Chapter Fifteen

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Throughout the race tracks were carefully placed sorcerers, using spells to create obstacles such as covering the ground in ice, making it move in waves and making pillars appearing and disappearing out of the ground. With each lap the riders made, they would become a little more intense. There was also a part of the tracks that passed through the woods, towards the end of the lap.
Naturally, the use of any magic was prohibited for the chariot riders, which wasn't such a problem to the High Council of Spades, since – ironically enough – the Kingdom of Spades has the lowest rate of magic-users in the Land of the Four Kingdoms.
The Spades champion had a rough start. Yet with each lap, he slowly but surely made his way to the head of the race. Every Spades person in the audience was on the edge of their seat. Lady (Y/n), seated between Catherine and Gwendolyn, held their hand tightly. The riders were now on the last lap. The Diamonds and the Hearts were going back and forth between first and second place, while the Spades was close to third.

"Come on..." Gwendolyn said under her breath. "Top three."
"Bronze medal... Could it be?" Catherine looked at (Y/n), who was intensely staring at the race while chewing on her bottom lip.
The chariots passed through the patch of trees, out of view. Only a few seconds later, everybody gasped when the chariot harboring the colors of the Spades Kingdom came out first. The High Council members jumped out of their seats and simply (shamelessly, some might say) screamed, the volume of their four voices equaling the entire audience's. (Y/n) had to keep herself from crying victory in the old Spades language. The crowd gave shocked applaud after a moment.
But from the highest seat on the bleachers, Wally's eyes narrowed.

A short moment after, the chariot dashed through the finishing line, which was right in front of the bleachers, and the applauds suddenly stopped. (Y/n)'s heart dropped.
The chariot was empty.
The people grew concerned as the other chariots arrived as well, the empty one had to be stopped since the horse kept running. The audience whispered amongst itself, confused. The King of Hearts stood up and said – shutting everyone up as soon as he spoke – that he shall personally look into this matter, along with his sorcerers. In the meantime, he invited everybody to move to the afterparty, nearby the race course. As everyone was leaving, (Y/n) sent him a worried look. He noticed her and nodded with a reassuring smile. She smiled back, though she did have a bad feeling about this.
The guests moved to another outside area, with tables, food, music and decorations. A space made to celebrate the winners of today's race, today's event, as well as the Shuffling overall. But in this moment – although happy for those who have come second and third – all that everyone could express was worry, intrigue, they'd glance at the High Council members.
"What do you think happened?" someone once asked.
The four of them knew that it was a question of bad faith, which would lead to the assumption that it was the work of some 'dark Spades magic'. They have by now learned how to respond to such things, though Arnold of course was being the most aggressive about it. (Y/n) did ask them if they knew anything, but they were as clueless as everybody else.

Finally, Miss Partridge walked to the center of the area, so that everyone could see and hear her. Other sorcerers were behind her, along with the chariot rider of Spades. He was covered in dirt.
"Ladies, gentlemen, and other esteemed guests of the Shuffling," Poppy spoke. "I'm afraid that this mystery has the simplest and most unfortunate of answers." she gave the Council member as apologetic look.
(Y/n) didn't like the sound of that at all.
"We have found this gentleman at the edge of the woods." she continued. "He claimed to have fallen off his chariot. But as I inspected the said chariot I found this." she raised a wing, she was holding a crystal the size of a walnut. "Not only in the chariot but also on the horse's harness. There were also one just like this on the end of the tree patch. These are teleportation crystals."
There were shocked gasps in the audience. The chariot rider looked down in shame.
"It would seem that he had placed the third one during the race. Since no one can see in the patch of trees, he wanted to take advantage of that by teleporting from the entrance to the exit, turning the minute it would normally take into seconds and gaining precious time." she faced the rider. "One key detail that you missed, sir, was that just because you are on it, you are not part of the chariot. You should've had one on yourself as well."

"He cheated?" "He used magic!" "How reprehensible!" "I know he was too good to be true." the people in the crowd said.
"My work here is done. I shall now take my leave." Poppy bowed before walking away. "Have a good day."
(Y/n) was utterly horrified. This was the worse thing that could've happened today. Her mind began to race, but the stares people were giving her made it hard to focus. They've dodged a scandal with Brahms' affair. But this was for everyone to see, out in the open. Her sense of justice couldn't blame Miss Partridge for this. Still the repercussions will be disastrous, it will certainly ripple throughout the entire Shuffling. A splatter of black ink on a pure white sheet.
"Do you think they knew?" she heard someone whisper. "Did they plan this together? One of them must've charged that crystal, since the rider isn't a magic-user."
This was bad. Really really bad. The progress they've made could very well be for naught if this keeps going in this direction.
"You failure of a man!"
She was snapped out of her thoughts. Arnold has walked up to the chariot rider and was holding him by the collar. He pulled him down so he would kneel before him.
"You know of the purpose of the Shuffling, you were bestowed the honor to come and participate at one of its events. The entire Kingdom would kill to be in your place. And you cheat?! Like a commun peasant?! Do you not realize the graveness of what you've done?!"

"M-My Lord!" he bowed, his forehead touching the grass. "I have no words to express my shame! I gave in to peer pressure!"
"Peer pressure?! Ha! A true Spades does not shake at such petty things! You could've been on the top three, won the bronze medal! But instead, you were greedy! And that greed brought you here now! At my feet, pleading for mercy!"
"I just... I didn't want to dissappoint you! I would rather die!"
"Well it's funny you say that..." he moved his cape to grab the handle of his sword. "'Cause you haven't just disappointed me, I am ashamed to have you as a subject."
The rider began to sob. (Y/n) quickly made her way to him but someone beat her to it.
"Marquis of Spades, please."
Arnold's eyes widened. The King of Hearts was now beside him, whether he got here by magic or sheer speed, nobody knew for certain. His hand was grabbing Arnold's wrist, preventing him from lifting the sword. Despite the calm smile on the King's face, Arnold did put up a silent fight, trying to move his hand. But it was no use.

"This is Spades' business, your Highness." he said, trying to sound calm.

"Ah, but this happened during the Shuffling. As the Master of Ceremony, it is I who should resolve the matter, as I said I shall do."
Wally finally let go of him and took a step back, his hands behind his back. Arnold faced him.
"You said you would find out what happened, and now we know what happened. Thank you very much, I shall take it from here."
"You?" he tilted his head, looking impressed. "How refreshing to see such autonomy from such a young man."
"Is that sarcasm?" his eyes narrowed.
"Oh I'm told I'm not so good at that sort of things." he said with furrowed brows. "Anyhow, if it makes you feel better, you could join me as I look for a suitable punishment, along with the new, true results of today's chariot race." he smiled, his eyes narrowed. "I would be happy to take you under my wing for today."
Some people in the crowd praised the King for his kindness. But Arnold could see it in his pitch black eyes: mockery. After all, to reach a hand down to somebody, they need to be beneath you. The young man has never felt more offended. He could feel his hand shaking, yearning to grab his sword again. But instead, he closed it into a tight fist.

"Heh." he forced a smile, glaring. "It's just like the King of Hearts to stick his nose into other people's business."
Wally's eyelid twitched.
"What do you know of your own business, young Marquis?"
"What did you just say to me?" he spoke in a graver voice, unable to hide his animosity anymore. "What are you insinuating exactly?!"
"Oh nothing harmful." he raised his hands. "It's okay to not be much of a businessman, I have quite some trouble myself. Except when I know a situation is out of my area of expertise, I know how to hand over the reigns to someone better qualified than me. Some might say, someone who's more worthy." he said that last sentence quietly.
Arnold was hit with a sharp pain, non-physical, which was the worst kind. It only made this boiling feeling of rage twist his stomach more.
"Oh yeah? You wanna go there?! Listen here you little sh-"
"That is enough my Lord!"
The two men looked over to see (Y/n), walking up to them and facing Arnold, standing between him and the King.
"One would think that two weeks into the Shuffling, you would learn how to keep your temper in check." she spoke again with a stern voice.
Arnold was taken aback. He looked at the King, then back at her.

"Are you serious?! You're taking his side?!" he gestured towards Wally.
"His Majesty is right, this concerns him as well. This happened on his estate. He's inviting you to deal with the matter together – which is an honor – and you're just acting so..." she took a quick moment to find the right word for it. "Rude!"
"A honor?! Please." he rolled his eyes. "You know he said it out of pity!"
"Well then if you don't want to build a good relationship with the King of Hearts, that is your prerogative."
"What are you saying right now-"
"I'm saying that if you don't want to act like a mature adult, fine!"
Arnold's eyes widened, his expression fell. She huffed, calming herself down, that 'fine' was too loud for anyone's comfort.
"But in that case, my Lord, I shall respectfully ask you to step away and let the adults deal with this situation. Maybe Countess Gwendolyn could take care of this."
"Actually, I think I would rather take care of this with you."
She turned to the King, looking at him with big eyes.
"You seem to have a good head on your shoulders." he smiled.

She blushed. Arnold scoffed. He stepped closer to her and Wally quickly stood beside her, in case he does anything. He did stop and glare at him before looking back at her.
"You..." he scoffed again and leaned closer to her. "You are blind."
(Y/n) expression saddened. He looked so angry. He quickly turned around and walked away, in the direction of the castle. And just like that, the atmosphere became lighter. Wally looked at (Y/n) and saw the look on her face. If it wasn't for all these people here with them, he would've placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Lady (L/n)." his voice made her look at him. "Are you alright?"
"I, um..." she looked down and cleared her throat before nodding. "I am, yes. Thank you for asking." she faced him and bowed. "I am deeply sorry for causing such a scene. I am embarrassed beyond belief."
"Oh nonsens, you've managed to stop things from getting out of hand." he smiled before addressing the crowd. "I apologize, esteemed guests, you can all go back to your conversations, help yourselves to today's menu. The new results of the chariot race shall be announced shortly."
He snapped his fingers and a few guards came over. With just a wave, they escorted the chariot rider away.
"Shall we go?" he looked at (Y/n).
She hesitated for a moment. She looked back at Catherine and Gwendolyn. The two ladies frantically gestured her to go ahead, mouthing 'Go!!!' over and over. She sighed.
"Yes, let's go."

As the two of them left the area, walking side by side, she waited to be out of earshot to quietly speak to him.
"It shall go without saying that none of the members of the High Council of Spades knew about this."
"I trust your words." he nonchalantly said. "Such a cheap tactic isn't your style, I'm pretty sure." he paused. "I will have to expel this man from the Shuffling."
"Understandable." she bowed her head. "I will write a letter to the High Council member back home, so that he receives a deserved punishment."
"Something severe?"
"I'm...not sure. I've never punished anyone." she looked down, thinking. "It was during a very important event. But I don't believe corporal punishment should be a fair solution."
Fair. This word seemed to strike Wally.
"Maybe being banned from racing should be enough." she suggested.
Hearing no response, she looked at him.
"Don't you think so?"
"Ah." he blinked twice. "Yes, that would suffice."

After giving out the rider's punishment – who thanked Lady (Y/n) for her mercy, and apologized to the King of Hearts – the two of them discussed the results of the race. It was certainly obvious that the champion of Spades would be disregarded, but it would seem that his teleportation stunt has caught the other riders off their guards, so the riders of both the Diamonds and Hearts demanded a do-over. Wally then spoke of the complex technicalities of chariot racing, which made (Y/n) beyond confused, like when she was hearing about Howdy's family drama. Except this time, she had no point of reference to help her.
"My King," she said. "I'm afraid I going to have to leave this matter into your hands."
"No problem, my Lady."
"Before I leave, may I ask you for a favor?"
"Anything. What is it?"
"Does Miss Partridge still have the teleportation crystal?"
"Actually, she gave it to me." he took it out of his pocket. "Why?"
"May I have it?"
His smile faltered.
"I want to get to the bottom of this." she added.
"...Alright." he smiled and gave it to her.
Wally couldn't help but think of what she could mean by this. Of course, the worst scenario came to his mind, but he quickly brushed those thoughts away. Lady (Y/n) would never, he thought, she wasn't that type of person.

The atmosphere may have become lighter at the afterparty, but it only meant that the loud parts were now being said quietly. Sir Casterham once again felt relieved to not be part of the Spades Kingdom anymore. He didn't want to have anything to do with Spades affairs anymore.
"Mister Casterham."
He yelped and flinched, startled as he turned around to see the Lady of Spades.
"Y-you again..." he huffed, regaining his composure. "What do you want?"
"I have just gone through a short investigation. May I walk you through my process?"
"What are you talking about?" he frowned, though he could feel the sweat on the back of his neck.

"I've simply asked the chariot rider where he found these teleportation crystals. He said he bought them from you- And I know what you will say." she quickly spoke again, seing his offended expression. "You can very well deny these claims indeed. Do not worry however, my investigation wasn't that short. I thought – for the sake of clarity – that the Kingdom of Clubs is also known for its magical crystals, the rider may have gotten it from someone who lives there. However, I have recently learned that the Clubs Kingdom has no mining system. Therefore, if any crystal gets out of the cave walls, it would remain uncut. And this." she held up the crystal in her hand. "Is a cut, polished gem, it almost looks like a jewel. Although I suppose that, now that it's out of magic, it is just a jewel. Some people do use them as such-"
"That doesn't prove anything!" he whispered sharply, glancing around to make sure no one was looking. "Doesn't mean I sold him those crystals!"
"You're right, it doesn't. Your reputation for selling already magically-charged crystals should be a good hint however."
"Th-Those are just rumors. I debunked them a long time ago."

"I looked over the chariot of the champion of Spades and found that the crystals on both the horse's harness and the chariot were...for lack of a better term, crudely attached to them. As if he did it just today or right before the race. Now don't you think that, if he had bought those crystals back home, he would've put a little more effort into hiding them?" she tilted her head.
He gulped.
"Which would means that someone at the Shuffling sold them to him. Now, shall I remind you that the sell of already magically-charged crystal is an unregulated market, and therefore illegal?"
"Th-That still doesn't mean I did it! Maybe someone from the Clubs Kingdom just cut their crystal so that people won't trace it back to them! This is a setup!"
"I also had a talk with Miss Partridge earlier. I've asked her how one could spot the difference between a crystal from the Clubs Kingdom's Enchanted Caves, and a crystal from the Spades Kingdom's mines. Apparently, the ones from the Spades Kingdom are much darker in hues. You are the only other Spades person here, you are a magic-user, you have access to magic crystals, and..." she held the crystal near his chest. "It matches perfectly with the crystals on your suit."

He gulped again. She leaned a bit closer.
"You are lucky that I have told nobody about this." she quietly said, a cold expression on her face. "But I can very well change that."
"You-" he sighed through his nose, knowing he can't say anything in return.
"I know you haven't stolen just the property acts. Go back to the Spades Kingdom, give back everything that you stole to the High Council, and learn how to face the consequences of your actions."
"Oh, blackmail? From such a kind-looking lady?" he raised an eyebrow with a sneer. "What would the King of Hearts say about this huh?"
"Would you like me to ask him?"
His smile quickly fell.
"I have no kindness for people like you, sir." she leaned back. "Please, be gone by tomorrow morning. I will write a letter to the High Council to alert them of your arrival. If I get a letter back, telling me you haven't arrived in the next three days, then I swear it to the spirits that haunt the Dark Forest, I will find you and I will drag you back."
Casterham's face grew pale, he felt a shiver. He simply nodded before quickly walking away. Now alone, (Y/n) let out a long sigh, a hand over her heart, her shoulders dropping.
"Scared myself there." she said to herself.

She was glad that she took out two birds with one stone there, and when she went back to the party, people were kind when talking to her. They trusted her when she said the rider was alone in his actions. They said that, if anything, it only made today more thrilling and interesting. It made her so relieved.
"You did the right thing, you know?" Gwendolyn told her when the two fo them had a moment alone. "With Arnold."
(Y/n)'s mood quickly went down just thinking about it.
"I just... I knew I had to put my foot down once and for all. He was this close to insult a king."
"The King of Hearts on top of that." she pointed. "Everybody's sweetheart."
"Exactly!" she sighed. "I thought I taught him better than that, during the year we've worked together."
"Some kids just don't want to listen." she slowly

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