Ratchet x Amanda lemon

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Amanda pov

Amanda was waiting on her guardian ratchet him was late for picking her up from school and she just sighed and sat down on the steps and started drawing the bots and her. She hear a horn blow and she looked up and saw ratchet in his alt mode and ratchet open the door for her and she got in and ratchet close the door and drove off to the base. Amanda was looking out the window and ratchet said something ''how was your day at school Amanda'' and she said it was great and we learned about everything in the galaxy. Ratchet said good, Amanda ask ratchet to stop at a store and he pulled over. She went into the store and bought something and a young boy walk up to her and started flirting with her and someone tapped his shoulder and he turned around and got punched in the face. I saw ratchet in his human mode a d he grabbed my hand and walk out of the store and he looked piss. Ratchet are you jealous that the boy was flirting with me he said No and I said yes you are you were totally jealous and I like it. Ratchet had pulled over a rock and I got out of the car and he pushed me up against the rock kissing my neck licking it and I moaned and he found my sweet spot and he bit it. He started pulling my clothes off and he stripped him clothes off to and loop at me and said are you ready and I nodded my head slowly and he pushed. Tears was coming out of my eyes. He licked him away I put my arms around him neck and moaned him name loud he was groaning my name he had a death grip on my hips. He thrust into harder and faster like a wild animal and he came into me and I came on his spike. He pulled out and I putted my clothes on and he did the same, ratchet I have to say but it was enjoyable and I hope we can do this again sometime. He said the same and kisses me and transform in his alt modesecret_camerondallas

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