Where DID You Come From?!?

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Prowl slept peacefully for a few hours. During this time Ratchet did some research on who he could be. Optimus helped out with this by giving Ratchet some old Iacon data files he kept.

"Hmm... no I'm not seeing that name in these files... I'll try the history files before that," Ratchet said and Optimus nodded.

Bulkhead stood over the sleeping Prowl. He waved his servo over Prowl's head.
"Wow, he's really out isn't he 'Bee?" Bulkhead commented.

Bumblebee buzzed and nodded. He beeped and whirred some more.

Bulkhead laughed. "Yeah he does have a long chin!"

Arcee huffed. "Just let him recharge in peace," she told them and Bulkhead and Bumblebee backed away.

"Ah ha!!" They all heard Ratchet say all of a sudden. "Here it is. Yes, yes, yes... an Autobot named Prowl... expert strategist... Hmm..." Ratchet read bits of the bio he found.

Bulkhead, Bumblebee, and Arcee walked over and took a look. Optimus read silently.

"Here we are, a picture that I can identify him with..." Ratchet said opening up a file.

"Well is it him?" Bulkhead asked.

"No it's impossible..." Ratchet said looking at the picture on the screen. "This 'bot is white and black."

"Could he have changed paint colors?" Arcee asked.

"No. I mean it's impossible for this Prowl to be that Prowl," Ratchet explained, "you see this Prowl on the screen not only bears almost no resemblance to our Prowl but... well, he was killed in a Decepticon attack..." Ratchet said solemnly.

Optimus nodded. "Not only that but this file is from the first war... long before we were even assembled."

"Okay, so it's probably not him..." Arcee said sarcastically.

Ratchet sighed frustratedly. "I can't seem to find him in the system anywhere!" But his search was cut short because Prowl's monitor started beeping loudly again.

"Can anyone shut that off?" They heard a sleepy voice ask.

Ratchet walked over. "Yes, I can. Since you seem pretty stable, the monitor isn't necessary," Ratchet said a little irritated.

"Hmm, thank you..." Prowl said once the beeping was silenced. He opened his eyes and saw Ratchet. He bolted into a sitting position and stared at Ratchet.
"You're still here?!" He said confused and frustrated.

"Yes, I'm here... and so are the others..." Ratchet said casually.

Prowl stared horrified at the other Autobots. "But you're not real!" he said.

"I can assure you that we are indeed real," Optimus said walking to Prowl. "It is possible that, like us, the Autobot you know were named after heroic Autobots from the past war," Optimus explained.

Prowl looked around. "The past war... Optimus was fascinated with the historical documents of the previous war against the Decepticons... uh, the Optimus I know, if there are in fact two."

"So Prowl is from the past? And we're all named after the Autobots he knows?" Arcee asked.

"Hmm... Prowl, could you describe your team to us?" Optimus asked.

Prowl nodded. "Yes. Our leader's name is Optimus, he is a Prime. He looks similar to you in color scheme. Then there's Ratchet. He's our medic. He also looks liked you, Ratchet, though is slightly different in build. There's Bulkhead who looks almost identical to you, Bulkhead. And Bumblebee. He is shorter than your Bumblebee but is yellow and black like you. Though he can talk... and can he talk... anyway, and then there's me. Was that helpful?"

Optimus nodded but was silent as he thought this over.

"You are supposing that I am from the past and you are all named after my team. Although this is possible, it isn't likely, being that my team is just a spacebridge maintenance crew. We only recently landed on a planet called Earth and were forced to fight the Decepticons..." Prowl explained.

"Earth? That's where we are right now," Arcee said.

"What year is it?!" Prowl asked eagerly. "If you tell me the earth year that it is, I can tell you for sure if I'm from your past!"

Optimus nodded. "It is the Earth year 2012 AD" Optimus stated.

"2012?!" Prowl repeated in shock. "You are looking at this all wrong then. I am not from your past, you are from mine!"


I know... it's really confusing! So basically G1 is in the PAST past and they were from the "first war" so when Cybertron was restored to the "second golden age" that's the golden age from tfp. Then ANOTHER war broke out and that was transformers prime then everything was great and then Animated happened...

I also have an explanation for how the dates on Cybertron were millions of years where g1 was in the 80s then Prime happened like 20 something years later but that's even more confusing so I'll leave that out....

But anyways, the overlapping character names are cause Cybertronians were just named after certain famous Cybertronians from the past just like with humans.

Anyways! Now that all that confusion is over with, I can move on to better storylines for this fanfic!! Yay!

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