Lost Fury

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Harold: "I'm sorry I've failed you my queen (sobs)!"

Leshawna: "It's okay baby (pats Harold's head) I know you didn't mean it I was just angry is all."

DJ: "Sista you've been hollering for three days."

Ezekiel: "Yea and Harold's been crying like a little girl for longer eh."

Courtney: "Oh please I wasn't that bad for what he did to me was I?"

Trent: "No comment."

Like they said after Leshawna had gotten here she had been yelling and cursing at Heather and everyone who voted for her nonstop except for when she was eating or sleeping with only her Lindsey and her true friends being excused from her anger.

Cody at the behest of everyone had finally stopped trying to get a tan and was now spending most of his time indoors both to heal and because he was now instead trying to get a six pack like the other guys so in his own words "have a fighting chance".

Tyler had been living his best life with Lindesay with her often making remarks that probably made him sweat a bit as he looked at Yy while the man in question did nothing but hang out with his friends getting beaten in things he had never done before all while learning what it meant to be normal.

Justin is just sun bathing along side Beth and two sharks like it's no big deal while Izzy goes crazy towards everyone and tells them more stories that may be true about her dark criminal past which almost no one believes because of how outlandish some of them are.

Izzy: "This one time me and my cousin Phil were met a giant German Shepherd and I saw that it had the most beautiful and pristine bone in it's moth me and the dog got into a fight but sadly the bone got broken so both of us lost the will to fight after that."

Noah: "I'm sure that it was a tough battle between man and manbeast."

Sadie and Katie are hanging around Yy asking him any and all questions that they can think of while he tries to answer all of them with more often than not them asking questions that are way to personal about him and his family.

Sadie: "Are you single?"

Katie: "How big is your family?"

Sadie: "What can you do besides the whole cool ninja thing?"

Katie: "What sort of training did you have to go through?"

Katie & Sadie: "(Squeal) We have to many questions well come back latter once we've written them down bye!"

The two girls leave but not before they both kiss on both his cheeks leaving him confused at what just happened and how he's supposed to talk to them after this since most things about his life are secret to all but those within the clan.

Yy: "How do you deal with crazy Justin?"

Justin: "(Chuckles) Oh I don't worry it causes my skin blemish and there's nothing more tragic than the world loosing even a fraction of my beauty."

Yy: "(Sarcastically) Yea... Tragic indeed."

Yy then began slowly backs away as Leshawnda, Bridgette, Lindsey, Beth, Eva, and Courtney all line up to watch Justin do whatever he was about to do and look very handsome while doing so.

Eventually Yy meets Trent playing his guitar and like the total chill cool guy he is Trent agreed to teach Yy and anyone else who wanted (Cody, Geoff and DJ) how to play the guitar and while Yy and Cody where making some progress on learning how to play Geoff and DJ where playing the Banjo instead?

Trent: "Uh guys... what's with the Banjos? and where did they come from."

DJ: "No offense man but I just thought (brings up Bunny) Bunny would like the Banjo more but from the looks of things I guess I was wrong (Bunny is moving his ears so as to not hear anything.)"

Trent: "And Geoff?"

Geoff: "(Hat tilted and straw in his mouth) Thought it'd be cool to surprise my dudes at home with dude."

Trent: "Alright (turns towards Cody) I think I already know the answer to this but why do you wanna learn to play?"

Cody: "I dunno thought it'd be fun not like we can do much we haven't already done before here."

Trent: "Wow I was actually not expecting-"

Cody: "And also to pick up chicks."

Trent: "(Sighs) and there it is (finally faces Yy) and why do you wanna know how to play."

Yy: "Seemed like the normal thing people want to learn."

Without saying anything else all the guys just sat down casually each playing on their own instrument with Harold eventually sulking joining them with his keytar as they all started humming and jamming out with one another in peace....... that was until everyone heard a loud bang followed by the screams of pain from Tyler.

Trent: "Oh my god dude are you okay!"

Tyler: "I'm (grunts) fine at least it didn't hit Lindsey."

Lindsey: "(Staring at Justin not knowing anything that's happening two centimeters behind her) Ahhh sooo dreamy!"

Trent: "(Looks at Yy then at Tyler) So who should I feel pity for the most out of you two."

Yy: "(Points at Tyler) Him he's currently with her right now and he's also the one in pain for her."

Tyler: "Worth..... It (Weakly thumbs up.)"

Yy then grabs the giant box and moves it like it's a Rubik's cube with no problem and with a giant thud with the Justin's group still having no clue what just happened as everyone else opens up the create with Yy stealthily healing Tyler to speed up his recovery.

Harold: "Sweet some writing papers."

DJ: "(Reads note) [Dear all losers for the next challenge I have planned for the remaining campers would be to write down dares you want any of them to do but hopefully all you losers dig deep into the back of your inner sadistic desires and make the worst most interesting for the cameras dares you can think of signed by Chris McLane P.S to whoever is reading this your hand is know on fire Hahaha.] (Just then the note burst into flames scorching DJ's hand as Geoff and the rest of the guys put it out and try to help him feel better.)"

Cody: "There there that feel better big guy."

DJ: "Mhm."

Cody: "Good now why don't you relax and ask for anything you might need okay?"

DJ: "Okay thanks guys."

All the guys then give a massive bro hug with DJ in the middle of it all before they all then leave to help him out while getting the girls and Justin to help out with the Dare challenges and after hearing about what they needed to do most of them didn't want to but after hearing that it might apply to Heather they all began writing like they were possessed or something.

Geoff: "Hey babe maybe dial it back a bit."

Bridgette: "Oh I will once I give Heather a wake up."

Even Sadie and Katie get involved in this crazy mess while all the guys talk to each about who they would like theirs dares to go to and how messed up and cool they could make them evenly for all of them while also not being like the others but still make some sick dares that hopefully go with each other.

Once they all finish Chris comes in and takes away all the paper only to have it all burned to ash causing everyone to scream and yell at Chris only to learn that everything was already saved.

Chris: "(Laughs) Don't worry everything you crazy kids made it still going to go through I just wanted to see the look on your faces when I did that but anyway by for now and Leshawna (tosses a bag of cookies) Consolation prize my lawyers said I had to later (fly's away in his helicopter)."

After the guys help DJ lay down for the night Yy along with the rest of the guys go to their own rooms for the night and with a yawn Yy slowly closes his door and when he faces his bed he sees that Kaite is laying down on his bed in her sleep where with her list.

Yy: "Um... this is my room you know?"

Katie: "I know."

Yy: "Um... then might I ask what your doing here?"

Katie: "(Gets up as the bed creaks) I wanted to ask you some thing before Sadie does."

Yy: "And this couldn't have waited till tomorrow?"

Kaite: "(Wraps her arms around Yy) No not really."

Kaite then makes sure the lights are turned off and the door is locked as she then goes into her deep dive questionnaire for Yy about many different things while agreeing to keep anything he shares secret from the others unless he tells them himself.

Katie: "I hope your ready because you ain't going anywhere till I'm done mister!"

Yy: "(Weak smile) Yes mam whatever you say mam."

When Yy finally answered all his questions but the ones that were forbidden to outsiders it was now way past the time for sleep but Yy didn't really care as he face planted his bed and doze off immediatly while Katie giggled and kissed him before leaving to join up with Sadie either to brag or just to chill with her BFFF.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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