Total Drama, Drama, Drama, Drama Island

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(School party music playing the background) As Yy sits near the fruit juice stand along side  Katie, Sadie, and Justin all rocking out and enjoying the party that Owen was throwing for all of them as an annoyed Heather just sulks in the corner all alone with a bald head.

While Mr.Second place aka Gwen is seemingly having the time of her life with Trent with the two not letting the other go to far without letting the other where they were going especially around Heather and for some reason Yy which was more than a little odd but it was all good he didn't mind as he respected his friends wishes'.

But for some reason that seemed to be the case for all the guys who had girls which made Yy feel a little sad and awkward because none of them acted that way when it came to Justin and all the girls literally throw themselves at him and to make matters even weirder he's seen Owen move Izzy a little bit anytime he got near her.

Yy: "Okay seriously what the heck guys you all already know that I won't do anything."

Trent: "Look dude we know that but better safe than sorry."

Yy: "Then what about Justine the guy is literally hot enough to cause water to steam when hitting him and making every girl lose their minds."

DJ: "He's a model it's kind of what they do dude."

Harold: "And besides it's not like he cares about them anyway the guys obsessed with how he looks more than anything."

Yy: "Bu-But..."

Not being able to come up with anything else Yy just accepts the fact that so long as anyone is dating one of his friends they will try their best at making sure that they don't fall for him just as Lindsay did to Yy but had forgotten because well.... 

Anyway as Yy walks around he sees Chef cooking some real food that even looks good compared to what he normally cooked at camp with Owen eating some marshmallows alongside Izzy as Eva most likely waits for the meat to be done only to be greeted by a giant Izzy burp that causes the pool with poor Lindsay and Beth in it to form a wave.

And as soon as she had finished her epic burp that could have drowned Beth and Lindsay the crazy guy Owen is says how much he is in love with her and how that made him lover her more than ever only to be meet with a queasy Izzy running towards the grill and puking in it ruining any and all meat that was cooking on it with her just all casual like taking a plate of cooked hotdogs and eating them as she walked away.

Thank goodness that Yy was there as he ever so slowly moved the vomit off the meat and into the sea where no one would hopefully find or get hit by it as he questions his friends taste in women or just taste in general as he seemed to fall even harder for Izzy after that.

Yy: "(Static as it goes to the confessional) Didn't think I'd be back here but anyway what is up with Owen we all just saw Izzy make a giant burp and then puke on some food before going on to continue eating like nothing happened (long silent pause) and the worst thing..... and the worst thing about it was when I looked over I saw Owen looking at Izzy with the same look he gave to pancakes..... I fear this boy will one day end up dating a bear thinking its Izzy (Static as everything goes back to normal.)"

Walking around he sees Lindsey and Beth acting like Katie and Sadie while Tyler tries to impress Lindsay much to no avail as she's to busy chatting with her BFF and in the corner of his eye Yy sees some bushes moving about that Leshawna and Harold had passed by earlier.

Taking a wet floor sign Yy places it in front of the moving bush after a little mishap he had with his eyes that made him more than a little uncomfortable while also making it hard to see certain people the same way ever again.

Somewhat to his surprise Yy saw Gwen, Trent, and Leshawna all talking about their friendship while showing them pictures of her friends from home and based off their looks alone it was safe to say that her friends where both very different and not so different to how anyone could have imagined from Gwen.

As a last ditch effort Tyler does something since all Yy heard was a water splash with DJ ripping off his outfit revealing his swimwear as he head into the water to try and save him............... the problem with that however was DJ couldn't swim so what happened instead was Tyler coming out of the water holding onto DJ saving him instead.

Eventually Chris showed up with Duncan, Courtney, Heather, Geoff and Bridgette finally showing themselves to Yy at least with Chris carrying a suitcase of money ready to give to Owen with the giant man child that Owen is just being happy to party hard with his friends and is genuinely happy to see Chris as well.

Chris: "(Grunts) Hello, campers!"

Duncan: "Ha, that's ex-campers to you."

Heather: "Yeah. Your twisted game is over. Remember?"

Yy: "Pot meet Kettle."

Heather: "What was that!"

Yy: "(Whistles innocently.)"

Chris: "(Quietly to Chef) We'll see about that."

Chris & Chef: "(Starting cackling to one another like only their in on some twisted joke.)"

Chris: "Congratulations to our winner. Owen, you played hard, fought hard, ate hard, and farted harder! (fart flashback.)"

Chris: "Not sure why, but you beat every other person on this island, and your pockets will soon be stuffed with cheddar!"

Owen: "(Everyone around him cheers) Mm, cheddar."

Chris: "But what I'm about to offer you may change all that. Inside this suitcase is One. Million. Dollars! We had our PAs make a cardboard check of this awesome new prize."

Chris: "(Yelling) We went through a lot of cardboard to make this! [normal] Owen, my man. This million dollars could be yours. All you have to do is figure out where we're about to hide it and bring it to the Dock of Shame before anyone else does."

Gwen: "You're telling us that we all have a chance to win a million dollars?"

Chris: "Yep. What do you say, Owen? Will you settle for a hundred G's or one. Million. Dollars?!"

Owen: "Game on, baby! (laughs as he rips his pants)"

Chris: "That's the spirit, Owen. Throughout the day, I'll give you all hints from the loudspeakers just to make sure you're not completely lost."

Yy: "(Static to confessional) I bet all the money Chris is offering that everyone won't join in for about (holds up his hands and then shows the camera five) five seconds is all it'll take for chaos to erupt with everyone going after the money.... (sighs) And to think these are the same people that just a couple minutes ago where happy and all ready to go back home.... man being poor must suck (static back to normal.)"

Chris: " All right, campers. The ultimate million dollar challenge starts... now!"

Owen: "Woohoo! Here I come, million dollars! (laughing as he runs trying to find the brief case.)"

Heather: "Let me get this straight. After messing with our heads for an entire summer, you expect us to start running around the island like idiots all over again?"

Chris: "That's right."

Leshawna: "But how do we know you didn't stuff that suitcase with bricks or something?"

Chris: "You don't."

Noah: "I'd love to play another round of "Humiliate the Teens", but I've got a buffet to eat."

Duncan: "Aw, sit on it."

Eva: "Yeah!"

Chris: "Fine. Suit yourselves. I'm sure Owen will be happy to have no competition while he makes the easiest million dollars in TV history."

Gwen: "Fine!"

Lindsay: "Fine!"

Justin: "Yeah, right."

Owen: "(Echoing) All right! I'm gonna be rich! (cheering and whooping)"

Katie: "(Clears throat.)"

Cody: "(Whistles.)"

And just like Yy had called it Chaos erupts as everyone begins racing off to find the money leaving Yy all alone with Chris and Chef who are just watching this go down with Chris eating one of the hot dogs Izzy had yet to eat.

Chris: "So...."

Yy: "So...."

Chris: "See you next season."

Yy: "(Sighs) That is what I agreed to."

Chris then walks away talking with Chef as Yy begins walking towards the Dock of shame as he pulls a DJ and rips off his clothes revealing his swimwear and necklaces as he grabs a towel, giant plate full of food and just starts walking towards the dock as he eats and feeds the random animals he meets what ever they want.

And with their being no cameras at all around him as Chris knew where was going it gave him one of the few chances to really let his inner energy loose causing all the wild animals to know their place and not dare to attack him but instead ask for any food he was willing to give.

Which was pretty much all of it as he only grabbed the food and plate since it was something to do as he waited for everyone else to show up at the dock for the next season of total drama whatever it might be with him finally reaching the docks with only himself, his towel and no plate.

Where it went does not matter since Yy had already gotten rid of it this time with two new pins in his hand one red with a fish symbol while the other green with a badger symbol as he gave them to his personal butler that had arrived to take him and his friends home.

Yy: "Keep these safe in a nice and sturdy box."

Butler (bald wearing black glasses, white and black tuxedo looking very young): "Yes sir... but if I may ask sir where are the friends you had told us would be accompanying you?"

Yy: "(Sits on lounge chair checking up on everything he missed) Out trying to find a possibly rigged case full of money all crazed out of their mind for a few pennies."

Butler: "Sir that may be so for someone of your stature but (brings out a very thick book) I and the others cannot stand by and watch you spend your time with these (stammers for a bit) these people that are below you (opens the book revealing just many and I do mean many women all in very revealing outfits all looking like they belong on a different style of paper.)"

Yy: "No! (sits up) I came on this show because I wanted to spend time with those my age and understand what it's like to be normal. And I can't possibly do that if you and everyone around me picks out everyone who's around me!"

Butler: "(Kneels on one knee) Forgive me and the others sir as we only do so for we want the best for you just like-"

Yy: "Yea yea just like the rest of the clan I know I've only been told that all my life. (puts down all the work he had missed which he finished in between talking to his Butler.) There that's everything done and I promise (hold Butler gently and hugs him) I know what I'm doing (smiles) and what I should do to those who need punishment."

Butler: "(Gazes in amazement at how the head of the family had not been corrupted by the lesser youths he hung around and releasing a few tears as he cries out for his master.) Sir you have put these old mans worries at ease be sure that no matter what may happen (makes a fan of money appear in many different forms of currency) that the family shall support you."

Yy just smiles as he lays back down on his pool chair as his yacht starts sailing away just enough to where no one would ram into it or Butlers worst fear as he shivers thinking about it the lesser youths climbing aboard something that they should revere and worship just for being able to see.

Eventually everyone starts diving into the water after the case had fallen into the water from them crashing into one another with a shark then popping up to eat the case with it then reappearing later to eat a seagull as both the shark and Butler laugh at their misfortune.

Chris then comes over telling everyone that was in the water had tied and were now going on to the next season which was Total Drama Action and it was at that point everyone realized who the fancy looking boat belonged to as everyone heard Yy do something loudly with him coming over all calm as can be a few hours later offering everyone his house tour winner, loser, host, contestant didn't matter he wanted them to enjoy themselves for a bit all while Butler didn't do anything to help and even through their belongings overboard once no one was looking.

And that is the finally of Island hope you all enjoyed and continue doing so for Next time on Total Drama ACTION!

Also hope you all enjoyed it anyway and until next time stay safe and peace

Check out their cool and interesting Total Drama Style art you want and until next time hope you all enjoyed stay safe and peace.

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