the help you need

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"So? What'd Noah say?" I asked Courtney as we were walking to the cafeteria. "He said that everything's gotten worse and that he started cutting himself again," Courtney answered. "So what do we do?" I wondered out loud. "I say that we get him the help he needs. He needs a therapist or someone to help him," She ideated. "You're right. But we don't know any therapists," I told her.

"Maybe I could help," A pale, blond-haired girl said softly from behind us. "Were you eavesdropping on us?" Courtney asked skeptically. "Not intentionally. I was just walking by when I overheard you saying you need someone to help your friend. I might be able to help you, I can read auras," The girl whispered while smiling.

"You can read auras?" Courtney said raising an eyebrow at the girl. She nodded softly. "Yes. So do you want me to help your friend?" The girl asked. "I need proof that you're legit. What am I feeling right now?" Courtney challenged her. "Your aura is muddy red, you're extremely worried about your friend and you'll do anything to help him. Same for you," The mysterious girl said looking at us. "What did you say your name was?" Courtney asked.

"Dawn," She answered.



I was walking down the hallway with Courtney and Cody to Cody's dorm to find Noah. They seem very worried about Noah. I hope he's okay.

Cody unlocked the door to his dorm and we saw Noah lying on his bed reading a book. "What are you guys doing here? Are you gonna take more of my stuff without asking again?" Noah sarcastically asked. "I'm sorry Noah-" Cody tried saying before getting interrupted by Noah. "Whatever. Who's the girl?" Noah said glancing at me. "I'm Dawn. That looks like a good book. Wanna go for a cup of coffee?" I suggested. "Sure. See you guys later I guess," Noah responded.

Time Skip :)

"So what did Cody and Courtney ask you for?" Noah asked. "What do you mean?" I said glancing at him. "You're that girl who says she can read auras and read minds, right?" Noah responded. I nodded my head and took a sip of the tea that I was holding.

"Alright, read mine then," Noah dared. "Your aura is a muddy red showing how you feel a sense of anger, probably from Cody going through your belongings. It shows your trauma from what happened in your senior year of high school and what happened to your younger sister. Your aura has a splash of burnt orange which shows the guilt you feel for what happened to your sister. Finally, it also has a dirty yellow mixed in, which shows your crippling mental health and your insecurity," I said quietly.

I watched as Noah's eyes went wide and he looked shocked. His eyes then started to water a little bit. "Oh no, did I read too far?" I asked worriedly. Dammit Dawn, you always do this.

"No, you're fine. It's just that Grace is kinda a sensitive topic for me." Noah said quietly. "I understand. If you'd like, we can talk about it. I won't say anything." I told him. He looked up and smiled at me. "Thank you," He whispered. "Of course. Come on, I know the perfect place to talk where no one can hear us." I guided.

We were walking for a while until we came to a quiet spot in the woods, next to a lake. I usually come here to be one with the animals and Mother Nature, but it would be nice to have someone to share this with.

"So what do you think?" I asked Noah who was standing in awe of the captivating scenery. "It's beautiful," Noah said staring into the lake. "It really is. So, sit down and tell me. Tell me everything you feel," I told him sitting crisscross on the grass.

"Okay, so when I was in my old high school, I got bullied a lot, and so did my two sisters. The kids in my class would always come up with new was of making my life a living hell. They would grab both of arms to hold me down as they dumped a garbage bin over my head, they would stuff me in a locker, in gym they would take the basketballs and throw them at me at full force, on halloween when I would take Grace out they stole Grace's stuff, and some threw eggs at me," Noah started saying as he laid down on the grass.

"When Grace died, I kinda hoped that they would stop being so bitchy, but they got worse. One kid put me in a chokehold, another kid beat me up so bad that I had to go the hospital because he fractured my arm. One day, they stole my lunch, put a bunch of fake pills inside, and made a fake suicide note from Grace, mocking her death. I lost it that day, so I started beating those kids up. I know I don't look like I can throw a punch, but the second you mock my family, you should run. I beat one kid up so bad he got a bloody nose. But when those little bitches went to the principal's office to go and snitch on me, I was the one who got a week long suspension. After everything those kids put me through, when I stand up for myself, I get the suspension. My mom was fed up with everything that was happening, so she said we were moving to Muskoka. That was also the week that Courtney was coming over to visit. So, I forgot that she was coming that day. But, when she went into my room, she saw me cutting myself. I told her I'd stop, and I did. All of senior year was great, except for ya know, when all of that happened," Noah continued.

"Then, when Cody broke up with me, I admit, I cut myself a few times. It was just all of the guilt I felt poured down on me and just suffocated me in it. I feel like if I had told someone about Grace she might've been alive, then we still probably moved to Muskoka, but Grace would've been there. If I was more careful when I left work that day, Honey would've still been alive. If Sierra never kidnapped me due to my carelessness, we never would've moved back to Toronto. If we never moved to Toronto, Cody would've never broken up with me. If Cody didn't break up with me he and Courtney wouldn't have been so tense around each other. EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED WAS ALL MY FAULT! IT'S ALL MY FAULT! GRACE WOULD'VE STILL BEEN HERE AND HONEY WOULD'VE STILL BEEN ALIVE! It should be them here living their lives not me," Noah finished as he started crying.

I pulled him into a hug. "I'm sorry if I'm burdening you with my stupid problems," Noah said crying in my shoulder. "It's not a burden, and your problems aren't stupid. It's not your fault though. We all make mistakes, there's nothing we can do to fix them. But dwelling on the past makes it worse. You can't undo the past, so move on, and stay on track. You have to make sure that you live your life to the fullest in honor of your sister. I think that's what she would've wanted," I told him.

"Thank you so much Dawn. I owe you one. We should probably head back to the campus, it's getting dark," Noah said. "You're welcome, and you don't owe me anything, just don't tell anyone about this spot," I responded as we started to walk back to the school.

Time Skip <3

We finally got to the dorm. Noah said goodbye as he laid down on his bed and fell asleep.

Cody and Courtney then took me with them to the cafeteria. "So, how'd it go?" Courtney asked. "It went pretty well, it is a sensitive topic for him, so I recommend not talking about it to him. Maybe, just let him do the stuff he enjoys," I answered. "He likes reading, playing Mario Kart, sleeping, and being with me, Courtney, and Team E-Scope," Cody replied.

"So just let him do that. I could also help him, if you'd like," I told them. "Thanks Dawn," They both said. "Of course," I responded walking off.


HIIIII! How was this chapter? We're on the road to happiness now! Sorry it took so long to update, I just haven't had any ideas lately. Thank you all again for the 4K reads!

Love you all,

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