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"Emma?" I asked shocked. "Noah? Is that really you? You're okay! Thank goodness! I heard the news that you went missing and I freaked out," Emma said quickly.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her, still confused on what was happening. "My grandparents got sick, so we moved so my parents could take care of them. What about you?" Emma told me. "Uh, after I got kidnapped, my mom wanted to move somewhere safer. Aka somewhere that no one psycho could hurt me," I responded.

"Oh wow. I'm sorry about what happened and everything. Also, I owe you an apology. I'm sorry for being such a shitty girlfriend when we were together. I treated you so horribly which you didn't deserve. You definitely didn't deserve me cheating on you with Jake. You were so amazing to me and I treated you horribly. I'm so sorry for doing that. You don't have to forgive me if you don't want to, I just needed to let you know this," Emma said softly.

Wow. That was unexpected. I didn't expect Emma to feel like that. "It's okay Emma. Do you wanna go get a coffee?" I asked. "Sure. There's a really good cafe we could go to," Emma suggested.

The skip of time

We got to the cafe and we spent a while talking about random stuff from school. "How's everything with Jake?" I asked her. "Oh we broke up. I actually have a girlfriend now. I'm a lesbian," Emma told me. "That's great Emma. I'm happy for you," I said. "Thanks Noah. How's everything going with you and Cody?" She asked me.


"Oh um, we broke up a couple of days ago. After everything that happened..." I trailed off. "Oh jeez, I'm sorry to hear that. Heh, I guess you and I haven't had the best relationships, huh?" Emma half-joked. "Cheers to that," I said lifting my mug of espresso.

"I should probably get going Emma. It was nice seeing you again. Bye," I told her. "See you later Noah," She waved.

I was walking home peacefully while texting Courtney and Katie to tell them that I saw Emma. We all got on a video call just in case we had another incident.

*Because i am lazy af and dont have the energy to be changing up the word 'said' by going through the damn thesaurus Courtney will be bold text, Noah is underlined text, and Katie is italic text*


Okay spill

ACHOO! Yeah Noah what happened?

So I was going to look around town to see what was here and then all of a sudden I hear someone call my name and I turn around and it's Emma-

Then what happened?

Will you let me finish? Anyways we went to go get coffee and she apologized for everything that had happened. Turns out she was a lesbian so thats why it didn't work out with me or Jake.

Wow you really have bad luck when picking someone to date.

What the fuck Katie?

I mean he dated Emma for about a year and wasn't able to tell that she was les. He dated Cody for a few months and look how that ended.

Gee thanks Katie really makes me feel better about myself.

It's what I'm here for.

Aren't you sick Katie?

Yes I am. I'm going to take a nap. Ttyl.

Bye loser.

Bye Katie.

Katie🩷 has left the call

Oh I also gotta go Noah. See ya later.

Bye Court.

Court:) and Gay Bookworm have left the call


I shoved my phone into my pocket and laid down on my bed.

Did Emma really mean everything she said?

Was Katie right when she said I have terrible luck when I date someone?

I should probably just get some rest. I shut off the tiny lamp in my room and fell asleep.


Hey guys! I'm sorry about how short this chapter was. I just haven't been in the vibe lately. I hope you all enjoyed the shitty chapter.

Love you all,

678 words

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