Law sees Zoro watching the two ladies with a small, almost invisible smile before turning his gaze towards the sea. Huh, so the man wasn't sleeping just resting. Robin has returned to her book with her gentle fingers running through Nami's wavy orange hair as the navigator sips on her lemon drink, looking much more relaxed than before. Law chooses to take a seat beside the demon child his attention falling on a couple of books placed on the circle table infront of them. He picks them and skims through the summary of each book feeling rather bored until one particular book catches his attention.
"I had a feeling you'd pick that one" he hears Robin say. Law frowns: again, he doesn't appreciate strawhats reading him like an open book. First blackleg and now Nico Robin. Incredibly rude.
"Icarus Fall?" he mutters running his fingers against the hard copy of the book "I've heard of this book" he leans back into the chair, putting Kikoku beside him and opens the heavy book up.
A warm breeze of summer air passes through them, time passing so quickly that shade of pink, orange and purple falls on the large sky as the sun starts to set down.
"Is that really so interesting?"
A curious voice of breath brushes against Law's ear. Had it not been years of training, he would've jumped out of his seat with the book failing on the ground and possibly stabbed the other person with his sword. He shifts a little to the side to put some space between him and the youngest captain of the worst generation. Law continues reading and the only response he gives is a lazy hum.
"What is it about?" Luffy ask pulling his seat forward to have a better view of Law's face. Nami, Robin and Zoro turn their heads in alert. Did Luffy just ask about a book? It doesn't go by Law's attention now that he has three strawhats staring at them, he wants to walk away from all these eyes. He lets out a sigh and looks at Luffy "You could read it yourself"
Luffy whines "but I don't like reading~ Why can't you just tell me since you're already reading it" Law rolls his eyes, this brat, he thinks "I am still reading it Mugiwara-ya" he mutters before turning his eyes on the book "Ask Nico-ya, she's already finished reading it"
Luffy pouts and pulls his legs crossed, swinging his body "but I want you to tell me" he says it like it's the most obvious thing to say.
"And why is that?" Law asks not really paying attention to the kid beside him instead focusing on the page he was reading. The story was just getting interesting! And of course, Luffy had to pop up at the worst timing, the little shit.
"I like your voice!" Luffy suddenly declares loudly making everyone look at him. Law gives him a strange look, his brows coming together, and lips frowning "You say the strangest things sometimes Mugiwara-ya"
"Shishishi" Luffy laughs "So will you?" he grins leaning towards the older captain. Law looks away "Sure, whatever. Let me finish first" he says giving into the stubborn idiot's demands and continue reading from where he was rudely disturbed from. He however failed to notice the strawhats staring at them with observing eyes.
"Dinner is ready!" Sanji announces from the kitchen making Luffy bounce off his chair with an excited laugh. Suddenly Law's being pulled by his arm "Come on Torao! Let's go eat!" Strawhat smiles down at him, eyes shinning wide, sparking with so much life that it makes Law hold his breath in his lungs, it's like he's glowing he thinks looking away from the bright force of energy dragging him towards the kitchen once again.
It seems only him, Nico-ya and Nami-ya had table manners of course. Law sipped on his coffee as he flipped another page of his book. Luffy was still stuffing his face with food, followed by Zoro and somehow, he managed to sit in between the two monsters as food flew between them. Luffy's hand stretch to the grilled fish, placed on the other side of the table "Oi Luffy! Let other people have some food-" Sanji cuts his words off when he sees Luffy hold the stick of the grilled fish in front of Law.
"Torao, eat"
Sanji blinks, did he just witness Luffy sharing his food?
Law frowns at the other captain "I told you, I am not hungry" he answers.
"How can you not be hungry? You eat too little; besides didn't you say that grilled fish was your favorite?" Luffy insists pushing the fish forward till it kisses Law's lips. The older gives him an annoyed look before grabbing the grilled fish by the wooden stick "Not everyone has a monstrous appetite Mugiwara-ya" he mutters, taking a small bite of the fish then turning his attention back to his book. Luffy grins, satisfied and goes back to stuffing food in his face.
"Good night Everyone" Chopper yawns waving at the crew before heading towards his doctor room.
"I can-" Law gets cut off as a blur of raven hair pops infront of his sight "You can sleep in the men quatres! With me!" Strawhat tells him, he was way too excited and bouncy in the middle of the night Law thinks taking a step back for some space as he gives the younger a poker look.
"I'll do the watch for tonight Luffy" The sword man announces, and Law turns to look at him "I can do the night watch Roronoa-ya, besides it's not like I'll be getting any sleep anyway"
"You sure?" Zoro asks raising his eyebrow which gets him a nod from the hearts captain.
"Ehhh!? Torao won't be sleeping with us?" Luffy pouts making Nami roll her eyes "On that note, good night everyone!" she says before heading out with the rest of the strawhat crew follow her example.
"Come on Luffy! Leave the guy alone" Sanji scolds, dragging his pouty captain out of the kitchen and to their quarters.
"You'll get used to him" Zoro says
Law gives him his plan look "that won't be happening, it's not like we're friends."
Zoro stays quiet, observing the other man "if you say so," the green head shrugs making Law frown "Night" and with that he walks away leaving Law in utter silence.
The stars were out tonight, Law hadn't seen such an open dark sky in a long time. No buildings, no streetlights covering its beauty. He exhales, sitting down on the wooden bench as his breath turns into smoke then fades away with the cold wind. It always gets colder at nights due to the ocean temperature dropping down once the sun disappears. Law sighs then looks down at his book continuing with his reading 'But every day the sun would disappear behind those heavy clouds and darkness would take over the world. Earth would go quiet, humans, animals even nature would fall asleep and the coldness would take over, Icarus notices. He would silently stay awake every night, sitting on top of the mountain where he's closets to her. Watching those tiny sparkles of diamonds scattered in the sky as he waits for the sun to come out and shine her magical light down on Earth again. Lifting the Earth's energy with her bright smile and oh that smile what Icarus wouldn't do to see it every second-' Law glances around, in the silence of the night he notices not even a sound of bird could be heard or fishes jumping in the water only the whispers of the wind and the flow of the clam water can be heard in the darkness. It truly does feel different than living in a submarine '-What he wouldn't do to see sun's glimpse once again, for now thought, he could only wait. Wait and wait, till she comes out again and breath life into his iced heart, bringing him back from death once again' he continues to reads occasionally glancing up at Caesar who was sound asleep and still held as a prisoner.
He's finished reading the book before the sunrise, it was a rather crappy ending if he does say so himself although the adventures in the story makes up for it, he supposes. Law closes his eyes to give them rest even if he couldn't sleep his eyes still got tired from being open for too long, 'just a few more days' he thinks, and they'll reach Dressrosa. So close. He's so close.
It felt like hours, resting his back against the tree until a ray of light shines over his eyes and Law slowly opens his golden pupils to see the sun rise. 'What a view' he thinks. The sunlight peeks through the horizon making the ocean sparkle. The seagulls fly across the sky, singing delightfully as the fishes jump out of the water and dove right back in joy. The ocean felt awake, the waves cheering for the sun to finally come out of the clouds and as if one que a loud bam is heard and Luffy's loud voice echoes through the silence of the ship "SANJI! Breakfast!"
A bunch on groan follow through telling their captain to shut up.
"Ah! Morning Tarao!" Law looks up and for a second, he's almost blinded by the sun's light shinning on strawhat "Come up for breakfast" Luffy grins down at him, leaning his body against the rail wood. Law can't help but to stare up at the younger, he couldn't even blink if he wanted to. Luffy looked so refreshed, his black inky hair flying softly against the wind, his smile widen so beautifully that Law had to force himself to look away from its brightness.
"I'll have some coffee" he says tucking on his hat and bringing it over his eyes.
"Shishishi~" Luffy laughs "Sanjiii! Torao wants some coffee and remember no bread!"
"I know that! Now shut up, you idiot!" the cook yells back, sounding annoyed probably from being awake so rudely.
"Sanji-kun, may I also have some coffee please?" Robin asks coming out of her quatres. Sanji's eyes immediately turn into hearts as he twirls towards the older lady "Of course Robin-Chan!" he says kissing her hand before letting it go dramatically and heading towards the kitchen.
"Thank you" She smiles making him sing and swirl in happiness. Nami also comes out of her quatres, stretching her arms in the air "Hemm" she moans, her beautiful snow skin shining against the ray of sunlight.
"Nami-san" Brook says coming into her personal space making the girl lean back "Please show me your panties today"
"AS IF!" She yells, her teeth looking sharp enough to remind anyone of a shark, hair flying like a witch and she kicks the skeleton on the head hard enough to land him on the floor.
"Yohoho~ So mean" The skeleton sings "hmp!" Nami spins on her feet like a beautiful swan and heads towards the kitchen.
"Shishishi" Luffy laughs following his now awaken crew to the kitchen.
These people were way too loud for him, Law decides, there's no way he's going to deal with that much noise so early in the morning.
He grabs the book lying beside him and uses his power to shambles away to the library leaving a dust of his presence behind.
To be continued...
(This is where our chapter ends. Thankyou for reading)
Word count: 1934
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