Chapter 4

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At Cobra Kai

"Based on what I know, y/n will be up against hawk" sensei kreese says. I get up from the floor and to the centre of the mat and so did hawk, he got into a fighting stance while I just kept my hands in my pockets, he looked at me confused but kept his stance. When kreese gave the ok hawk threw a right hook at me and I easily dodged it, I kept dodging till he got mad "What the hell are you doing?! Fight me!!" He yelled. I quickly used my leg and sweeper him off his feet. "Welcome to Cobra Kai Y/n"

After Practice

"so what do you wanna do now that practice is done?" I asked looking at tory "Usually I'd have to go to my job, but I have a day off today" She tells me. "So...You wanna hang out?" I ask nervously scratching the back of my head "I have an amazing hangout spot we could go to" I suggest. "Sure I'm down, lead the way" I grab her hand and pull her along "You'll love it, it's got an amazing view, and there's a lake too" I end up rambling on and before I know it we're here. "Woah Y/N this is amazing, how'd you find this place?" She says in amazement. "It's my dads property so nobody else can go on it, I wanted a place where I wouldn't be bothered and kinda just stumbled upon it, I'm sure my dad knows it's here but, whenever he gets a notice that I'm here he knows to leave me alone no matter what" I say kinda in my feelings. "Anyways, You wanna go swimming?" I nod my head towards the lake "Uh Yeah, Of course I do!" She pulls me towards the lake, I forget we were even holding hands.

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