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POV Jisoo ( or Joshua )

Classes have resumed and I'm still bored, why do we have such uninteresting classes? What's more, Cheol still won't talk to me, the Chan effect is making him strange. Anyway, I can't talk to anyone and I'm bored, I don't think I've ever been so quiet. I try to catch Jun's eye to talk to him, but he's too far away, I'm fed up. Then, slowly, I feel a hand grab my arm and shake it, so I turn my head towards the dark-haired man and he asks me to read what he's written...

" I don't understand much, can you explain me ? "

" I never listen to economics and social sciences, sorry. " I answer, an embarrassed smile on my lips.

" That's okay, thanks anyway."

" Ask Chan, wait. "

Just as I'm about to call Chan, the black-haired man beside me holds me back and shakes his head. I tilt mine to the side, trying to figure out what he wants.

" Don't bother him now I'll ask him after class."

Then he smiles at me, my god his smile it's beautiful, um sorry. The birds singing outside is beautiful too, isn't it?

" Tell me, Jeonghan, are you happy with the school right now ? " I ask.

" I've been here for three hours but otherwise yes it's fine. "

" That's right, I'll ask you tomorrow. And every day, in fact. I warn you, I'm going to be a horrible pain. "

" I find you funny."

Reading that makes me really happy isn't much, but it's enough to make me smile.

" Group work in fours or fives," says our teacher.

Is that all I get ? Hey, what's all this people at my feet ?

" Jisoo-oppa, are you coming with us as a group ? " Says a girl

" No, he's coming with us. " said another.

" No, he's coming with us. " Says another, giving me a headache.

" Shut up ! I've already got my group, Cheol, Jun, Chan and Jeonghan, now get out of here. "

" It's mean oppa but that's why we love you. " Says a girl with a smile on her face.

I shake my head these girls are impossible, I don't even know what they are with me, just because I'm cold, distant and I don't sleep with anyone, I attract the whole world, well the whole school I'm abusing a little when I say "the world".

" Do you really want me to get together with you ? " Chan asks me softly.

" Do you see any other Chans in this class ? " I ask.

" You talk to him differently. " Seungcheol tells me.

" What do you have ? Go out with him and we won't talk about it. "

" Oh, shut up and let's work. "

" Yes dad ! "

Suddenly I get a pat on the head from my hyung, oh I'm going to smash it!

Chan, Jun and even Jeonghan laugh at me. Jeonghan's laughter is too soft, why have I been fanboying all this time ?

" Shua, do you agree ? asks Cheol, " What's he talking about ?

" About what ? " I ask.

" Oh, just listen ! " Jun reproaches me

" We're not going to make it if you don't listen to hyung. " Says Chan

I feel stupid, I didn't listen because I'm a fanboy on Jeonghan, what a moron. That's it, I'm back in another universe and this time it's a hand that brings me back down to earth...

" Please concentrate Jisoo, or Joshua I don't know..."

I look at him " You can say both, Jisoo is my Korean first name and Joshua my American first name. "

" I see, but really listen to us okay ? "

I nod gently, then magically start listening to my friends. I'm becoming strange, aren't I ?

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