The crew of the Astral Express having all returned back to the room that Asuka had offered them, where Welt had shared his conversation with Asuka. Where the three of them were now discussing on what they should do.
"And that's all he said?" asked Himeko.
"That's right," replied Welt, "he didn't seem to have an ulterior motive when we talked. He was actually pretty straightforward all things considered, but I feel there is something he is hiding."
"Oh really. Are you sure you're not getting paranoid in your old age." said Void Archives with a rather smug grin, sitting lazily in one of the cabins many seats. Giving Void Archives a 'be quiet' stare, Himeko said,
"If Asuka is hiding something, I don't think it'll problem, Cecilia had told me that Asuka has been here since before the colony had been created, and there hasn't been any reported problems."
"Even so, if we are to accept his offer, I think we should still be wary of whatever he does. We don't know what he could possibly do."
"I'll make sure we'll keep track of him, both on and off the train. Is there anything else you have to say?" c
Looking to both Welt and Void Archives, Himeko waited to make sure none of them had anything to say before saying,
"Seeing as no one has any objections, it seems we are going to let Asuka and one of his students join us."
"You are the one in charge here, so it's up to you." said Void Archives. Getting up from his seat, Void Archives begin to walk toward the door that lead to the outside, saying before he left, "Whenever you finish this ordeal I'll be waiting in the train."
With Void Archives having left, Himeko and Welt continued their conversation, with Himeko saying,
"When should we tell Asuka?"
"He said that he had business to take care of so he probably won't be back anytime soon."
"So we just wait till he gets back."
"We just have to wait."
With Asuka
Once Asuka had parted ways with Welt, Asuka had immediately teleported to Tír na nÓg where he was now in vast library where he already had gathered several items. Taking a seat at one of multiple tables that were scattered around the library, setting down his decent sized stack of items that he procured from around the ship.
Asuka POV
Searching through the stack of item I had in front of me, I mentally sorted each and every one of them by their usefulness and whether I would take them with me. Most of what I had were textbooks and manuals, certainly good when I needed a break and wanted to read a bit, but were mostly useless, still, I might bring a couple anyway. On the little bit more interesting side, there were several old weapons manuals from quite a long time ago, definitely not bringing those with me. Placing all of those in their own stack,I began to go through any files related to magic. Since I would be leaving, why not give whichever one of the twins who was staying some help with my tasks. Even though they've been helping me for quite a long time, it wouldn't hurt to give them a little bit of assistance. Especially when they inevitably run into a problem they don't have the experience or the knowledge to solve, then they'll need all the help they can get.
Sorting anything that wasn't a failure or and if it was, had any foreseeable use into their own pile, I was left with three items that I knew I would take. The first, to those with the untrained eye, being a rather plain leather bound notebook. But to those who dealt with magic daily, the notebook was brimming with magic. Compared to most magical artifacts, the notebook itself didn't contain much magic itself, but what was important was what the notebook was capable of doing. Running my hand over the notebook's cover, whatever my hand hand touched glowing symbols and equations appeared. Creating an elaborate pattern that would indecipherable to nearly everyone, but to the creator of the pattern, it made all too much sense. Seeing that the pattern was correct and there were no damages, I let the pattern fade away, setting down on the table.
The second item was a little less conventional then a notebook, with what looked like the Sonic Screwdriver from Doctor Who. Activating the device, a bright blue light began to come the point as it let out a high pitch whine. Seeing that it worked properly and I wouldn't to do any maintenance on it, I deactivated the device putting on top of the notebook.
The third and final item was a pair of watches, one ebony and one ivory, designed to work together. With each one meant to be worn by a different person. Each watch had its own engravings, each depicting its own message and story, while simultaneously serving as the basis for the watches main function.
With all of the items I intended to bring back secured and accounted for, I began to return back. Closing my eyes, magic began to surround me, fully encasing myself in a magic bubble, and when I opened my eyes, I was back in front of my house. Entering, I set the items I brought down onto a table and walked over to the closed door of my guest room. Knocking three times on the door, I waited for several seconds till I heard the door unlock and watched as Himeko opened the door.
"Have you reached a decision yet?" I asked her.
"We have. Have you told your students yet." She said.
"Not yet, but I'm certain that they've figured it out by now. May I come in?"
"Of course, it is your house." said Himeko as she let me walk into the room. Looking around the room, I saw Welt sitting on a chair, tapping that cane of his with his index finger. Letting Himeko walk past and stand next Welt, I said,
"Where is Void Archives? I think it would be better if all of you where here."
"He could care less what we decide." responded Welt.
"He's waiting in the Express." cut in Himeko.
"So that's what happened, well if that 's the case, what is your decision."
Looking to each other, Himeko and Welt sat in silence so several seconds before Himeko said,
"We accept your offer, you and one of your students will be members of the Astral Express once we leave."
"Well all right then, I will let my students know and let them decide who will come. Though do expect it take some though."
"Of course, we await your arrival."
Guiding Himeko and Welt out of my house, I watched as they left and headed in the direction of the Astral Express. Now by myself, I too walked away from my house. Taking in the sight of the moon colony as I walked through it. After all, it may be the last time I ever get to fully explore it. And with that mind, did it finally dawn on me how much it has grown since I first got here.
Being isolated and by myself, both figuratively and literally, in a barren world where I could do nearly anything. The honeymoon period lasted for a while, but eventually boredom would find me eventually. And once the people finally came I could say that I wasn't alone, but grudges can last longer than they should, but their's was certainty warranted.
Finally arriving at my destination, one of the larger houses here, and the home of my former students. Raising my hand to knock on door, I stood there and contemplated my decision. Did I really want to separate a family? They're all adults but the thought certainly isn't helpful to think about.
Coming to a decision, I knocked on the door and waited to be answered.
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