Chapter 28

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Chapter 28: A Handsome Wage

Liu Gui Yong and his team started to talk all at once as soon as they had left Big Stone Village.

"Father, that Chen Xiao Mi seems really nice, he is nothing like what people say." Said Liu Gui Yong's son Liu Wen.

They were from the neighboring village called Big Gulf Village, and they had heard Chen Xiao Mi's stories from people who were married into Big Stone Village.

Liu Gui Yong nodded. He recalled the scene where he and his teammates discussed whether they were willing to work for Chen Xiao Mi, and they all agreed on quitting on the spot if Chen Xiao Mi was really as ferocious as they had heard.

Liu Gui Yong actually found Chen Xiao Mi was a very nice young man, polite and reasonable. He had paid them at the end of the day as he had promised. His husband Lu Lin was nice and generous as well, he cooked them a big pot of porridge with minced meat!

It was a long commute, but none of them wanted to quit.

One of the apprentices Xiao Da Li chimed in, "How great is that porridge! Do you remember our last boss, he only paid me 15 cents per day, and he only provided me one small bowl of porridge, I had to work on an empty belly basically the whole day. I'm so grateful to Lu Lin for providing us so much food!"

Xiao Da Li was interested in digging some 'muddy sticks' and cooked some yam porridge himself, he found the yam porridge Lu Lin cooked for them so delicious.

Xiao Da Li couldn't believe the villagers in Big Stone Village had turned Lu Lin and Chen Xiao Mi down, they were the best boss anyone could expect!

Xiao Da Li and the other apprentice were in charge of carrying the black bricks to Chen Xiao Mi's house the next day. The villagers in Big Stone Village asked them curiously, "Hey, you two, are you working for Chen Xiao Mi?"

Xiao Da Li nodded.

"Really? Have you heard of Chen Xiao Mi before? Hmm, he's got some stories... ...", the villager made a face, trying to intrigue Xiao Da Li.

Xiao Da Li simply nodded his head as a reply. He really wasn't interested in those made-up stories.

Xiao Da Li really enjoyed working for Chen Xiao Mi, he wouldn't boss them around or pretend to know something that he actually doesn't, neither would he pick holes just to demand a lower price like the people Xiao Da Li used to work for.

And Xiao Da Li really admired Chen Xiao Mi and Lu Lin's intelligence when he saw the kang they built, how he wished he could learn from them! But it was still too early to bring that up, they barely knew each other yet.

The villagers became so anxious when they saw Xiao Da Li showed zero interested, they gabbled on, "Do you know he is a Bio? He has even hunted a tiger once, he is so violent that his family couldn't stand him and they have kicked him out! Aren't you afraid of him?"

Xiao Da Li rolled his eyes and said, "Look, I'm here to work for him, I'm not interested in his personal life, he has my respect as long as he pays me as he has promised at the end of the day."

Xiao Da Li didn't understand why those villagers were so obsessed with running Chen Xiao Mi's name. There was nothing wrong in hunting a tiger, it just meant Chen Xiao Mi was brave and strong, and those villagers were jealous.

The villagers shook their heads in exasperation and left.

Xiao Da Li had met several other villagers who tried to convince them that Chen Xiao Mi was bad and they shouldn't be working for him. Xiao Da Li was really baffled, he didn't understand why those people had nothing better to do than running a person's reputation.

Lu Lin was well aware of those villagers' behaviors, and he let out a sigh when he saw no one show signs of quitting.

And of course it was going to a different story if Liu Gui Yong and his team found the job boring and wanted to find something better, Lu Lin would talk with them openly and let them go if they insisted on leaving.

The villagers were becoming envious when they saw Liu Gui Yong and his team working in full swing, they also wanted to look for some casual work and have some income!

They had tried luck in town, but no one was hiring, so they got envious of Liu Gui Yong and his team. The envy had escalated when they pried into Liu Gui Yong's wage!

40 cents per day for Liu Gui Yong, even an apprentice like Xiao Da Li was getting paid 20 cents per day! That was the most handsome pay on the market, and Lu Lin even provided a meal for them!

Voices of discontent were heard everywhere. Lu Lin played innocent and said it was the Village Head who told him that the villagers were too busy to work for them.

The villagers were jealous of the handsome pay, and they also coveted the kang, they wished they could learn how to build kang from the couple. So they went to the Village Head's home to complain.

They maintained that they should keep the goodies within their own village, and they were more than willing to work for the couple, they asked Zhang Cheng why he turned Lu Lin down without even consulting them first.

Zhang Cheng was furious when the villagers confronted him. He just assumed everyone hated Chen Xiao Mi and no owe wanted to work for him, he was not wrong, but he had underestimated the power of money, the villagers were willing to do anything for money.

Therefore, Lu Lin and Chen Xiao Mi had a discussion, they were willing to select six villagers to build a mule stable and a chicken coop for them because Liu Gui Yong and his team were already building the room for them.

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