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Transmigrating Into The Male Lead’s Villainess Older Sister
Chapter 16:

Si Yudu watched the car drive all the way out of the outskirts of Jiangcheng, getting more and more remote, otherwise it suddenly turned into a high-end villa group, Si Yudu I wonder if Lu Xingzhou is going to tie her up for sale.

"What's your expression?" After Lu Xingzhou took her to a European-style retro villa with the largest area, she looked back at Si Yu's inexplicable expression and asked.

Si Yu paused and whispered, "Illegal imprisonment / incarceration is not recommended ..."

This battle over the road really saw Si Yu shocked. How could ordinary people have such a large group of professional bodyguards, not to mention the villas here, Si Yu once heard Yu Ling's gossip saying that this area is Jiangcheng ’s true “power and wealth” "You can't buy it with money. Lu Xingzhou brought her to such a place. No wonder Si Yu thinks about it. It's really impossible to get in and out of this place. In the event of something, her name is Tiantian should not. No sense of security.

Si Yu remembered the seemingly gentle but powerful Chinese man in the Tang costume, and he couldn't help shivering. What exactly is this neurological disease called Wuye!

"Illegal imprisonment / imprisonment?" Lu Xingzhou sneered with a laugh. "If Wuye really has this plan, you still have to stand here all by yourself? Okay, why do you scare yourself? Wuye said you should come over Take a rest here, go in and sit. "

Surrounded by a group of black bodyguards, Si Yu swallowed the words of argument very understandingly and walked into the villa obediently.

Lu Xingzhou said that it was not imprisonment / incarnation, but it wasn't really talk about it. After learning that Si Yu's mobile phone was in the hotel, he immediately instructed people to get a new mobile phone for her, and did not restrict her from communicating with the outside world. meaning. Then, he also let a person bring a bowl of ginseng soup prepared long ago and personally supervised Si Yu with a small face and drank it all, and then he was relieved.

The girl's bones were also too weak. Before the sudden vomiting of blood, even Lu Xingzhou looked at it, he didn't understand. What kind of fancy little girl did the fifth **** see in her?

After thinking about it, since Lu Wuye was interested in Si Yu, Lu Xingzhou felt that he would take this opportunity to immediately sign Si Yu to Huanyi and put people under his eyelids. There should be nothing wrong with it.

As the boss of Huan Yi, it is natural that Lu Xingzhou wants to sign such a small model. He asked straightforwardly: "Are you willing to come to Huan Yi? I know that you now use this model company to contract you for 20 million. As long as you are willing to change jobs, this breach of contract gold ring art can help you pay off. In addition, the new contract can give you the greatest autonomy, how? "

Si Yu just drank a bowl of ginseng soup, and almost didn't spit out when he heard the words: "Why do you want to sign me suddenly?"

Speaking, Si Yu opened her eyes slightly, and responded suddenly: "Wait, are you the top executive of Huanyi?" She looked at Lu Xingzhou, and then reminisced about the appearance of these people before, what is not clear? "Are you ... the Lu family?"

Lu Xingzhou responded indifferently: "Oh, the news spread so fast."

Si Yu: "..." Finished, kicked on the iron plate.

Si Yu still remembers that Yu Ling went to great lengths to get her into the ring art because the backing behind the ring art was too great, and this big backing was the Lu family of Rongcheng.

At that time, when Si Yu was drawing comics, because the Lu family was just a background board, she set all the most powerful settings that she could think of on the Lu family, and now Si Yu just wants to cross back to herself Slap: Let you wave, regret it? Are you in trouble?

As soon as she thought about vomiting blood on the clothes of the fifth Lord Lu just now, Si Yu's expression froze slightly, uncomfortably looking away, and eavesdropping inquiringly, "How is your fifth Lord ... normal personality?"

Lu Xingzhou glanced at her, his eyes were deep, and he sighed, and the sigh heard Si Yu's heart beating: "Let's not discuss this issue, right?"

As if touching a certain truth, Si Yu praying for herself: "... OK."

The two people closed their conversations in tacit agreement, pretending that nothing had happened, and Lu Xingzhou continued to ask, "Since this is said, are you willing to sign in to Huanyi?"

Si Yu: "If I say it may not be appropriate ..."

Lu Xingzhou smiled a little, but a little bit of Lu Wuye said: "If you want, we are friendly and cooperative. If you don't, then I will go to your company to buy you, understand?"

In the end, it ’s the Lu family. There is no gene in his bones that can accommodate other people. Even though Lu Xingzhou looks young and vigorous, but handles the matter, in fact, there is no room for Si Yu to choose. In any case, signing Si Yu is nailed down. Things, her personal wishes were never considered.

Si Yu heard her chest tightness and shortness of breath, and had to go to the toilet for a while to spit out blood. After scrubbing the blood, she calmed down.

Now it is no longer a matter of her willingness. The Lu family covers the sky with one hand. The power is far beyond the imagination of the average person. It is undoubtedly a smashing stone, not to mention just signing a ring art. It is also a good thing for her ... as long as you leave Grandpa can be far away.

After thinking about it, Si Yu was not tangled, and promised to sign the contract. Lu Xingzhou was very efficient in working. He immediately faxed the contract. Si Yu looked at it. It really did treat her very well. She had the autonomy. The right to choose a job is also very low, which should not be something she can get at this level.

In this regard, Lu Xingzhou explained: "Huanyi does not lack the money to raise a spare person."

What Wu Ye sees is that no matter it is people or gadgets, the Lu family will make proper arrangements and the right to spend money to support it. In the past, Wu Ye ’s interest in the same thing remained for up to three months. The sick beauty who is still too weak, Wu Ye has no interest for at least a month. The contract of Huan Yi is a reward for Si Yu.

Listening to Lu Xingzhou's statement, Si Yu didn't feel much. She was originally not in the entertainment industry and wanted to paint at home. Someone was willing to pay the penalty for her, and Si Yu was satisfied.

Neither side had an opinion, and the matter was quickly concluded. Si Yu was sighed after she got the new contract. Yu Ling tried her best to clear her relationship. If she knew that she had skipped these steps, she would have no thoughts.

After arranging everything, Lu Xingzhou left soon. After all, he was the new president of Huan Yi. There was still a lot of things to do at the dinner. Lu Xingzhou would not do such trivial matters as Lu Ye himself.

As soon as Lu Xingzhou left, several bodyguards left by him exited the villa with tacit understanding, standing outside the yard and guarding it. Si Yu had thought about whether he could sneak away, but went to the window and looked out. The only exit She was guarded tightly, so she had to dispel the thought.

Sitting on the sofa, Si Yu turned on the new mobile phone sent by Lu Xingzhou. She wanted to contact Ling Ling for safety. After all, she was suddenly taken away from the dinner. Yu Ling must be worried, but found that she couldn't remember Phone number, had no choice but to second, landed on Weibo and sent a private letter to Yu Ling, telling her that she was leaving early, so she did not worry.

After more than ten minutes, the private message still showed unread. Si Yu estimated that Yu Ling was busy, so she switched to the account of "more 500 years of Koi" and sent a Weibo:

Koi for another five hundred years: I was taken away by the devil. Today's "Fashion Guide" is updated with pigeons, sisters wish me a safe return. QAQ

Si Yu's comics are updated every other day. Now she has serialized more than ten words. Originally, it was the day when she was updated, but she was suddenly taken to this place. She could only stop changing.

During this period, Si Yu became more and more angry. If it was not for Lu Wuye, she would not have been innocently stabbed. Not only did she vomit blood and vomit, she could not even walk away. As a painter, Si Yu's best way to vent her anger is to paint. She walked around the villa, found the pen and paper, and drew a spooky image of the devil.

When it was over, Si Yu engraved a few words on the paper, "The Nervous Devil Kills Me", then took a picture, uploaded a Weibo, and matched the words: "This is the person who ate my update!"

Suddenly vented in such a vague manner, Si Yu suddenly felt much better at heart, she admits that she counseled and did not dare to scold in person.

The readers of Si Yu were waiting to feed on Weibo, refreshed countless times, and actually refreshed a Weibo that stopped. It suddenly exploded. What is the "Koi fancy dragging", the author Should be grilled and eaten by the demon king "and so on, the message poured in instantly, Si Yu glanced at it, and he ignored it with righteousness.

She didn't want to, she blame the neurosis!

Si Yuben wanted to wait until Lord Lu Wu came over and asked him what he wanted to do, but the long-established biological clock made him feel sleepy when he got to the point. After sitting for a long time, Si Yu collapsed and fell on the sofa. Fell asleep.

When Lu Wuye stepped into the villa stepping on the moonlight, she saw the little girl curled up into a deep sleep, and the white skirt was half gathered on the sofa and half dragged to the floor. His face was quiet and well-behaved.

Lu Wuye looked quite interesting. He was always happy and quiet. Unless he nodded, no one would be close to the place he lived. Therefore, he was the first time to carefully observe the sleeping face of others, and felt a little novel for a while.

Approaching closer, he sat on the side of the sofa, and as soon as he got closer, Lu Wuye felt the coolness emanating from Si Yu, as if approaching a piece of ice, which was very comfortable, but this was not enough. Lu Wu Ye examined the little girl who slept soundly on the sofa for a while, stopped her hands twisting the beads, and then stretched out the broken hair in front of Si Yu's forehead, sliding her fingers all the way down, and finally stopped on her lips. .

Si Yu lost too much blood, and her lips were pale in color, which was still a very suitable temperature for cold. Lu Wuye pressed it gently, feeling that the touch under his hands was a bit like fresh jelly just taken out of the refrigerator. At this time, Lu Wu Ye's cool look faded a little, showing a little humanity.

However, the little girl he touched frowned, twisting his body like he was extremely uncomfortable, as if trying to break his hands. This subconscious act of resistance made Wu Wuye unhappy, He was a very restrained person. He originally planned to take back his hand and just sit beside Si Yu for a while to ease the heat. But at this time, Si Yu struggled so much that he changed his mind and caught Si Yu. Skinny shoulders directly lift people up!

Si Yu was originally in her sleep. Suddenly a familiar heart rushed suddenly. She was awakened almost instantly. Before she opened her eyes, her throat was flooded with blood. After Si Yu saw who the person holding her was, The blood in her throat coughed up immediately, but she didn't care about it, and immediately crawled out of Lu Wuye's arms with her hands and feet, retracted the corner of the sofa as quickly as possible, her eyes terrified: "You, don't come over!"

Fortunately, this time Wu Wuye didn't restrain her, Si Yu relieved his breath. When he saw the huge black luck behind Wu Ye, her feet couldn't help falling out. She wanted to cry without tears. She was hit twice in a short time. It ’s so unlucky!

"Five, you sit there and have something to say." Si Yu gave him a cautious look, and saw that he had no movement, so he put his skirt on the corner of the living room furthest from the sofa and pulled away. , The feeling of being out of breath is much better, Si Yu's courage also strengthened a bit, "As soon as you get closer, I am more likely to get emotional ..."

Wu Yeye squinted his eyes, unable to distinguish between mood and anger: "Are you afraid of me?"

He knows that everyone in the Lu family is afraid of him because of his fierce means and the six relatives do n’t recognize him. He also knows that the family merchants Jia are afraid of him because of his moodiness and ruthlessness, but in general, people who can see him at this level have their own status. It is not low. When he came, he read the information about Si Yu handed over by Lu Xingzhou. The girl's home was cold and cold, because of her lonely character, she shouldn't recognize him.

Since I don't know, it would be interesting if Si Yu only realized his danger by intuition.

Si Yu didn't know what Lu Wuye was thinking. She looked at the grandpa's face, and intuitively if she didn't answer this question well, she would not want to see the consequences, so she thought for a while, and said, "As long as it ’s not relying on If you get too close, I won't be afraid. "

Keeping a few meters away from Lu Wuye, although it will still be uncomfortable, but within the acceptance range of Si Yu, after all, she also survived this way when she did not find a way to get blessings at first.

It's just hard to go from luxury to frugality.

This answer made Lu Wuye smile a little. He was actually curious, why Si Yu was so afraid of him, and even this fear was a bit weird. He had seen more women who came together automatically, and he had never seen such a woman who was not only well-behaved but tight, and even had to faint near him Little girl of the past.

But it doesn't matter, he has time to solve the mystery slowly.

"Put on this." Thinking of this, Lu Wuye didn't care about Si Yu's evasion, anyway, as long as he was in the same room with her, he would be much more comfortable. He just threw a wooden box over Si Yu's side, and threw it into Si Yu's arms with accuracy. When she looked at it with suspicion, he said lightly, "It's good for you to keep your breath, wear it. . "

Si Yu then carefully opened the box, and saw a sandalwood bracelet lying on it. Smell it and smell a fragrant smell. The material seemed to be very similar to Lu Wuye's string of beads.

Si Yu didn't dare to ask if she could not wear it. She picked up the bracelet and set it on her wrist, which was exactly the same size as if tailored. I don't know if it is an illusion. After putting on the bracelet, Si Yu felt that his body was loose, and the whole person was awake a lot.

Think of Wu Wuye just saying that this is used for meditation, Si Yu guessed that this bunch of things is certainly valuable.

Seeing her put on, Wu Wuye seemed satisfied, beckoning her to pass. Si Yu originally wanted to resist the death, but glanced at the chilling smile on Lu Wuye's face. The sense of crisis belonging to herbivores sounded the alarm. Si Yu had to move obediently to the sofa.

Before she stood still, she was caught by Lu Wuye in one hand and shoved firmly to her.

"Sit fifteen minutes, and then take you back; or stay here overnight, you can choose these two." Lu Wuye turned the beads, closed his eyes and raised his mind, and was not worried that Si Yu would flee.

Sure enough, when this remark came out, Si Yu weighed it, and felt that the long pain was better than the short pain. He had to endure the urge to cough up blood and sat upright next to Lu Wuye, carefully not to let the two physically touch him. The helpless expression looked like a child punished by an adult.

Wu Yeye raised his eyelids and glanced at Si Yu lightly, seeing her eyes turning slowly, but her hands and feet did not dare to move, her back was so straight that she could not help but tilt her mouth.

What a rare taste!

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