Smokescreen continued to pat Redeye on the shoulder, listening to the conversation on the other side of the main room. He didn't notice it was finished until something laid down next to him and nudged his servo. The midnight black predacon was next to him, looking him in the optics.
"Hey, Blackscale," Smokescreen practically whispered.
"Smokescreen," Blackscale mind-talked.
"She's here because of me, it's my fault she's here," Smokescreen covered his faceplate with his servo to cover the tears streaming down.
"What are you talking about?" Blackscale looked at Smokescreen confused.
"If I had disobeyed what Optimus said, she wouldn't be in this position," the youngest Autobot explained.
"Yet you both maybe."
"What?" Smokescreen asked, wiping away some tears.
"If you got captured as well, you could be in the same position as her. So it's not your fault, no matter what."
"Thanks Blackscale, I kind of needed that," Smokescreen said a bit louder than before. He put a servo in between Blackscale's horns and ruffled his helm around. Once Smokescreen stopped, Blackscale shook his head.
After a while Ratchet came over, telling both mechs to recharge and would alert them both if there was any change in Redeye's condition. Smokescreen and Blackscale walked to Smokescreen's berthroom. Both boys went to the area they would sleep, Smokescreen slept on his berth, while Blackscale happily slept on the floor next to Smokescreen's berth and the wall of the room.
Ratchet was usually the last one to fall asleep. As Ratchet's optics started to close on their own, he noticed something moaning and moving its shoulders. Ratchet immediately started walking down the corridor to Smokescreen's berthroom. As he entered, Smokescreen only moved a little, but Blackscale didn't move at all. Ratchet walked over to Smokescreen and nudge him with his servos, and almost instantly Smokescreen was awake. Seeing the medic, Smokescreen seemed scared, but then Ratchet smiled and nodded. Straight away, Smokescreen ran out the room, waking Blackscale on the to the medbay. What he saw as he entered the medbay almost made him cry with happiness. A bright yellow optic and a ruby red optic were open. Redeye was awake, not standing but awake. Both stared at each other for a few minutes.
"Smokescreen?" Redeye whispered.
"Redeye," Smokescreen whispered.
Redeye slid of the medberth, shaking off the cords while standing. Then, ignoring her weak legs, ran over to Smokescreen. Almost like a battering ram, Redeye crashed into Smokescreen as he wrapped his arms around her neck. Blackscale, who had been standing at the corridor, smiled. He understood what it was here, what everyone was to each other. Family. He knew everyone here knew their own families, but here they were stronger. Something he would never be able to understand because he was on his own when he hatched in a cave on this very planet.
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