14-Lovey Dovey (LIME)

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Started writing: December 28th, 2023.

CW: Slight transphobia & Lime



It was the next day, and many people were talking about the newly revealed couple.

Most people were excited about the entire situation, but some others were... not very positive about it.

"Some others" being Salt.

"Did you see them at the party last night? It was, like, sooo extra! Like, get a room!"

"It's such an unlikely couple too, they're like complete opposites!"

"Trophy doesn't even deserve someone like Cheesy, he's like such an asshole!"

Pepper was stuck listening to Salt complain, going on and on about how the two's relationship was destined to fail.

Pepper was quite agitated by her biased remarks, but kept listening anyway. She was too scared to object.

"...But y'know, I guess it's an okay relationship since, like, Cheesy's "trans" so it's technically a straight relationship, right? Since, like, Cheesy's biologically a girl." Salt continued.

As soon as Pepper heard those words come out of Salt's mouth, she looked at her in disgust.

"I feel like you're the only one that, like, listens to me-" Salt's sentence was cut off by the creaking sounds of Pepper's chair being pushed back as she stood up off of the chair.

"Salt, I can't stand to see you complain like this about them anymore. If it's that hard for you to not leave them the fuck alone, I don't want to hang out anymore." Pepper said, a bitterness lacing her voice.

Salt's eyes widened. She was shocked that her BCFF would say such a thing to her. She scoffed and turned her head away.

"W-well if you're gonna be on their side, then... then......"

"Then what?" Pepper asked condescendingly.

Salt furrowed her eyebrows and crossed her arms, still avoiding eye contact with Pepper.

"...J-just leave me alone!" Salt banged her fist on the table, the sound of utensils clanking together filling the room.

Pepper turned away from Salt. "I will!" She said, walking out of the situation literally and figuratively.

Salt was left alone at the table as the few people downstairs had watched the entire thing happen, some people being worried.

While on the other side of the spectrum, there was Nickel.

Not for the reason you'd think though.

Nickel was actually quite glad that Cheesy and Trophy had forged a new relationship, the reason being so he could tease them for it while being—objectively—in the right.

Though, unfortunately for him, they both were a little busy right now.

Cheesy laid in his bed, Trophy laying down next to him. It was nice like this, just relaxing with his boyfriend peacefully as if all the problems in the world had faded away into oblivion.

Cheesy turned his head to Trophy and pecked him on the cheek softly.

"I love youuuu!~" He giggled, hugging Trophy's arm.

"I love you too, sweetie." He kissed Cheesy's forehead.

Cheesy giggled and kissed Trophy on the cheek once again playfully.

"I love kissing you!" He grinned, the charming tooth gap in his smile visible.

Trophy smirked. "Oh really?" He said, putting his hand on Cheesy's cheek and caressing it softly.

Cheesy's face flushed a bright red and he giggled once again. "Y-yeah, it's pretty niCE-"
Cheesy's sentence was cut off as Trophy kissed him on the lips.

Cheesy squeaked in surprise, but slowly melted into the kiss. He put his hands on Trophy's shoulders, closing his eyes.

Cheesy's whole world disappeared during the kiss, as if nothing else mattered to him. It was just him and Trophy together.

Trophy continued to kiss Cheesy passionately, slipping his tongue into Cheesy's mouth, which was unexpected but not uninvited.

As they both melted into each other, they both heard the door swing open unexpectedly.

"CHEESY I SWEAR TO GOD IT'S- Oh. OH." OJ stared at the two, his eyes widened.

Trophy quickly pulled away from Cheesy and glared at OJ.

"What the FUCK is your problem? Ever heard of knocking before?? You ruined the moment!" Trophy yelled at OJ, but still grasping Cheesy's hand in a comforting way.

"Jesus, I'm sorry that I assumed you and Cheesy wouldn't be MAKING OUT at 9 IN THE MORNING." OJ complained, emphasizing his frustration with hand gestures.

"What do you even want anyway, if it's soooo important?" Trophy mocked OJ, making air quotes with his hands.

"What I wanted was to inform Cheesy that it's his turn to wash the dishes." OJ replied, pointing at Cheesy.

"Awwh, but I'm too short to reach the counter!" Cheesy said, the white lie spilling out of his mouth.

OJ just shrugged. "Then find a way to do it anyways. Use Trophy as a stepping stool or something, I'm sure he'd love to get stepped on by you." OJ teased.

Cheesy giggled, while Trophy just scoffed loudly and dramatically.

"Are you asking to get beat up right now?" He threatened OJ, crossing his arms to make himself look more intimidating.

"I could easily kick you out right now, don't test me." OJ spat back.

So much for intimidating.

Cheesy gasped dramatically. "Noooo don't! I'd be super duper saaadddd!" He said, flailing his arms and legs while laying down on the bed.

"Okay okay, calm down Cheesy. I won't kick him out just for the sake of you. But you still have to clean the dishes."

Cheesy groaned in annoyance, but eventually stood up off of the bed.

"Fiiiiiiiine... I'll clean them." Cheesy complained, waddling out of the room.

"Good. It's only fair." OJ responded, leaving the room also.

Trophy got up and followed Cheesy as they both made their way downstairs and into the kitchen.

Cheesy fidgeted with his hands nervously "Y'know... I've never actually cleaned the dishes here in the hotel before. I think that OJ just always forgot to put me on the chore list." He confessed, looking down and avoiding eye contact with Trophy.

"Well I'm glad he remembered this time, I wouldn't want anyone to forget about you, even for things like this." Trophy smiled. He ruffled the shorter boy's hair, prompting Cheesy to smile as well. Trophy could notice the tooth gap in his iconic smile.

Cheesy walked up to the kitchen sink full of dishes.

"Alright, let's do this!" Cheesy exclaimed optimistically, rolling up his sleeves.

Cheesy began to wash the dishes, using extra soap so he could feel the large amount of bubbles in his hands. (A/N SOAP II REAL?!)

OJ had always told people not to overuse the soap, but Cheesy didn't care right now. He also didn't remember because he's a lil autistic silly boy.

~A few minutes later~

"Stop ruffling my haaaair!" Cheesy complained playfully as Trophy messed with his fluffy hair.

"Mmm... No I don't think I will." Trophy said, smirking deviously. (A/N ooo scawy alpha)

Cheesy giggled as Trophy continued to mess up his hair.

Cheesy eventually tried to swat his hands away, but accidentally splashed some water on himself.

"Awww now I need to get a new shirt!" Cheesy said, stepping off of the stool he was standing on. Even though Cheesy was just tall enough to reach over the counter, Trophy insisted that a stepping stool would make it easier.

"I'll be right back, honey!" Cheesy ran out of the kitchen.

Trophy couldn't help but blush at the pet name. He was so glad he was dating Cheesy now, he probably would've gone crazy if he didn't.

Eventually, after a minute or two, Cheesy came back.

"Hey Troph, I'm bac- Woah!" Cheesy said, running over a puddle of water.

He slipped and immediately fell face first, smashing his head on the kitchen tiles.

A loud bang reverberated through the floor. Trophy could feel the vibrations as he just watched his boyfriend's face slam into the ground.

Trophy ran over to Cheesy and picked him up. "Holy shit, are you okay?! That sounded like it hurt!"

Blood ran down Cheesy's nose as he put a hand on his head in pain. "Mothertrucker dude, that hurt like a butt cheek on a stick... "

"Cheesy what the hell." Trophy moved Cheesy's bangs out of his face.

"Hahahahaa... I'll be fiiiine" Cheesy said, blinking one eye and then the other.

"You look like you just smoked 15 pounds of home grown weed bro. Your nose is probably broken!" Trophy put his hand on Cheesy's cheek and stroked it comfortingly. It made Cheesy giggle.

Trophy rolled his eyes playfully. "I seriously need to take you to the emergency room. Come on." Trophy wrapped his arms around Cheesy and picked him up.

Cheesy hugged Trophy and chuckled.

"hehehe... I'm not sus" /ref

Stopped writing: January 5th, 2024. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!


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