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Transmigrating Into The Male Lead’s Villainess Older Sister
Chapter 10:

Duan Rulan followed Si Yu and walked into the room. As soon as she stepped into the porch, she smelled a strong, bitter taste of Chinese medicine. She frowned, and the disgust under her eyes could hardly be concealed.

This is the smell of traditional Chinese medicine, so bad that she is going to die, and she had had enough 20 years ago! I did not expect that the short-lived money-losing goods were still alive and well, and came to Jiangcheng ... Duan Rulan looked at Si Yu's thin back and thought dismissively, if she had n’t heard that her son had recently gone with the money-losing goods Close, afraid of Ji Lin doing something wrong, or afraid of hearing the wind of her current husband, this rushed to find the door, otherwise she would not want to see this daughter again in her life.

This crooked daughter ... was the stain of her life!

Duan Rulan's makeup is exquisite, maybe she has been pampered and maintained for a long time, and she is very well maintained. She looks like she is only in her thirties. She still has a young look on her face. Vaguely, she can be seen from the five senses that she is similar to Si Yu.

Unfortunately, when looking at Si Yu, Duan Rulan's look was so mean that her face was twisted for a moment.

But when Si Yu asked her to sit down and talk, Duan Rulan immediately converged her expression, and Shi Shiran sat down on the sofa again, posing the lady again.

"Xiao Yu, so many years, how are you doing?" Just listening to the sound, Duan Rulan is like a full-hearted mother. She looked at Si Yu and said affectionately, "I know, you must be blaming your mother, but mother I did n’t have a choice at that time. You were still young and did n’t know the situation. Your father died. There were no pillars in the family. There were only two elderly people in their 70s and orphans and widows. It ’s also for the sake of hello that I plan to find another way out. You see, now that my mother's life is getting better, wo n’t she come back to you? ”

Duan Rulan was so sincere, but Si Yu only seemed funny when listening.

For her good? How much I put gold on my face! In the comic book "Superstar Pet Marriage", part of the viciousness and madness of the female partner Zhou Siyu originated from her family background. Her mother, Duan Rulan, was a girl from the countryside. She was originally a female worker in the factory, but Duan Rulan was born. A good-looking woman was a picky beauty at the time, so she was introduced to marry Zhou Siyu's father and became a full-time housewife.

The family of the female partner is not affluent, but at least there is no worries about food and clothing. However, after Zhou Siyu was born, the family found that she was born weak and sick. She grew up in a medicine jar from an early age, and the money spent on medicine was like running water. The affluent family was quickly stretched, and Duan Rulan later had to find a job as a hotel waiter to reduce the burden on the family.

At the beginning, Duan Rulan didn't wait to see her own daughter, but she had a very strong vanity. Whether she came out of the countryside or marry a good person based on her beauty, she wanted to make her life better. She still loves her, but when she finds that her savings have disappeared because she bought medicine for her daughter, not only can she no longer guarantee her usual expenses, but she also has to work hard every day to subsidize the family. Resentment.

She complained about this medicine jar daughter, her husband put her daughter first and ignored her, and also complained that the family she married was not rich enough. She felt that her life would be seen at a glance. There was such a tow bottle in the family. What can be good?

She was married to live a better life. Want her to lose her life? no way!

Just then Ji Lin's father, Ji Wenhan, came to talk about business. He stayed at the hotel where Duan Rulan worked. Duan Rulan was very beautiful. After one or two visits, the two got together and Duan Rulan was pregnant. After the accidental death of Zhou Siyu's father, Duan Rulan decisively abandoned the family and followed Ji Wenhan to Jiangcheng. After giving birth to his son, he succeeded in becoming Mrs. Ji.

Duan Rulan wished to become a rich wife, but Zhou Siyu's grandfather was so angry that he could not afford to be sick. Eventually, he left the world alone, leaving Zhou Siyu with his grandmother. Duan Rulan said so nicely. She left for her daughter, but nearly twenty years have passed. Did Duan Rulan remember that she had a biological daughter?

No! She was such a happy lady that she was so happy that she couldn't bury the previous marriage completely in the soil.

Therefore, when Si Yuquan was talking about Duan Rulan's farting, she smiled and said, "What did you say, I didn't have a mother since I was a child. Where can I have a mother?"

As an author, Si Yu didn't feel anything, but she really felt sick when she faced Duan Rulan. How could such a person deserve to be a mother?

Duan Rulan's mental quality is very good. Si Yu said so, she didn't care. Looking at Si Yu's eyes seemed to be looking at a naughty and disobedient child, and she continued to persuade: "Xiao Yu, I know you have resentment. Mom came I just want to compensate you ... "

"Don't, I don't plan to recognize a mother, and I don't need any compensation." Si Yu interrupted her. "This lady, I don't understand what you're talking about, I'm afraid you're looking for the wrong person. Walk slowly and do n’t send it. "

Treating such a person, Si Yu was not polite at all, but it was a pity that Duan Rulan's luck was still good, and right, after all, Duan Rulan in the comic was Ji Lin's mother, and he was crazy in the female partner. After revenge, she was still standing on the side of justice, killing her relatives and enjoying the scenery of her life.

Si Yu thought with ridicule that she had set the mismatch of her female partner so miserable at first, and it turned out that she was dressed as Zhou Siyu and accepted everything that belonged to the female partner.

However, what distinguishes her from Zhou Siyu is that she doesn't care about Duan Rulan's attitude, and she doesn't have the idea of ​​revenge on the Ji family. She just wants to live safely and peacefully, so no matter what Duan Rulan says, Si Yu will Don't want to bother.

"It's almost time for me to take the medicine. This lady, I'm not very well. I might faint if I get stimulated. I don't think you want to bear a medical bill, right?" Si Yu's eyes turned cold, Pointing at the door, "I'm a little dizzy and I won't give it away."

"You-how can you say mother like that!" Duan Rulan estimated that he would encounter such a hard stubble. The chase prepared by him was blocked by Si Yu, and he felt a dull feeling in his chest.

Speaking of this, Duan Rulan's mask of love can't carry it anymore. It is her limit to be able to speak so eloquently to the nasty daughter for so long. So Duan Rulan barely chuckled a smile and said, "Calm down, mother will come to see you next time", and left in a hurry, but just seeing the back reveals a sense of impatience.

After Si Yu watched Duan Rulan leave, her expression slowly condensed.

The sudden appearance of her mother-in-law should have learned that Ji Lin approached her intentionally, so she was panicked, right?

After all, it is not a good reputation to "throw your husband and give up your elope and marry another". In case of being pulled out, Duan Rulan will shame the whole high society in the future. How can she tolerate such a thing?

So Duan Rulan came this time, one is to play a family card to block her daughter's mouth, and the other is ... Si Yu sneered, I'm afraid I want to force her to leave Jiangcheng and return to her hometown? Only if she is not in Jiangcheng, Duan Rulan can rest assured.

If you guessed right, Duan Rulan was prepared today, maybe she was going to send her away with money, but unfortunately she couldn't say anything because she was ruthlessly robbed.

Si Yu didn't take this matter to heart, anyway, she was never going to take the old road of the female match, nor was she going to retaliate against Duan Rulan and Ji's family. Duan Ruland would bump into the wall a few times and she would retreat.

Originally, Si Yu thought so, but she underestimated the degree of Duan Rulan's disgust to herself. As Mrs. Ji's, she could not buy Huairou. Duan Rulan immediately found another way.

Within a week, Si Yu suddenly received a notice from the modeling company that she violated the contract and asked her to pay 20 million liquidated damages and leave immediately!

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