Election Day

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Courtney's party was a huge hit on Friday. All she has to do now is have a killer speech and she wins. Priya was dropping me off at school again. "Cya, Priya," I said as I got out of the car. "Anytime, Noah. Tell Courtney I said good luck for today," She called back. I gave her a thumbs up walking towards Courtney, Katie, and Sadie.

"Hey guys. Are you ready for today Courtney?" I asked. "You bet I'm ready, Emma's going DOWN," Courtney said.

"I'm grounded till the end of eternity," Katie said leaning against the wall of the school. "What happened Katie?" Courtney asked. "Well SOMEONE snitched to my parents that I had a few drinks at the party, and now I'm grounded for the rest of my life," Katie said glaring at Sadie. "I said I was sorry Katie, I didn't mean to," Sadie said on the verge of tears. "It doesn't matter because now I can't listen to the speeches after school, and I can't see my best friend destroy Emma," Katie snapped back. "But I'm your best friend, and I'm not running," Sadie said confused. My god, she's such an idiot. "NOT YOU! COURTNEY! THE WORLD DOES NOT REVOLVE AROUND YOU SADIE! GET A CLUE!" Katie shouted back. Courtney and I slowly backed up in case this was going to get messy. It was too early for this.

"That's it! I don't want to be BFFs anymore!" Sadie yelled. "Alright, let's go guys," Katie shrugged, walking away with me and Courtney.

"About time," I said rolling my eyes, "Who said that their friendship was toxic?" I asked Katie. "You did, and you were right," Katie responded. "I know I was right," I said sarcastically.

We finally got to homeroom and took our seats in the back of the classroom. We saw Heather, Cody, Alejandro, and the rest of their friends walk inside. "Hola amigos, como estas?" Alejandro asked in his Spanish accent. "I'm fine, just prepping for my speech today," Courtney said reviewing all of her notes. "You'll do great Courtney. I know it," Bridgette said cheerfully. "What about you Katie?" Cody asked. "I've been better. My parents grounded me for forever. But, on a better note, Saide and I aren't friends anymore!" She exclaimed.

"Speak of the devil," I mumbled as Sadie walked in just then. "What- oh God," Heather said rolling her eyes. "Katie, I'm really sorry about what I said. I didn't mean to tell your parents. Can we be BFFs again?" Sadie asked. Geez, desperate much? "No," Katie deadpanned. Geoff accidentally spit out the water that he was drinking on me. "Dude, gross!" I yelled. "Sorry man," He responded. "I'm not going to be friends with you after one little apology. You were always a toxic friend, and I can't deal with that. You ended our friendship, so don't be trying to repair less then 30 minutes after" Katie finished saying. Sadie then ran off crying, annoying right?

The bell rang and we all went off to our first period classes.

While I was walking down the hallway, some girl with fiery, red hair, was bolting down the hallway and crashed into me.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Are you okay? I'm Izzy, but you can call me E-scope! What's your name?" The girl named Izzy, said super quickly. "I'm Noah. You shouldn't be bolting down a crowded hallway," I said picking my stuff up from the floor. Out of nowhere, Izzy jumped on my back, "Piggyback ride! Onwards!" She yelled pointing forward. "Um, no, get off," I said sternly. "Awwww. BUT I WANT A PIGGY BACK RIDE!" She whined shaking me.

"Izzy! Get off of him now!" Some other girl said. "Ok, Eva," Izzy pouted as she hopped off my back. "Sorry about her, she just had 5 cups of coffee, so she can get a little bit crazy," The girl who I assume was Eva said. "It's alright, now I gotta get to class, I'm probably already late." I said irritated. "What class do you have first?" Eva asked. "Global. Yay," I said with fake enthusiasm. "We also have that class first, let's go Iz," Eva said pulling Izzy along with her.

"So new kid-," "It's Noah," I interrupted. "So Noah, what brings you to Wawanakwa High?" Izzy asked skipping through the halls. Who skips in the middle of a school hallway? "My mom got a better job and my cousin goes here also," I explained. "Coolio. Who's your cousin?" Izzy asked again. "Katie," I said. "Nice, you should sit with us at lunch," Izzy told me hopping into the global classroom. "Maybe," I responded taking my seat.

Time skip to lunch bc i dont know what to write 🤷🏽‍♀️ its still Noahs pov

I was walking downstairs to the cafeteria when a familiar face crashed into me again. "Oh! Hey Noah! We just keep on crashing into each other! Literally!" Izzy exclaimed. "Come sit with me, Eva, and Big-O!" She said dragging me to her lunch table. "Who's Big-O?" I asked. "Owen, silly!" She said.

She dragged me to a table with Eva, Cody, and another chubby kid who I assumed was Owen. "Hey guys this is-," She paused, trying to remember my name. "Noah," I said finishing her sentence. "Hey little buddy! I'm Owen!" Owen said shaking my hand quickly. "Nice," I responded sitting down with my book. "Katie was right, you never do stop reading," Cody mumbled. "The outside world is horrible. My book is better," I said.

"Whatcha reading?" Izzy asked bouncing in her seat. "They Both Die at the End," I responded. "That sounds sad. Why would you want to read something sad?" Cody asked. "Because I don't like reading boring fairytale books. They all have the same plot. It's basic. I read murder mysteries and sad books because they all have a different plot," I explained.

The lunch bell rang, and Izzy grabbed my hand, pulling me away from the table. "I have to get to class," I said ticked off. What is with this girl and dragging people? "I know! We have the same class! I read your mind, I'm psychic," She said. Someone's a little bit insane. "More like psychotic," I muttered under my breath. "What was that?" Izzy asked. "Oh, nothing," I responded.

We finally got to our class, and it felt like the rest of day went by so slowly. The bell finally rang, and I ran to the auditorium. It wasn't that much of a run, but sports are not my forte, so I was out of breath by the time I got to the auditorium.

I saw Courtney in the corner with her speech in hand. She was slowly mumbling it to herself, when she looked up and saw me. "Hey Noah, can't talk right now, gotta practice," She said quickly. "Yeah, I know Court, I'm here for moral support," I said mimicking the cheer team, "Gooooo, COURTNEY!" I cheered in the high-pitched voices of the snobby cheerleaders in my classes. "Thanks," She said re-re-re-viewing her speech.

We heard Principal Mclean on the stage giving some boring ass speech on Student Council, and how this is a very important position for a student to hold and how we should choose our president wisely. He then introduced Courtney to give her speech first.

"Wish me luck," She said giving me a hug. "You got this," I said giving her two thumbs up.

"Hello, my name is Courtney. You should vote me for your class president because I know we can make this school a better place together. I'm very organized, I can work well with anyone, and if someone has a problem, I know how to solve it. But I won't just focus on MY wants and needs. I want to know what YOU want to change in this school. I'm determined that if we all work together, we can make our years at Wawanakwa High the best ones yet! So vote Courtney for class president, because together, we can make this school better." She finished her speech. The entire auditorium erupted in applause.

"Settle down students. Our next candidate is Emma!" Mr. Mclean announced as Emma walked to the microphone.

"Good afternoon students, my name is Emma and you should vote for me because I'm willing to make our school a better place. I'm more determined and willing to change our school and solve any issues that may arise. So remember: Vote for Emma!" She finished saying. There was some scattered applause throughout the room.

"Alright students, you've heard the speeches. Now it's time to vote. Write down the name of the candidate that you want to be your class president, and put it in the ballot box," Mr. Mclean said walking off the stage.

Time Skip

Mr. Mclean walked on the stage with a white envelope in his hands. "Okay students, it was a close one, but your class president is," He said, opening the envelope. Courtney started gripping my arm. "COURTNEY! Congratulations!" Mr. Mclean shouted, as the entire auditorium started cheering. He gave Courtney some pin.

When we left the auditorium, Courtney started jumping for joy. "I DID IT! I DID IT, NOAH!" She squealed. "Nice. My mom wants to know if you want to come over to celebrate," I told her. "How does your mom already know?" She asked. "Bold of you to assume that she wasn't asking me every 5 seconds to see if you won. So are you coming?" I responded. "Yeah, my parents aren't home AGAIN, so I need someone to express my accomplishments to," Courtney said smiling.

Courtney deserves that victory. It was also really funny to see the look on Emma's face when she saw that she lost. Priceless. Courtney was smiling the entire walk home. Toady was actually a pretty good day.


Oh my god im back. Sorry it took so long, school is horrible. I hope you all liked this chapter!

Love you all,


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