future, I can't entirely predict it. Most I can do is...entirely go my own everything my way and see this world's ending...

A happy ending at least.

I wondered. Just how long can I actually get away without any percentage of me triggering a butterfly effect?

I was willing to try but there would be a price, if not the timeline of events, it would be the people's lives, if not perhaps even the destruction of the world. Something the third Keystone being, Fate, wants to happen.

"What do you mean 'he is responsible for the spell'?"

Taken off my own deep thoughts, Virion took a step closer, hovered his hand over my core and analyzed it.

It took a couple of seconds for him to truly grasp what I was saying, his grey eyes were widened in puzzling white. Unknown to him, I knew the risk of this spell. Dying right now, today, or tomorrow was something that I knew was coming.

But it was or would be better if he didn't know about it.

His hand still hovering over my core, I felt his mana flowing into my chest and into my core. I was dazed and confused by his actions, but soon it became apparent why he did it.

The small stream of mana tried to avoid the flock of mana eating fire but was unsuccessful in doing so, instead, SoulFire devoured the invading mana without leaving much behind for me to grind off.

"Elder Virion there isn't much to do about it—"

"How are you fine with this? Has Rinia tried to help you, maybe she has a solution to this. Come on boy, let's go to her right now, she mustn't have gone far from the castle!"

I don't know if it was because he was a character from my favorite novel or because he was someone who had faith in my words without any doubt. More than that, he treated me like family, teaching me and giving me advice. For once, maybe ever since my stay with Sylvia did I ever feel safe and loved.

The former King's hand grabbed my arm without much hesitation and began to head towards the stairs that waited for our turn to go up again.

I activated the power, using around thirty-five percent of my current power. I used it only for a second, to unhand myself from the elf, it still was hard to use. More especially with this death spell my core.

The sensation of the cold sweat rolling down my face made me realize that I was still not at a level where I can use this willingly.

The old elf turned around with a perplexed expression. Of course he would, he had some force into his hand when grabbing mine and at my current strength from the naked eye was weakness. "H-how did you...?"

"It seems that my ride has arrived, Elder," my eyes looked with his, not breaking eye contact, telling him in some sort of way that I was okay with what is happening to me right now. "It may look different to you in some way but I assure you that I am okay. And commencing my arrival to Xyrus City, I request for the lances Aya and Alea to continue helping me with the findings of the invaders. For some time of course, when they are not in duty that the King or Queen gives them, and until I've entered Xyrus academy."

Subconsciously, I smiled. Yes, this was a path I could and would take. For these two years until I entered the Xyrus academy, my hunting for the Alacryan's and possibly their plans would be my priority. Maybe and then only maybe, have I gathered the strength to visit my family. After all the danger in this continent has withered away.

It would be a long journey until then but it is a sacrifice I would intend to give.


I made an appearance outside the castle where I had been staying these past couple of years. Quite the memories I have made over the years—even though most of them were me training with the elven lances—only twenty percent were of what family was to someone or what it could mean to oneself.

"Luke, do you like your outfit?"

"Hmm, if you wear that outfit in the human kingdom, there will be no doubt you might find yourself a partner or as we say it, a lover." She said, giving me a teasing smile while her husband was chuckling at her remark.

But I knew where their perspectives came from, this outfit was overwhelmingly positive. Rather than green, it was black, the pants and long sleeve shirt. It wasn't your typical blackish look that made people look emo back on Earth, rather, this type of black was more of a soft touch for the eyes of people. I liked it.

"Well I appreciate your kind words about me finding a lover, but I might find that hard to believe when I'm a boy with red eyes and black hair." I said, hoping they wouldn't find it in a serious or bad way.

Both elven royals looked at each other before jumping in a very loud laughter. It irritated me but I had to let it go. Matter of fact, their laughter was contagious enough for me to join them.

After wiping their tears from their eyes, King Alduin said, "Luke, you may be a child with interesting looks but your eyes have never been seen by me or anyone in this kingdom creepy. Instead they have been taken as a soft spot. Many eleven nobles have come to me in a manner which I find very hard to believe.

"They have come asking not for my daughter's hand but rather for your arrangement in marriage to their daughters."

I looked at his wife, Queen Merial, for the truth. I believed it was a prank they were playing on me but her straight forward nods made me feel unknowingly different.

"I-is that so?" My uncontrollable voice had awkwardly gone out.

Thankfully, the main characters had arrived before the situation had escalated.

Dressed in the very same clothes, yet different colors, the boy wrapped the feather that Sylvia had given him around the mark that Sylvie had given him on his arm.

"Arthur! Luke! Remember to take care! We'll find some way to contact you somehow and update you. Take this with you so you can navigate through the Forest of Elshire if you're ever in the area. Or maybe you can just find another princess to lead you back." He winked at Arthur while handing him a small silver oval compass.

"Uuu... Grandpa!!"

"OUCH! Little one! It was a joke!" Virion yelped while rubbing his side. "Anyways, I doubt you two will come together again. So I will hand this to you for when you come without Arthur."

He extended his arm to me with his palm closed and facing down. When I placed mine below his, he opened his hand and a small little jade circle object landed on my hand.

I took a closer look. Around the ring it had engraved symbols that I found strange.

"It serves the same purpose as the compass that Arthur has but this one is a little more special. It is a Dimensional Ring. Capable of storing a carriage or two!"

I bowed, deep and said, "Thank you for what you've done for me, Elder Virion."

Before I could straighten my back, the former king had hit my head. "It is 'Grandpa' Virion you brat. Remember that, and if by the next time you call me Elder, you better prepare yourself to be beaten up by me!"

Thankfully it wasn't painful but I still used healing magic on my head. "Yes, Grandpa Virion."

He relaxed his face.

"While Alduin and Merial will be going in a separate carriage as the heads of this kingdom, Tess and I won't be going. This will be our last time we'll see each other for now. Until next time, Arthur, Luke!" He pulled us in for a hug, almost making me give up the air in my lungs.

Tess and Art began to talk to each other. Frankly I was sad that they wouldn't be able to see each other for a while, I think two years from now? Well it was a sad thing to see, the two future lovers saying their last goodbye.

Haaa. Will I ever find 'the' one? I sarcastically thought.

After their goodbyes, Arthur and I waved goodbye to them and followed behind Merial and Alduin.

We got into the carriage that the elf representatives were taking, while the king and queen were escorted into a different carriage.

"Well lol who it is! If it isn't the human brat! Did the royal family finally kick you out of the Kingdom?" An elf boy dressed in a very decorated purple robe smirked.

Wait this is...!

"Uh... I'm sorry but do I know you?" Arthur said, confused or perhaps trying to remember where he met this elven boy.

"I'm the noble you mercilessly attacked while defying the customs of the duel!" He bolted up angrily, pointing an accusing finger at Art.

"You're the bug I sent tumbling!" Art yelled out in realization, a bit louder than usual.

"Y-you dare...!?"

"Aha sorry I didn't mean it like that. I never did learn your name though."

Face red, trying to preserve as much as little dignity he had left, he rejected my handshake and declared in a pompous tone, "Feyrith Ivsaar III, descendent of the noble Ivsaar family! You may have won while we were both children, but were we to duel again, I would win easily."

Did Arthur really humiliate this poor elf boy? Still though I was sure I wouldn't have gotten to meet him during my stay in Elshire. It is good to see you, old buddy. It is such a shame you had to die to Tacy's attacks during the evacuation of the people when Kezess ordered the teen—if not adult—Tacy to kill them for their lack of usefulness.

But I would make sure that doesn't happen, not in my watch.

A young elven girl that looked a few years older than Feyrith piped in, saying, "You can call him Feyfey like we all do."

"D-don't tell them that!"

I smiled, and sat in front of the most respectful man that truly died a hero.

As our carriage went into the teleportation gate, we were greeted by the now familiar sensation of being in the middle of a fast-forwarding movie.

"We have arrived in Xyrus!" The driver announced.

Taking a quick peek out, I noticed the surrounding people of the parade all politely clapping at our arrival. This tournament was mentioned in the novel but not really shown or mentioned after.

The driver pulled the carriage close to a small gap between two buildings after passing through the crowd and signaled us both that it would be the best time to leave.

I said my goodbyes to the elven representatives and even to Feyfey. After, I followed Arthur through the alleyways as he tried to remember where his parents stayed. We spent an hour or so walking around, finding dead ends and even a private place I can't mention, until we found the right place.

Arthur took careful steps walking up the flight of stairs and took one deep breath. Dusting off his shirt and pants did he finally knock on the giant doors.

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