Today was the day.
Today was the day Eddy had his midlife crisis - wait, was he too young for that?
Was this formal enough for the concert?
It was barely noon. He looked in the mirror on the clothes he had tried on. Surely it was fine. He never tries anything on before actually wearing it out, for the love of god.
Eddy was in a white dress shirt, with a dark blue suit jacket and matching pants. He'd worn this to a wedding previously. Surely it'll be fine.
He'd soon come to realise that he was overreacting when he googled for "what to wear to a classical music concert". With that, he heaved a sigh of relief. He made something to eat, and binge watched a few drama episodes, before hopping into the shower. He made sure that his outfit was crinkle free before he put it on, and straightened it out. He sprayed a bit of his vanilla-scented cologne and looked in the mirror - he hadn't looked this presentable in a very long time.
It comes with the job, I guess. Eddy thought as his phone vibrated.
Brett Yang: Hey, I'm early. Already here.
Turns out, being ready before time was helpful for once in a non-nursing context.
Eddy Chen: I'll head down in awhile.
Eddy grabbed his phone, wallet and keys, gave the mirror one final look, and off he went.
In short, Brett looked nothing but stunning as he walked over to open the passenger seat for him. In long, Brett wore only the black dress shirt and slacks of his concert attire, with his hair neatly slicked back, but it was enough to blow Eddy away - also, did he change his glasses?
"Wow, you look good!" Eddy couldn't help but gasp and laugh.
Brett suddenly turned pink, but said a simple "you too.".
"You're shy now but you weren't afraid to ask me out in front of my coworkers?" Eddy teased, as he got into the car. Brett laughed, but his blush became more intense. "C'mon!" Brett could only muster that much as defence, as they both laughed.
They fell into a comfortable silence as Mozart 4 played and Brett started driving. When the piece ended, Eddy spoke, voice full of nostalgia, "It still felt like it was yesterday.".
Brett hummed in agreement, "I honestly thought that was it for me, and I was gonna have a relapse and just fall down the spiral of crippling depression again."
Eddy replied, this time full of hope, "But you did it, all by yourself. Now you're back, and I'm sure you'd be better than ever, with your 40 hours of practice a day."
Brett nervously shunned the praise, as usual, "You'll see, I guess. And I did it with the help of everyone, especially you."
Brett parked the car, and Eddy couldn't help but notice it - it was a reserved spot, with the plate number on a sign. Hmm.
They made their way through numerous passageways, all with white walls, Eddy couldn't help but comment that it had looked like the ones at the hospital. Brett laughed while saying how his attachment to work had never failed to amuse him. Finally, they had reached Brett's dressing room. Brett opened the door, and turned on the lights.
"Everything as it used to be." Brett mused. He settled his violin and sheet music on the dresser and grabbed a chair for Eddy, who was in awe.
"Hey - I'm going to just do some warmups and practice now, okay?" Brett murmured as he tuned his violin. Eddy couldn't help but marvel that Brett's shoulder had really truly recovered.
"Earth to Eddy?" Brett waved in Eddy's face and chuckled when Eddy snapped out of his reverie. "What's wrong? Too much handsome for you to take in?" Brett teased while holding his violin and bow casually, laughing when he saw the flush creep up Eddy's face. He'd seen it before, the first time they met, after his operation, and now.
"Shy now, are we?" He mimicked Eddy's tone earlier on, laughing more now.
"It's just... You've come real far. I'm just proud of you." Eddy himself was taken aback on how tender his voice sounded. Brett put down his violin, and gave Eddy a hug.
And gave Eddy an idea. In the midst of hugging, Eddy suddenly attacked Brett with tickles, saying "and here's to all your relentless teasing!" Brett had never laughed so hard in his life, trying to call a truce while clinging onto Eddy, but not screaming and disturbing the quiet hallways outside.
Eventually, Eddy stopped and sat back onto the chair.
"Oh shit mate" He came to a sudden realisation.
"Your shirt's crinkled!" Eddy panicked.
"No big deal - I'll just put on the jacket later and it'll cover it. Don't worry!" Brett laughed in amusement at Eddy's panic.
Brett did eventually start practicing and Eddy was blown away.
"Dude, you call that warm ups? That felt like an entire concerto"
Brett shrugged.
Eddy probably doesn't know he was going to have the best night of his life.
7pm was when the doors opened. Brett hastily shooed Eddy out into the foyer after one last hug "for good luck", Eddy had said. Eddy showed his seat number to the usher, allowing them to lead him to his seat. As he followed said usher, he looked around at other people already seated in the plush chairs. At least he'd successfully dressed to the occasion.
He'd didn't even realise that he was sitting at a seat that would give him an unobstructed view to Brett. As the orchestra filed in, he realised that Brett was a first violin. But he wasn't just a first violin.
He was the concertmaster.
The emcee announced the start of the performance, and throwing in a casual - "We warmly welcome our concertmaster, Brett Yang, back after his medical leave!" Brett opted for a curt nod, but threw a smile in Eddy's direction.
Eddy could feel the warmth rising up his cheeks once more. The concert started, and Eddy immediately recognised it.
Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto in D Major.
After being already blown away by Brett's warmup, his performance made Eddy transcend into another universe. It felt like one of their own. He had played a few bars off his memory for Brett during his hospital stay. He remembered his own emotions then, worry, positivity, then realisation.
But this. This was on an entire other level.
He'd felt it, how Brett played so passionately, his emotions flowing into the rich melody of the piece. Maybe he was saying that he missed him as he played the gentle notes, almost longingly. Maybe he was thanking him for the times they'd played together as he played the majestic crescendo. And maybe, just maybe, he was interested in him. Was he reading too much into the music?
No, he definitely wasn't. When Brett wasn't closing his eyes to concentrate and listen, he was looking at Eddy. The grandeur of the music was awash with intense emotions. He was saying that he needed him, he had missed him, and he wanted more than just friendship. Tchaikovsky wasn't exactly known for being subtle with his music. By the end of the first movement, Eddy was smitten. Brett had an intense playing style that reminded him of his own rigorous work ethics. Brett had his usual deadpan face, expressionless as ever, but every note he played told a different story. The performance screamed of sheer talent and Eddy loved it.
When it ended, Eddy was nothing short of amazed. He applauded, along with the other audience at the end of the three movements. The orchestra took their bows and left the stage, leaving the audience to stream out.
Eddy found himself at the foyer, waiting for Brett to come out, when he received a text.
Brett Yang: Meet me at the door we went through just now.
Eddy Chen: Okay.
Eddy hurried and walked against the throng of people towards said door, which was open. He entered and soon enough, he saw Brett.
"Hey." Eddy greeted.
"Did you like it?" Brett asked nervously, violin case hanging from his side, hair slightly messed up.
"You didn't tell me you were the concertmaster, holy hell. It was amazing! Did you even hear yourself?" Eddy gestured wildly.
Brett laughed, "but I didn't lie - I was a first violin."
"Alright - I get it, humble brag all you want, violin-boy."
"I want to take you somewhere. Let's go." Eddy felt a certain conviction in Brett's tone, and realised why Brett needed the conviction soon after. Brett reached out to hold his hand and led him out into the foyer and into a lift lobby that clearly stated restricted access. They continued holding hands in the lift, when Eddy jokingly asked, "We're not doing anything illegal, are we?"
"What if we are?" Brett deadpanned. As quickly Eddy had turned slightly paler, Brett let out a laugh. "Of course not, I come here all the time." He led Eddy out from the lift, and out into the open air - they were at the rooftop, Eddy realised. "I figured I'd show you my hiding place, since you showed me yours at the hospital." Brett explained.
In a corner, Brett fetched an old yoga mat and rolled it out. "I used to only come here on my own, so this was only meant for me." He said apologetically. "I like to lie down here and stargaze." Brett took off his jacket and laid it next to the yoga mat, "I hope my jacket would suffice."
Eddy caught himself before he could stutter. "Are you sure that's okay?" he pointed to the jacket. Brett quickly reassured him and pulled him to lie down beside him. Together, they pointed out random constellations. "... And that's Orion's Belt." Brett said as he looked over at Eddy, catching the latter staring at him.
"Hey." Brett placed his hand on Eddy's arm.
"Hey." Eddy smiled. He'd hadn't been this peaceful and content in a while.
They were happy to let the moment sit and pass as they looked at each other.
"Eddy. I started falling for you since we played the violin together, and I've only fallen deeper for you and your indisputable marriage to the hospital. I love your smiles, lame jokes, and our shared disdain at violas. If you don't mind, may I be the third wheel in your relationship with the hospital, and be your boyfriend?"
Eddy hadn't laughed this hard in a long time. "Yes. Only if you serenade me."
And serenade he did.
As they kissed softly, sweetly, transiently under the moonlight, Eddy concluded that no other transient moment in his life had made him happier.
Feelings and emotions add value to transient moments, transforming them into valuable memories.
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