4-Calm and wild, Turn the lights off

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Trophy was looking at the calendar app on his phone. He had marked every day Cheesy was having a comedy special. ...Not because he was excited to go or anything, he marked it so he could go in and make fun of him.

His next comedy special was Friday, which was tomorrow.

Trophy went to Spotify to listen to music, but he saw something on the screen

"What you might be interested in"

They were all various playlists, one of them was called "gay thoughts"

'Gay thoughts?! The fuck, why does Spotify think I'd be interested in this?!'  Trophy thought to himself.

He clicked the user and his eyes widened when he saw the username.


Trophy was definitely confused. He had so many questions running around his mind.

"Why did Spotify recommend me that playlist?", "Why is Cheesy's account on my recommended?!", and "Why does Cheesy have a 'gay thoughts' playlist?!"

Trophy was just sitting trying to make sense of all this.

'No. there's no way. This is NOT Cheesy. It's not the Cheesy I know. There's just no way... HE'S NOT GAY RIGHT?!... wait, I'm not homophobic... Whatever.'

Trophy put on the playlist, he told himself it was for 'shits and giggles'.

The first song was "Love game" by Lady Gaga.

'Huh. Never knew Cheesy had this good music taste.'

Trophy laid in his bed listening. Soon his eyes began to droop and he was swallowed by the sweet sensation of sleep.

Cheesy's POV:

I was listening to my playlist until I look at the screen and see that there's a notification.

Someone's listening to my playlist? Huh. wonder who it could be...

I click to check who the user was and...

...wait a minute.



Okay okay Cheesy calm down...BUT I CAN'T!! I just have a flood of emotions like, I'm confused, but It's also kinda funny, but also TROPHY IS LISTENING TO MY PLAYLIST!!

It makes me weirdly happy for some reason. I guess just knowing that the tough jock is listening to my Spotify playlist, And the fact that he's listening to a playlist called "gay thoughts" is more hilarious than all the jokes I've made combined!

As I'm thinking, I get another notification.

"T_rophz has followed you."




I grab my phone and headphones and run to my desk, placing my phone on the table while desperately looking for my journal in the compartment so I can write my feelings down.

I feel it and open the book, writing down all I can faster than I ever have before

Excitement runs through my body.

I can't believe this is happening!


I walk over to Cheesy's door, I need him to get the comedy special set up. I knock on his door.

...No response.

I can definitely hear he's in there. I knock again.

"Cheesy? Can you come out? I need your help."

...Still nothing. It's like he's ignoring me

I can hear him rustling in his room. The sound of pencil scraping paper is loud and clear through the door. I grab the door knob and turn it a bit, opening it and peaking into his room.

He's on his desk with headphones in writing in a book. I don't know how loud he set his headphones to, but it must be pretty loud.

"Cheesy!" I yell. He immediately jumps in his chair and slams the book shut. He turns to his phone and pauses the music.

"Sorry OJ, What's up?"

"I need your help for setting up the comedy special."

"Oh yeah! I totally forgot that was tomorrow!"

He jumps out of his seat and puts the book in a compartment in his desk. ...I'm not even gonna ask why he has that.

He walks out the room and closes the door.

"Okay OGay, Let's do this!"

"Excuse me?"



Trophy awoke from his sleep. His phone had died so the music had turned off, which was kind of a bummer for him because he actually liked the playlist.

But, there was something itching his mind.

Why had Cheesy made a 'gay thoughts' playlist?

He figured it might've been for comedic effect, but it was weird....

Cheesy had always said he was straight. He had always identified as cisgender and straight. Whenever someone brought up his sexuality or gender though, he'd get nervous. Sometimes even defensive. And don't even get him started on the mention of his parents. He'd always try to change the subject or avoid the question. Whenever someone called him "gay" (derogatory or not) he would either get upset or flustered. He would always deny it. Cheesy was always the funny, upbeat, outgoing jokester. He never got upset, But this is the only time Trophy would see him unhappy.

It made Trophy a bit uneasy. Seeing him unhappy and all, It felt sort of...surreal.

Cheesy was always smiling. He always had such a warm expression on his face. He told you jokes when you were feeling down. He could make anyone smile. But as soon as you mentioned those things, it's like his whole personality changes.

Trophy pondered about why Cheesy would act like this. He wanted to get to the bottom of it.


Cheesy was setting up stuff for the comedy special until he got a notification on his phone. He opened it and checked the message.

For the next 5 minutes, Cheesy stopped all that he was doing just to text this person. OJ took notice of this.

"Hey Cheesy, you should be setting stuff up, what's going on?"

Cheesy looked up at OJ with an uneasy expression.

"Hey OJ...I know this might sound weird, but can we cancel this week's comedy special?"

OJ looked at Cheesy with a confused expression.

"What? Why? What happened?"

"Erm...I kind of forgot, I have a Doctor's appointment tomorrow and It's kind of urgent. I can't reschedule it."

OJ just sighed.

"If it really is important, then we can cancel it."

"Phew! Thanks so much, OJ!" Cheesy said, heading out of the studio.

OJ watched as Cheesy left and closed the door, thinking to himself.

'...I wonder why he has to go to the Doctor's...'

Trophy had been laying in his bed for a while, charging his phone. He was listening to the playlist again, but he couldn't get his mind off of Cheesy– It's like he was living in his head rent-free.

Trophy sighed and grabbed his phone, pausing the playlist.

He clicked Cheesy's profile and looked at the playlists he created.

'gay thoughts'


'lana del ray my beloved'

Trophy chuckled at the names of the playlists. 'He's such a child...' he thought, not in a bad way.

Trophy noticed the playlists he had favorited from other people and looked at them.


'I'm not a girl'

'Gay anthems'

...Okay now this was getting weird. Cheesy always says he's completely cis...

Trophy figured he should ask Cheesy about it, but he decided to do it tomorrow after the comedy special, Since he thought Cheesy was setting it up. He didn't want to bother him.

He turned the 'gay thoughts' playlist back on, closing his eyes, being engulfed by his empty thoughts.

Trophy woke up tired and incredibly warm. Tissues had entered the room a while ago while he was sleeping and he was already knocked out cold. Tissues had somehow always fallen asleep incredibly easily, despite his condishawn.

Trophy He rubbed his eyes and sat up, pausing the playlist.

He looked at his phone.

2:19 AM

'Great...' Trophy thought. 'Why do I have to wake up in the middle of the night...'

He stepped out of his bed quietly so he wouldn't wake Tissues. He opens the door and shuts it and heads down the stairs because he wouldn't want to use the elevator at 2 am.

After a bit, he finally got down and headed to the kitchen.

He opened the fridge and found literally nothing he was interested in. He sighed and closed the fridge door.

Standing behind the door was Cheesy, in his pyjamas.

"What are you doing here, twerp? Aren't you supposed to be asleep or something?"

"...I had a nightmare" Cheesy said a bit nervously.

Trophy just sighed and rolled his eyes.

"You're such a child sometimes, you know that?"

"H-hey! I'm not childish..." Cheesy pouted, crossing his arms.

"Sure you aren't." Trophy said while ruffling Cheesy's fluffy hair.

Cheesy slapped his hand away.

"I'm serious! It was scary!"

"Was it really that scary?"

"Uhm, Yeah! Why else would I be out here if I wasn't scared?"

"Okay you know what..." Trophy said, walking towards Cheesy.

Trophy leaned down and hoisted Cheesy's short body up off the ground

"We're going back to your room."

Cheesy usually would object in this situation, but he figured since it was Trophy it should be fine. He felt comfortable around Trophy. He felt...Safe.

Even though Trophy was this tough rude jock stereotype, Cheesy liked him for that. Everyone should have a unique personality, and that was Trophy's.

Cheesy always felt like he could be himself around Trophy. He didn't know why. Trophy just made him feel...Secure, in a way.

But Cheesy knew no matter how Trophy made him felt, he could never truly be himself around him.

Or anybody else, for that matter.

They couldn't know the truth.

Stopped writing: October 18th, 2023. Procrastinated a lot with this one.

1,471 words

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