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"Robots. In. Disguise!!!" Arcee said for the tenth time as they rode back to Autobot outpost Omega-1.

Prowl remained steadfast in his defense. "In the future, the Autobots are celebrated heroes among the humans, well, most of the time... I apologize. I wasn't aware of the present conditions."

"We know. Just remember not to transform around humans in the future-er-past, I mean now, you know what I mean!" Bulkhead said.

Jack chuckled. "It's a good thing no one was around."

"Still, there could have been major consequences if Prowl had been seen," Arcee said in a serious tone.

"Yeah, like when you, me, and 'bee were seen!" Bulkhead said.

"Oh? When was this?" Prowl asked.

"Well, that's the whole story of how Miko, Jack, and Raf came to stay with us," Bulkhead said.

They shared the story on the way back to base.

Their conversation was cut abruptly when they got back to base and saw Special Agent William Fowler talking to Optimus and Ratchet.

Prowl didn't seem bothered by the presence of another human but the others seemed tense.

"You've got a new man among your ranks now, Prime?" Fowler asked. "Don't tell me he's another Wheeljack."

"Prowl is just visiting. He will leave once his ship is repaired," Optimus said then looked directly at Prowl who immediately knew to just go with the story.

"Well, I wish you'd tell me these things. My superiors are antsy as it is about you 'bots," Fowler said.

"I can assure you Prowl will do no harm to this world during his stay here," Optimus said.

Prowl gave an innocent smile and nodded.

Bulkhead and Bumblebee stood in awkward silence. Neither of them could lie to save their lives.

Fowler looked at them suspiciously before addressing Optimus again. "Alright. Well, if you run into any problems, give me a call..." and with that, he left.

Bulkhead sighed with relief. "That was a close one," he said.

"It may not be my place to ask, but why did you lie to that man?" Prowl asked Optimus.

"Your being here is a sensitive situation. I'm not sure Agent Fowler would approve of us letting you outside of the base. Nevertheless, we do intend to do all in our power to return you home. So, I do not believe it necessary for Agent Fowler to know the whole truth," Optimus said, and Prowl nodded.


"Is his fighting style like Arcee? Or more ninja-Jedi-warrior-bot?! Man, I wish I could've been there to see!!" Miko said to Bulkhead.

"He was quite a ninja!" Bulkhead said.

Bumblebee buzzed something teasingly and Arcee shook her head. "This isn't some kind of competition on who can do more flips!" she said, slightly aggravated.

"It should totally be a competition!!!" Miko said.

"No, it shouldn't," Arcee said firmly.

"Aw come on 'Cee! It'd be fun!" Bulkhead said.

"Oh, and are you offering to participate too?" Arcee said, puting her servo on her hip.

"Hey, you know I'm not the agility type," Bulkhead said, putting his hands up defensively.

"Hey, come on, everyone wants to see you and Prowl go head to head!! Ninja-bot versus ninja-bot!" Miko said then cupped her chin in thought. "Ooh, come to think of it, I kinda ship it..."

"You ship it? What's that even supposed to mean?" Arcee asked irritated.

Miko brought her fingertips together and made kissing noises.

"Ugh! What is wrong with you?!" Arcee snapped, but the others laughed.

Miko smiled smugly and winked. "The more you deny it, the worse it looks!" She said.

"Tell it to someone who cares," Arcee said coldly.

"Hey, where is Prowl anyways?" Miko said looking around.

"Probably hiding from you," Arcee mumbled but too quietly for any of them to hear.


Prowl stood on top of the base-mountain, looking over the vast desert.

He had come to an agreement with Arcee that he could go up to the top of the base to meditate as long as she wasn't there. He enjoyed the quiet and stillness up there but still, he wore a sad expression. He couldn't help feeling homesick but also knew that he would really miss it where he was. The Autobots there had grown on him, and the thought that he would never be able to see them again was an unhappy one. Then again, he also wondered if he'd ever even make it back to his time.

"Thought I might find you up here," came Arcee's voice from behind him, "Sure is peaceful here..."

Prowl turned around sharply. "I can leave," he said quickly and politely.

"You don't have to. As much as I enjoy a little solitude up here sometimes, I don't own the place," Arcee replied. She couldn't bring herself to throw him back downstairs with Miko.

Prowl relaxed and nodded. He turned back and looked out over the desert again.

"The climate here is so much different to where I lived," he said.

"Oh yeah? Where did you live?" Arcee asked.

"In a city called Detroit."

"Heh, that's funny. That's where Bumblebee and I 'bridged to when we accidentally picked you up-" Arcee stopped and Prowl noticed it too.

"You don't suppose?" Prowl began.

"That location had something to do with it?" Arcee said. "Let's tell Ratchet!"

They both hurried down inside the base.


Ooooh!!! I had so much fun writing this chapter!!!! :D

Hope you enjoyed it!! Thanks for reading!! I'll see ya next week!!!

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