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After introducing myself to everyone Kakucho offered to give me a tour around the headquarters, the building was mainly a hotel the ground floor has a casino and club, the top floor was the main office space where all the deals, paperwork and meetings happen there was an office for every Bonten higher-up, two meeting rooms and a huge lounge with floor to ceiling windows overlooking Tokyo, the 2 floors under the top floor were the living space, they were divided into apartments each floor has 4 apartments, the Haitani brothers, Hajime Kokonoi, Mochizuki Kanji, Akashi Takeomi occupied the floor before the last while Mikey, Sanzu, Kakucho occupied the other floor and starting today I'll be joining them, the rest of the building is basic hotel rooms with different sizes.

We reached the apartment were I'm supposed to stay.

"This is your apartment" he handed me a key card, I took it and thanked him.
"this is my apartment" he pointed at the door in front of mine "you can come to me if you need anything."

I nodded and was about to open my door when he spoke again "about that report you have to give every week I don't think you want to deal with Sanzu at the moment and Mikey is not available most of the time so you can give it to me" he wasn't wrong I don't need any unnecessary communication with Sanzu at the moment he is the reason why I'm in this situation to begin with.

"Fine I'll give it to you" I said in a monotonous voice.

He nodded "okay I'll leave you to rest now, goodnight miss L/N" he turned around and walked the other way.

I opened the door to my now new apartment, it was much bigger than my previous one, there were 2 bedrooms, a huge bathroom and a big kitchen, the living room had a glass facade the view was beautiful and everything was very luxurious.

Even though this apartment is much better than the previous one I only see it as a prison, I despise every inch of it just thinking of how many people were killed to build this fancy HQ, how many lives were ruined was enough for me to feel disgusted by this place.

They are a bunch of criminals.

1 month later:

I started to get used to my life with Bonten everyday I leave the HQ to go to work making sure no one sees me do my job and to the apartment, the two I talk to the most are Kakucho when I give him my report every week and sometimes Takeomi cause we live on the same floor, sometimes I see Sanzu but I just ignore him, today I'm supposed to give my report to Kakucho I knock on his door, I'm surprised to see Takeomi instead.

"Oh sorry, I must have knocked on the wrong door" I said checking the door.
"Nah this is Kakucho's apartment he is not here though, but you can come in" he said with a smile.
"Oh, okay" I entered and he closed the door.
"Sit down, I was just getting some documents I need but I have some time to kill if you want me to keep your company until he gets home" he said ushering me to a chair then sitting on the chair next to me.
"Do what you want it's fine by me" I said reading my report.

There was a small pause before he spoke again "You know if you keep being distant like that no one will trust you" he said lighting up a cigarette.

I looked up at him "Who said I need your trust?"

"No one but it will make your life a lot easier if you have our trust" he offered me a cigarette I took it and he lit it for me.

"How so?" I said taking a puff of the cigarette.

"Well we might let you go out without a subordinate watching your every move for starters" he shrugged "or better you can have a chance to actually go back to your apartment"

I scoffed "Like you will ever let me do that"

"Have a little faith in us y/n" he said seriously "I know you hate us but we are working together now it won't hurt you to talk to us from time to time"

"You sound like a big brother scolding his little sister." I'm not gonna lie out of all the Bonten higher-ups Takeomi gave me the safest aura.

He laughed "I do have a sister she is close to your age."

I looked at him a bit surprised "where is she now? Does she know what you do?"

"She lives in a small city outside Tokyo, and no she doesn't know everything I do" he said with a sad smile " when I joined Mikey my only request was to keep her away and safe from all of our activities."

"Do you visit her?" I don't know why I'm suddenly so interested.

"At first I visited her every month but after Bonten got bigger it became dangerous and I stopped visiting" he frowned "she must really hate me now" he chuckled but his sadness was apparent.

I couldn't help but feel bad for him I didn't know what to say I wanted to change the subject "I wish I had siblings, my parents were killed when I was 7 and I lived alone since then it would have been nice to have an older sibling" I was lucky that my parents were rich I didn't need to worry about money but living alone in a big house with only a servant wasn't all that good.

"You can consider me as a big brother if you want" he smiled at you it felt genuine "I know my brother gave you a good reason not to trust any of us but I'm not interested in harming you in anyway"

"Wait, what? Who is your brother?" I didn't know he had a brother in Bonten as well is he Mikey? No it doesn't look like it.

"Haruchiyo is my younger brother, I understand your surprise we don't look like siblings at all" he chuckled.

I looked at him in disbelief "but he told me he is an only child" dammit is there anything he didn't lie about?!

"Don't blame him, he doesn't consider me as his brother not after what happened in the past at least, you see our family wasn't the best and Haruchiyo had it the worst amongst the three of us he endured a lot but one more misunderstanding was all it took for him to leave all of us behind he thought we betrayed him and that was when he found Mikey, he took him in and from this moment Haruchiyo swore his life to Mikey" he said sadly.

I was about to ask more about it when the door opened, Kakucho entered "sorry to keep you waiting L/N, you are here for the report right?"

"Oh yes you will find some new information here" I said and gave him the report he nodded and took a look inside the report.

"Thank you" he smiled at me.

"I'll be going now" I said and waved at him.

"Me too, I have what I need anyway" Takeomi said standing up and following me.

We both exited Kakucho's apartment I stopped when I saw Sanzu standing in front of my door, Takeomi looked at him the turned to me patting my head  I got surprised with the gesture but it felt nice.

"Goodnight y/n, I'll see you later" he smiled at me and walked to his apartment.

I took a deep breath and walked to my door trying my best to ignore the pink haired male and open my door.

"I didn't know you were friends with Takeomi" he said.

"I don't think that is any of your business" I opened the door and was about to close it when he stopped it with his arm "go away Sanzu" I said monotonously.

He entered and closed the door behind him.

"What the fuck?! I said go away, I don't want to deal with you right now or ever" my breath hitched when he grabbed my shoulders and slammed me against the door his face hovering close to mine he reeked with alcohol making you flinch.

"Really? You don't want to deal with me but you are okay with Takeomi touching you? Or going to Kakucho's place Are they really better than me?" The look on his face was scary his grip on my shoulders so tight that it hurts.

"Why do you care? Weren't I just a mission to you-" I was cut off with him kissing me deeply sucking and pulling my lower lip I tried pushing him but he didn't budge after some time he broke the kiss his finger rubbing my lips as he whispered in my ear "I care cause you are mine, no one should lay their fingers on you if I can't have you no one will" he release me from his grip and left my place, I crouched down trying to collect my thoughts and calm down.

Just what the fuck was that?


A/N: yea I'm not so sure about this chapter :/ tell me what do you think.

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