What now

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Two days had passed since Redeye and Wildfire had been rescued and picked up by -what Redeye heard- the Autobots. Their leader was Optimus Prime, the red and blue tall one, their medic was Ratchet who was orangey-red and white, the muscle was Bulkhead, the olive green bulky one, Arcee who was blue with a tint of pink, the scout was Bumblebee who was black and yellow, Smokescreen who was blue, white and yellow and was young, Wheeljack, who had white as a main colour with red and green highlights, and finally Ultra Magnus, Optimus' second-in-command who was mainly blue and silver. There were also five humans with them, an African-American, Agent Fowler, a twelve year old named Rafael, a Japanese girl named Miko, a black haired sixteen year old, Jack and his mum June Darby.

Redeye hid in all different rooms almost all the time, waiting for her mother to wake up. She only spotted the Autobots when she accidentally walked into them.
"Hey, where's the kid?" Arcee asked as she walked into the main room. Ratchet was working on the human based computers he modified.
"Which one?" Bulkhead replied with another question.
"The predacon," she answered.
"Who knows with that one," Smokescreen answered. "I've only seen it once and that was only for a split second."
"Okay, I'm gonna go look for her," Arcee said as she walked back out of the main room.

She walked down all different corridors and still didn't find until she walked into the storage chamber. There in front of her was a little blue, black and red predacon. She looked dead until Arcee clapped her hands. Redeye quickly rose from her position and hid behind some boxes.
"Playing dead, good defence strategy," Arcee whispered to herself. She laid down on the ground and waited and pretended she was asleep.
Redeye was curious, the others had just annoyed her, walked in front of her, pretended she wasn't there. But Arcee just laid there, knowing that Redeye had the perfect opportunity to attack. After a while, Redeye gained the courage and walked over to Arcee and literally laid down next to her.
"I'm sorry about your siblings. I shouldn't have attack and killed your brother," Arcee apologised. "I hope your mother makes it."
Redeye nudged Arcee's hand as if to say your forgiven. Redeye seemed to like this femme, yes she killed her brother, but she regrets it.
"What's that noise?" Arcee questioned. A slight humming noise thrummed at both Arcee's and Redeye's audio receptors. Instantly Redeye arose and ran. Only one thing could make that noise. As she entered the main room, she saw her mother awake and standing. Her natural instincts took over, so Redeye ran to her mother. Both instantly touched noses. It seemed to put a smile on everyone's faceplates and faces, including the strict Ultra Magnus.
Wildfire made a slight nibble behind Redeye's cheek before they both seemed to just stare into each other's optics.

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