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During school the next day, Allison and Kya met up with Scott and Stiles in the library between a set of shelves on separate sides. Allison passed a tablet through the shelf for the boys to see. "It's everything Lydia could translate. And trust me, she was pretty confused."

Scott nodded while still looking at it. "Yeah, what'd you tell her?"

Kya laughed as Allison said, "That we were part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures."

"I am part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures," Stiles informed seriously.

Kya smiled while Allison frowned at him. "O-oh. Great."

Scott let out a sigh. "Okay, does it say how to find out who's controlling him?"

"Not that I, we, could find. But Stiles, you were right about the murders."

Stiles pumped a fist in the air. "Yes!"

Allison continued reading. "It calls the kanima a weapon of vengeance. There's a story about this South American priest who uses the kanima to execute murderers in his village-"

"All right, see?" Stiles said. "So maybe it's not all that bad."

Kya shot him a look and Allison continued. "Until the bond grew strong enough that it killed whoever he wanted to."

Stiles shook his head. "All bad, all very, very bad."

Allison nodded. "Here's the thing, though. The kanima's actually supposed to be a werewolf. But it can't be--"

""Until it resolves that in its past which manifested"," Scott finished.

Stiles scoffed. "Okay, if that means that Jackson could use a few thousand hours of therapy, I could've told you that myself."

"What if -- It has something to do with his real parents? His real parents," Allison said.

Kya frowned, glancing at her. "Hang on. Jackson's adopted? What happened to his folks?"

Stiles glanced at her. "Lydia might know."

Allison tilted her head. "Who are you talking to?"

"No one," Stiles replied, shooting a smirking Kya a look and she frowned at his response.

Scott frowned. "What if she doesn't know anything?"

Allison shrugged. "Well, he doesn't have a restraining order against me, so -- I'll talk to him myself."

Scott sighed and asked, "Okay, but seriously, what do I do?"

Allison looked at him. "You have a makeup exam, remember?"

"Promise me. If he does anything, you run in the other way."

"I can handle myself."

Scott shook his head. "Allison, if you get hurt while I'm busy with some stupid test, someone's going to need to take care of me. If he does anything-"


"Anything -- Weird or bizarre -- anything."

"Anything evil!" Stiles exclaimed as he was pushed back. "Ah -- Ow!"

While Kya walked with Allison, Stiles suddenly said quietly, "Please be careful, Kya."

She turned to him. "I'm dead. So that'll be easy."

Allison made her way to the locker room. Kya phaser through the door to the locker room, and a boy she'd seen a couple times left the locker room.

He jumped in surprise, seeing Allison. "Oh, you just scared the hell out of me."

Allison had a nervous look on her face. "Sorry, I -- I -- I was just, um, I was -- nothing."

The boy gave a slow nod. "Ah, that's a -- nice heels."

She looked down at the hand holding her heels. "Oh! Yeah, uh, my feet were hurting, so I-"

"Same reason I never wear mine," the guy joked.


He let out an awkward chuckle. "Uh, forget it. Hey, did you hear about the underground show? Apparently, they've got some big name spinning. Oh, uh, I'm Matt."

Allison frowned at him. "Oh, you mean like a rave?"

Matt raised a brow. "Oh, is it still a rave if you don't roll? I just call it a party. But hey, I got a friend who can hook us up with tickets if you're down. Want me to get you one? Sorry."

Allison nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, great."

"Yeah? All right, cool. Um, it's Friday, so -- looking forward to it."


He left and Kya frowned at Allison. "You're dating Scott and you just said yes to going to a party with another guy? Wow."

They entered the locker room and heard the sound of someone choking. Allison called out, "Jackson?"

"In here," Jackson answered. The girls followed the sound of his voice to see him naked in the shower. Kya instantly covered her eyes. "Is something wrong?"

"Y-You could've warned me."

"You're the one that walked into the boys' locker room."

"I thought I heard you -- I th -- forget it."

"Did you wanna talk about something?"

Allison shook her head. "We can talk later."

Jackson smirked. "No. Let's talk now."

Allison started walking off "I-I have to get to cl-"

Jackson shook his head. "Oh, no, no, you don't. No, you have perfect grades. You can skip one class. Allison, are you okay? Your heart's beating like crazy."

She made her way to the door and Jackson said, "I thought you wanted to talk."

"I-I changed my mind."

Jackson smirked at her. "You sure? Because you look a little stressed. Is it Scott? Is it that whole thing? I still can't believe you actually think your little Romeo and Juliet story is gonna last. You know he's eventually just gonna run to Derek and join up with him and his little wolf pack. If you don't realize that, then you gotta be the stupidest bitch in this town. Well, other than Scott, since he's a pretty stupid bitch himself."

Allison suddenly glared at Jackson and yelled, "Stop. Just stop!"

Jackson's smirk grew deeper. "What are you gonna do, Allison, hmm -- when your stupid bitch of a boyfriend turns on you? They can kill your aunt. They almost killed Lydia. Who do you really think's gonna be next, hmm? Not you. No, no, it can't be you, because you're in love. Is that what you tell yourself, hmm? "Scott's different and everything's gonna work out because we're in love." Well, if that's what you believe, then you're already dead. I just -- I just hope your dad has been teaching you moves to protect yourself."

Kya scoffed. "Well you're taking jackass to a whole new level. Nice one, Jackson."

In reference to her dad, Allison said, "Actually, he has."

Kya went to rush Jackson and he shook his head a few times. "Allison? What are you doing here?"

He fell to the floor and Scott rushed in. "I-I'm fine. I'm fine. Scott, I'm fine. Scott!" Allison cried.

Scott didn't listen, and went after Jackson. He broke a sink and knocked over multiple lockers. Since Jackson was attacking Scott, Kya went to attack Jackson.

Jackson turned back to Scott. "I have a restraining order!"

"Trust me, I restrained myself," Scott growled lowly.

Jackson threw Scott from the locker room and followed after, still wrestling. Kya hit Jackson in the leg, knocking him back momentarily Erica managed to pull Jackson off of Scott. Scott held Stiles back.

Harris walked up and said, "What the hell's going on? Hey! Enough! Enough. What do you idiots think you're doing? Jackson! Calm down! Mr. McCall, you wanna explain yourself? Stilinski!"

Matt handed Allison her tablet. "You dropped this."

Harris pointed between Scott and Jackson. "You, and you -- actually -- all of you -- Detention. Three o'clock."

Detention was held in the library. Jackson turned to Mr. Harris. "Oh, uh -- we can't be in detention together. I have a restraining order against these tools."

"All of these tools?"

Stiles shook his head and pointed between himself and Scott. "No, just us tools."

Harris let out a sigh. "Fine. You two, over there."

Kya joined Scott and Stiles.

She sat between the boys. Scott looked at Jackson and his eyes narrowed. "I'm gonna kill him."

Stiles shook his head. "No, you're not. You're going to find out who's controlling him and then you're gonna help save him."

Scott frowned. "No. You were right, let's kill him."

Stiles looked up to see Matt offer Jackson a chip. "Oh -- No."

He glanced between Kya and Scott. "Hey. What if it's Matt? I mean, this whole thing comes back to the video, right?"

Scott was silent for a moment. "Danny said that Matt was the one who found the two hours of footage missing."

"Exactly! He's trying to throw suspicion off himself."

"It only makes sense."

Scott nodded. "So he makes Jackson kill Isaac's dad, one of Argent's hunters, and the mechanic working on your Jeep?"

"Yes!" Stiles exclaimed.


"Because -- he's evil."

Kya studied Matt. "I'm not sure I'd go so far as to say evil, but there's definitely something."

Stiles glanced at her before saying, "The guy -- bugs me. I don't know what it is. Just look at his face."

Scott let out a sigh. "Any other theories?"

Jackson stood with a pained look on his face. Harris frowned. "Are you all right? Hey, don't look so good."

"I just need to get some water," Jackson answered.

Harris nodded and stood. He followed Jackson and turned to the group. "No one leaves their seats."

As soon as Harris left the room, Stiles, Scott and Kya moved to Erica's table. As Scott sat, he said, "Stiles says you know how Jackson's parents died."

Erica simply shrugged. "Maybe."

"Talk," Scott and Kya ordered.

"It was a car accident. My dad was the insurance investigator, and every time he sees Jackson drive by in his Porsche, he makes some comment about the huge settlement he'll be getting when he's 18."

Stiles narrowed his eyes. "So not only is Jackson rich now, but he's getting even richer at 18?"


Erica raised a brow. "You know what? I could try to find the insurance report on my dad's inbox. He keeps everything."

A female voice on the loudspeaker caught their attention. "Scott McCall, please report to the principal's office."

Scott left the room and Kya narrowed her eyes as Stiles asked, "So what information do you have?"

Erica looked at what Stiles found and read it aloud. ""Passengers arrived at the hospital D.O.A. The estimated time of death -- 9:26 P.M. June 14, 1995."

Stiles frowned as he and Kya said, "Jackson's birthday is June 15th."

Harris reappeared and started packing up his stuff, as do the students. Harris turned to face the students. "Oh, no, I'm sorry. Uh, yes, I'm leaving. But none of you are. You may go when you're done with the re-shelving. Enjoy the rest of your evening."

Stiles and Kya were discussing Jackson and Allison joined them.

"What exactly does Jackson's birthday have to do with this?" Allison wondered.

Stiles looked at her. "It means his mom died by c-section. They had to pull him out of her dead body."

Allison frowned. "So was it an accident or not?"

Stiles let out a frustrated sigh. "The word all over the report is "inconclusive.""

Scott rejoined them and asked, "Then his parents could have been murdered?"

"If they were, then it falls in line with the kanima myth. You know? It seeks out and kills murderers."

"But for Jackson? Or the person controlling him?" Allison wondered.

Scott glanced between them. "We have to talk to him. We have to tell him."

Allison shook her head. "He's not gonna-"

The kanima suddenly jumped over Scott's head and crashed into light fixtures and knocked ceiling tiles down. He stood behind Erica and she falls. "Erica!" Scott cried.

"Unh!" Erica moaned in response.

Kya noticed the board had a message. 'Stay out my way or I'll kill all of you.'

"Whoa, hey, hey, hey, hey! I think she's having a seizure," Stiles said.

Allison knelt by Matt and checked his pulse. "He's alive."

From across the room, Scott said, "We have to get her to the hospital."

"Derek -- only to Derek," Erica mumbled.

"When we get her to the hospital-" Scott began.

Erica's mumbling cut him off. "To Derek. To Derek."

"Go," Allison said.

"Hey, Scott!" Stiles called.

Scott turned to him. "I'm staying here with you."

Kya sighed and rolled her eyes.

Allison looked at Scott. "He can't take her alone. Not like this. And Matt -- I've got to call an ambulance for him. Just go."

Stiles and Kya readied to leave while Scott spoke with Allison.

They drove to the subway station Derek had been staying. The boys laid Erica down and Derek demanded, "Hold her up."

"Is she dying?" Stiles questioned.

"She might, I -- which is why this is gonna hurt."

A crack was heard by everyone and Stiles frowned at Derek. "You just broke her arm."

Derek looked up at him and nodded. "It'll trigger the healing process. It's like the gummy thing you take to heal yourself. I still gotta get the venom out. This is where it's really gonna hurt."

He squeezed Erica's arm and it became a bloody mess, but she eventually stabilized. She glanced up at Stiles. "Stiles -- you make a good Batman." She passed out and Scott, Derek and Kya left the train.

"You know who it is," Scott said.

"Jackson," Derek answered.

"You just wanted Erica to confirm it, didn't you? I'm gonna help you stop him. As part of your pack. If you want me in, fine. But we'll do it on one condition. We're gonna catch him, not kill him."


"And we do it my way."

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