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I wake up to see y/n in my arms she looked so adorable sleeping I play with her hair and admire her peacefully sleeping her eyes fluster open she smiled when she saw me "sorry did I wake you up" she shakes her head and diggers her head in my chest I rub small circles on her shoulder "guess what" "what?" "I don't have to go to karate class today" I felt her smile wide
"Yay" she whisper yelled I chuckled she gets out of my arms and I pout she heads to the bathroom so I go on my phone after a couple minutes she came back and jumped on top of me

"I'm hungry" she said looking at me "ok then let's go to ihop" she smiles and nods I head
To the bathroom when I head out I go back to her room I see her ready and talking to her little brother "can we take Jordan with us?" I nodded we headed to my car she put Jordan in the back and got in the front I started the car and drove to ihop I looked over to see y/n looking out the window I smiled and placed my hand on her knee

When we arrived we got seated and ordered we ate and head fun we drove back to her house and dropped off Jordan we drove to the Beach are fingers intertwining as we walked on shore
"Princess" "hmm"ย  "I've been thinking we hadn't had are first date yet so will you go on a date with me tonight" I said looking at her "yes I will" I smiled and kissed her the kiss was soft and passionate we slowly pulled away are foreheads still touching I saw a smile creep up on her face "catch me if you can" she said and began running

I smirked and gave her five second head start and the start running after her once I catch up to her I pick her up and spin her around she giggles "come on princess let's go get ready for are date" she nods and runs to the car I chase after her we drive to her house and drop her off "Bye princess see you later" I said and give her a peck "bye handsome"ย  she said getting out of the car I drove off when I saw the door close I drove home and got ready I drove to her house and knocked on the door

She answered I looked her up and down she looked beautiful "damm my princess be stunning" she blushed and kissed my cheek
We headed to the car i placed my hand on her thigh "can I play music" "of course princess"
She got the Aux cord she played 'Alleyways'
By the neighborhood we sang the lyrics out loud we arrived at golf In stuff "what do you wanna do first princess" "I wanna go mini golfing" she said with a smile we headed to mini golf we played a couple rounds of mini golf and headed to other games we won a lot of tickets so we went to the prize stand "what do you want princess" she looked over at the brontosaurus stuffed animal and immediately pointed at that

"I want that one" the lady got and gave it to her "what are you going to name it princess" "Dino" she said "come on I wanna show you something" I said "what is it" "you'll see" I drive to the Hollywood hill we gotย  out of the carย  "wow" we laid down on top of the blanket I got and looked at the stars "can we name a star after us" I nod I see a bright small star and point at it "what do you wanna name it princess" "Pluto" I check the time 1:00 am "princess" "yeah" "wanna head home"
"Mmh"ย  "wanna go to my house or yours" "yours" she said sleepily I driveย  to my house and see her asleep I smile and pick her up I take her upstairs and place her on my bed I unzipped her pants and put my boxers on her and one on my t-shirtsย ย  I change into something comfortable, I lay next to her wrapping my arms around her waist she digges her head in my neck I slowly fall asleep

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