missing: day 2

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TW: some cutting, and needles

I finally woke up after getting injected. Where was I? What happened? Why is everything so numb? Why is the world so blurry? Why is it so dark? Why is my memory a mess? Why am I asking so many questions I don't know the answer to?

"You finally woke up," Someone said. I couldn't quite identify the person speaking, everything was such a blur. "Where am I?" I slurred trying to stand up, but failing. Something was holding onto my ankle, and my arms and legs were tied together with duct tape.

"That doesn't matter. What matters is that I'm going to get my revenge on you one way or another," The person stated. The only thing I could tell was that this person was probably a female.

"Who even are you?" I mumbled. "You don't notice the voice of the person whose life you ruined?" The lady said to me.

The world stopped spinning and everything was a little bit clearer. I squinted and saw the same person wearing the mask sitting in front of me. They pulled over their mask to reveal their face.

It was Sierra.

"Yep, it's me. Now, I'm finally going to have my revenge on you for stealing my Codykins," Sierra said smiling menacingly. "He was never yours," I groaned. "I would shut up if I were you. Remember I can kill you in a heartbeat if you say something I don't like," Sierra threatened pulling a knife out of her pocket.

I tried to scream, but she put a piece of tape over my mouth. "Relax, I'm not going to kill you yet. You haven't even suffered a little bit," Sierra told me, as she put the blade of the knife on my arm. She cut a few lines on my arms and smiled as the blood began to drip. She looked up, saw me wincing from the pain, and smiled more.

An alarm on Sierra's phone went off. "Well, I have to go to school now. Don't cause a ruckus in here. Or you'll regret it. But just to be sure you keep quiet," Sierra started pulling out the same needle as last time and injecting me again. The world went fuzzy again, and I heard Sierra say, "Nighty night Noah,"

Before I could even move, everything went black again.



I was walking over to Noah's house so we could walk to school together. I knocked on the door, and his mom frantically opened it. "Courtney, what are you doing here?" Mrs. Sterecera asked worriedly. "I was just coming to pick up Noah so we could walk to school," I answered. "Wait, so he's not with you right now?" Mrs. Sterecera asked again. "No," I answered.

"Is everything alright Mrs. Sterecera?" I asked her. "No, everything is not alright. Noah never came home yesterday. I just assumed that he stayed at your house doing homework," She responded. "I'm sorry, he wasn't with me at all. I could ask some of our friends if they've seen him," I offered. "Yes, please," She quickly replied.

I pulled out my phone and started to text my friends to ask them
*This is a group chat with basically all of their friends*

Court🩷: Guys have any of you seen Noah?

Heather🩷: no why?

Court🩷: he never came home yesterday. and he wasn't at my place.

Drama Brother C: Noah's missing? He wasn't at my place.

Drama Brother T: I haven't seen him either

Drama Brother J: I haven't seen him sorry

E-Scope: Izzy has not seen Noah since lunch yesterday.

Eva: haven't seen him sorry

Bridge🩷: Sorry Court I haven't seen him at all.

Geoff: I haven't seen him Mocha sorry

Alejandro: I am very sorry Courtney, but I have not seen Noah since yesterday morning.

Leshawna🩷: Nope, haven't seen him. sorry girl

Katie🩷: what do you mean Noah never came home yesterday? what if he got kidnapped or something?

Court🩷: I don't know but his mom is really worried. Thanks though you guys. just text me if you see him.

Heather🩷: You got it.

Read at 7:24 am

I put away my phone and Mrs. Sterecera looked at me. "Have any of your friends seen him?" She asked desperately. "They haven't seen him. I'm sorry." I answered.

Mrs. Sterecera walked over to her kitchen phone and I saw her dial a number. "Hello police, I would like to report a missing person. My son Noah. He never came home yesterday and none of his friends had seen him. You'll send someone over now? My house is at (insert random address). Thank you, goodbye," She hung up the phone, and sat down at the table.

The doorbell rang, and Mrs. Sterecera opened the door to the police officer standing there. "Hello, I'm Officer Sanders, this is Officer McArthur. You are the person who reported your son Noah missing?" Officer Sanders asked. Mrs. Sterecera nodded and guided them to the kitchen.

"Okay, so, your son Noah, how old is he?" Officer Sanders asked. "He's 17 years old," Mrs. Sterecera answered. "Does he know how to drive, or does he have a car?" Officer Sanders asked. "No, he doesn't know how to drive. He also doesn't have a car," Mrs Sterecera told them. "Does he have a job?" Officer Sanders questioned. "Yes, he works at the pizzeria a few blocks down," Mrs Sterecera said. "How does he get to work? Does he have a metro card, or does he walk?" Sanders asked. "He walks. He also walks to school with his friends. He doesn't have a metro card. He's never needed one, and he never asked for one," Mrs. Sterecera told them. "So he wouldn't have been able to get very far walking," Sanders said thinking. "No, he wouldn't have," Mrs. Sterecera replied. "How long has your son been missing?" Sanders asked. "He texted me that he left work, at around 7:30 pm. That's when his shift ends. I fell asleep a while later since I had been working late and I was exhausted. I woke up this morning and he wasn't in his room or anything," Mrs. Sterecera answered.

"You mean it's only been 12 hours and you're reporting him missing? He's probably just run off for a while. He'll probably be back by tonight. You're overreacting for nothing," Officer McArthur said, standing up.

Mrs. Sterecera got up from her seat and stared McArthur down with tears in her eyes. "Have you ever been a mother, officer?" Mrs. Sterecera asked furiously. "N-no ma'am," Officer McArthur stuttered. "I thought so. You haven't felt this pain. So do not tell me that I am being 'overdramatic' when you don't know what I'm going through. My son's been missing for 12 hours, and that's 12 hours that he could be in danger. You're going to find my son if it's the last thing you do. Okay," Mrs. Sterecera told her, fuming. "Yes ma'am," McArthur responded.

"Thank you for answering these questions ma'am, we'll do our best to find your son. Stay safe," Officer Sanders said, closing the door on her way out.

"You should get to school, Courtney. You'll be late," Mrs. Sterecera told me softly. "Let me know if you find him," She continued. "Of course, Mrs. Sterecera," I said solemnly walking out.

I couldn't focus the entire day at school. Could you blame me though? Would you be able to focus if your best friend is missing?


Heyyyy, how was this chapter? I hope you all liked it. Stay safe, and have a great morning/afternoon/night!

Love you all,

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