why does no one write bawn fanfics ugh

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Duncan, on the phone: so no head?
Duncan: *throws phone and breaks skateboard*

Justin: damnit, the power went out.
Beth: don’t worry, i got this.
Beth: *stomps foot*
Justin: what-?
Beth: *sketchers light up*

Harold: why were you up until 3am last night?
Trent: how did you know I was up until 3am?
Cody: we could hear you clapping to the Friends intro every 25 minutes..

trent religiously watches friends and no one can change my mind

*team chris group meeting this time*
Tyler: what's the signal when something goes wrong?
Izzy: we yell 'OH SHIT'
Alejandro: ...that'll work.

Harold: small creatures are much more vicious because they have a smaller body to bottle up all their emotions.

Courtney: ridiculous. give me some examples.
Bridgette: wasps?
Geoff: terriers?
Noah: Eva.

Duncan: you deserve a reward for putting up with heather.
Alejando: she is my reward.
Izzy: you deserve a reward for putting up with me
Eva: i absolutely fucking do

Cody: why does nobody tell me when people over? I came downstairs singing all star while wearing a "say hey if you're gay" shirt and boxers.
Cody: sierra was there.
Cody: she saw.

*everyone cleaning up for a challenge*
Heather: pick up the nearest piece of trash and throw it away.
Leshawna: fine, which bin do you wanna go in?

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