Chapter 18

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Maddy nodded and carefully watched her mom.

"So, the two boys and the girl in Tristan's car are werewolves too?"

"You noticed that?" Maddy asked sheepishly.

"Of course, I did. I'm not blind," her mom said dryly. Keeping, her cup of coffee down after taking a sip, she intertwined her fingers and waited for a second, she started talking. "Since you have already stumbled into the world of werewolves I might as well tell you everything."

Maddy's breath hitched. "What are you talking about?"

"You are a werewolf," her mom said flatly.

Maddy waited for a second for her mom to crack a smile. She wouldn't put it above her mom to crack a joke about her being a werewolf. When her mom didn't speak, a small grin crept up on Maddy's face. "I am a werewolf?!" she asked, unable to keep her excitement within herself.

Her mom nodded. A bubbly feeling started in Maddy's stomach, slowly spreading to the rest of her body. She felt as though she could fly all the way to the moon. She grinned so widely that her cheeks started hurting. Maddy made a mental note of that day's date. It definitely was one of the best days in her life, Maddy decided, right beside the day when she first discovered about werewolves.

"You are a werewolf?" Maddy asked.

Her mom frowned. "Do I look like a werewolf?"

Maddy looked at her mom and immediately knew that she wasn't a werewolf. She was barely 4'9. There was no way she could be a werewolf unless she got cursed to be short or something. A curse that was passed down to Maddy as well.

"Dad?" she asked.

Her mom nodded. "He was a werewolf but before you get excited—"

It was too late. Maddy was already way too excited. "You are telling me I am a werewolf," Maddy practically shouted as she started bouncing on the sofa she was sitting. "Holy shit! I—"

"Language," her mom muttered.

"I am a werewolf! Can I like shift into a werewolf? Have you seen me shift into a werewolf? What color is my wolf? I would peg her as a white or greyish wolf but she might also be brown because of my hair color. Wait, is my wolf a her or me itself? I wonder if my wolf is bigger than Xander's. That would totally piss him off. Wait, am I very dominant or—"

"Madison," her mom said sharply. She had been trying to stop Maddy form talking for a long time but Maddy had been too excited to stop. Now that her mom used her full name, Maddy shut her mouth.

"I told you not to get excited," she said as she bit her lip, thinking about something.

"Can I ask one question?" Maddy asked and on seeing her mom nod, she continued, "Why didn't you tell me this before? First Xander, then Leia and Tristan, then you. Is there anyone else close to me who just happens to be a werewolf?"

"I am not a werewolf," her mom pointed out. "I didn't tell you this before because there was a high chance that you would try to run away and find more werewolves."

"I would not," Maddy protested.

Her mom said nothing. Just raised an eyebrow.

"Well, maybe there is a small chance that I might have done that."

Cue the raised eyebrow being raised higher.

"Okay fine. I would have definitely done that," Maddy admitted as she got up. "I should call Leia back. She will be ecstatic to hear that I am a werewolf too."

Her mom sighed. "I don't know how to tell this to you but..." her mom trailed off.

Maddy sat back down with her smile fading away. Was her mom going to say that it was all a joke? If that was the case, then Maddy would have to scream into her pillow for two minutes at least before getting her life back together. When her mom said that she was a werewolf, Maddy honestly felt like the main character of a fantasy book. You know, the kind of book where the main character lives a complete normal live until he or she stumbles into a fantasy world and then they discover that they have some sort of special powers too. They then proceed to save the world by doing some very cool stuff.

"What happened?" Maddy asked quietly.

Her mom stared at Maddy for a second before replying, "You are a werewolf but there are some complications."

Her mom paused once again for a few seconds before continuing, "Let me start from the beginning. Your great grandmother from your father's side was a werewolf. She and her mate weren't compatible."

"What do you mean by not compatible? Aren't mates supposed to be two halves of one soul?"

Her mom shrugged. "I don't know. All I know is that your great grandmother ran away. At that point of time, the girls were supposed to stay with their mates whether they liked it or not. She ran away and settled in the human world. She fell in love with a human and they had a boy: your grandfather.

Now your grandfather was a half werewolf so he had a little trouble shifting because of the diluted werewolf blood. He grew up in the human world, away from all werewolves so he never got the chance to meet his mate. He married a human girl; your grandmother and your father was born.

Your father had even more diluted blood so he couldn't shift at all except on full moon days when the wolf is the strongest. He had a few other werewolf characteristics but he was mainly human. He too never met his mate and married another human—me—and then we had you. So, you see, your werewolf blood is extremely diluted."

Maddy stared at her mom for a minute, just processing the information. "What?" she asked, confused. All the information just went over her head.

"Were you even listening to me?"

Maddy nodded. "Yeah. So, you are telling me that I am like one-eighth of werewolf? I could work with that. As long as I am a werewolf, I am fine with that. I am more than fine with that."

"No, that wasn't the point of the story," her mom interrupted her before she could launch into another monologue. "The purpose of the story was to let you know that you can't shift. Like ever." 

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