For the past thirty years I've lived on the moon, twenty years humanity has done the same. I am not as young as I was when I first arrived here. But I still have much to atone for, even if those I have wronged have forgiven or even forgotten. While the "Accumulation of Good Will" has been active for almost as long as I have been here. It still has a long time before it's mission will ever be complete.
Is this how you atone for your "sins".
Perhaps, if that is how you wish to interpret it.
Do you wish you could have done something different?
Nearly every day, I have many regrets and little that has satisfied myself. There have been many lives I have manipulated for my goals, and many more that I have destroyed.
Do you live to atone?
I have done my best to make up with those I have directly influenced. Whether or not I was successful is another story entirely.
Why are you so willing to confide in something you have never met before. A force you have sensed is powerful beyond human comprehension.
Perhaps it's because you are willing to listen, it has been a long time since I've met someone who willingly listens to my rambles. And those who are have their own life.
You are a interesting person, full of regret, yet still full of hope. And holds power only rivaled by few on your world.
Your compliments are flattering, but I am still human. Some one like myself cannot be compared to a force like yourself.
I like you human. I have an offer for you, you seek atonement. And I shall offer you a way.
I am not sure there is a set path for atonement.
Then I shall ask you this, do you wish to see the stars.
You ask a human if they wish to see the stars, it is our nature to be curious.
I will assume you are agreeing. If you are to agree you may see the stars, but you have to record everything you discover.
You wish to document the entire universe?
Indeed, I am but one entity. I cannot be everywhere at once.
But I am an old man, I cannot possibly live long enough to complete such a task.
Then I shall grant you the power to do so. I only need to have a connection with you and you will be capable of sharing the information you learn.
Before I accept your offer, may I have your name. It would be informal to make a contact without knowing the identity of the individual.
Very well, you may refer to me as Fuli, I am the Aeon of Remembrance. What is your name human.
You may call me Asuka, Asuka R. Kreuz.
Well Asuka, do you accept my offer.
I do.
Reach out with your mind, when you feel a force pulling you, do not resist. That is me drawing you closer to where you will be able to sign the contract. Once you have signed the contract I will be gone till you reach your first world. That when is we shall meet again.
Do you have a way for me to reach these worlds?
The Astral Express, followers of Akivili, they travel the stars performing a task known as trailblazing. I will create a beacon and draw the express to your location. Then you must find a way to board the Express. That will be how you travel from world to world.
One thing before I sign, how will I be able to contact you if I ever need to know something.
Once the contract is signed and you reach your first world, all need to do is think of me and I will come. Is there anything else you would like to know before I go Asuka?
Nothing else.
Then I bid you farewell Asuka R. Kreuz.
As soon as I heard those words the immense presence I felt suddenly disappeared as I opened my eyes. Checking the clock several Earth hours had passed since I met with the Aeon. Resettling myself I closed my eyes and let my mind reach out into a mind scape. Nearly pitch black, I could only see what was in front me and I would have to rely on my senses.
Drifting through the mind scape I felt a pull as I began to drift off course. Letting myself be pulled through the dark abyss, I eventually came upon blinding light as I reached out to grasp what was exiting such a light. Feeling my hand wrap around an object, the world around me started to fade as it transformed into a white room.
Suddenly a giant mass of what was seemingly crystal appeared in front of me. Bowing my head down to show respect to the Aeon, it looked down to me and a light came from it and stopped in front of me as it transformed into a sheet of paper and a quill. Taking the quill I wrote my name down onto the paper and placed the quill
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