Kilostrike- Neutral

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Gender: Male.

Height: 23'4 feet.

Vehicle Mode: 2022 Audi R8.

Robot Mode: His robot is streamlined for more agility in combat. The headlights place themselves on his chest, the grill and hood collapsing in on themselves to fill in the remainder of his chest with the front tires embedded into his shoulder joints. The taillights are placed in his calves with the back tires in the center of his knees. The intakes on the sides of the car find themselves on the sides of his shins. The doors fold in on themselves and become his forearms, as do some parts of the roof and underside.

Personality: Calculating, a little cold, but nonetheless respectable and kind to those he works with.

Weapons: Powerful arm blasters, 2 machete style swords.

(It is noted that these blades are stored on the underside of his forearms, but the blade itself can extend like Scourge's from Rise of the Beasts or the Doom Slayer from Doom Eternal, butcan still be used like normal swords)

Other: He has a retractable full face mask(similar to Soundwave's visor) that he uses to track targets or see in infrared when in dark environments. He also captains a ship a little smaller than the Nemesis, which he calls the Dominus.

Sexuality: Asexual, Bi-Romantic.

Love Interest: Unknown.

Occupation: Bounty Hunter.

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