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No one POV

Joshua and Jeonghan look at the girl like the rest of the gang, they really don't understand what this person wants. Joshua analyzes the girl from top to bottom, judges her, and waits.

" Well, go ahead and talk. You want to talk. Then talk. " Jun says angrily.

" I'd like to talk only to Joshua and Jeonghan. If that's possible. " Says Soyeon delicately.

" That's not possible. " Jihoon retorts coldly.

The girl looks towards the young man who has just spoken, obviously one of Joshua's closest friends wasn't going to leave his eldest like that.

" All right, I just want to apologize. I didn't think Chomin would do that. " Says Soyeon

" Don't you think you've got the easy excuse ? " Said Joshua

" What else do you want me to do ? "

"I  want you to get the hell away from us and leave us alone, thank you. Good-bye. "

The girl sighs and nods softly, then leaves.

" She just gave me a hard time just now. " Seokmin says

" My sunshine, your heart is too good for this world. " Says Ayden with a smile.

" I don't know I don't think she has a bad heart. "

" What do you think, then ? Is it Chomin's influence that leads her to be a pest ? " Jun says.

" I don't think so, if she acted like that it's because she wanted to, Chomin didn't hold a knife to her throat either..." Said Joshua.

At the end of this sentence, the gang look at each other, is it possible ? Was the girl threatened by Chomin ? Could this guy be that deranged ?

" If that's really the case, poor her anyway. " says Mingyu

" That's true, but how can we be sure ? " Says Minghao

" Don't you think just talking to her might be enough ? " Said Wonwoo

" Hyung, do you think she'd be willing to admit it ? It wouldn't be that easy. " says Seokmin

The nurse nods his head, it's true that it seems too easy to just ask the girl, after all, nothing ventured, nothing gained, right ?

" What kind of class do we have this morning ? Just to see if we can talk to her at some point. " Jeonghan says softly.

" We've got sport this morning, we'll be able to try and talk to her. "   Joshua replies

The whole gang nods, and the bell rings at the same moment, a sign that they have to get to class, Jeonghan and Joshua set off hand in hand towards their gym, their teacher stopping them.

" You two are just going to attend, you're not allowed to do any sports. " says the teacher.

" Okay, sir. " Both boys reply in unison.

So the two boys take their places on the floor outside the mats without changing. They wait patiently for the girl to talk to her. The lovers see her arrive, she quickly changes and starts to warm up on the mats. Everything seems to be going well, except in a bend, Soyeon collapses on the floor, Joshua panics and gets up to go to the brunette.

" Sir ! Soyeon's fainted and we're taking her to the infirmary. " says the American.

" Very well thank you very much boys. "

Joshua gently carries the brunette and takes her to the infirmary with Jeonghan...

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