Act IV: Competition

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Concluding the day of flying for today, I was tired AF, having no further plans for me, the Commanding Officer dismissed me back to my hangar. Changing out of my flight suit, I hopped onto my bike and rode back home.

When I arrived at my hangar, I saw that my P-51 had come in which pleases me since I now get the chance to further work on it. Putting my bike away, I grabbed my toolbox before walking to my P-51 and began working on the engine.

There are still final touches to be done before I can officially give it a test flight, the warbird is indeed over 70 years old. After finishing up, putting the oil and other fluids in the engine, I began working in the wings.

Yikes, the wings are in pretty rough shape, everytime I used the stick to control the wing flaps it made a loud squeaky noise. Removing, the wing flaps and renovating it, I added some lubricants before installing it back on. Much better.


Oh, what now? Setting my tools aside and taking off my protection equipment, I walked to the bench and grabbed my phone. Looking at the Caller ID it matched up to an unknown number.

"Who is this?" I asked the unknown caller.

"Hello, are you Captain Kim Y/N?" The person asked and I rose an eyebrow.

"Yes, and who are you?" I asked the person.

"I'm Lieutenant Kim Jun Myeon and I'm part of EXO Squadron. Perhaps, you've heard of it?" Jun Myeon asked me and I recognized the name.

"Indeed, I heard EXO Squadron is one of the most decorated and efficient squadrons in the Republic of Korea Air Force. What could they want from me?" I asked him and he chuckled.

"Well, we read your record and we're quite impressed. That's why we wish to challenge you to a dogfight between you and us. You down for it?" He asked me.

"Alright, I'll be there in ten," I replied to him.

"Sweet. I'll give the word to my squadmates." He said before hanging up.

Heh, looks like my day isn't over yet, changing into my flight suit, I hopped onto my bike before riding out of my hangar to the airfield. The drive took about 8 minutes before arriving at the gate.

Showing my military ID to the MP officer, he let me inside and I arrive at the base where the EXO squadron is located. I heard these pilots are quite tough which will definitely give me a run for my money.

But most importantly, I hope they live up to their reputation, or else this will be quite a bore for me, anyway, I arrive at the hangar and I see all of the EXO members gathered there.

"You arrived early, but that's fine. Our F-16s have already been pre-flight approved but where's yours?" Jun Myeon asked me and I grinned.

Turning around, the towing vehicle hauls in my F-18 Hornet and it's already been pre-fight checked. Now, comparing our fighters, both are 4th Gen Jet Fighters meaning that both of the technological levels are the same, my F-18 is more armed than the F-16 since it has two engines that provide it with more power to speed.

However, as we all say... It's not the plane it's the pilot that determines who wins the dogfight. These guys are highly-skilled, trained, and have experience in actual aerial combat but as for me, I went through extreme training and tactics for dogfights and I shot down more enemy fighters than they did combine.

I don't know what they expect but there's only one way to find out...

They explained the rules for this competition, Kai and Sehun will go against me first, if I managed to take them down, Chanyeol and D.O. will go next but if they don't succeed over me, Baekhyun and Chen will go but if they don't win, Suho and Xiumin will go.

It will be myself against two pilots, not an issue. Hell, I can take on all of them at once if they give me the chance.

After agreeing with the rules, we get to our fighters, I hopped inside the cockpit and started up the engines before taking off from the runway and being joined by Kai and Sehun.

We flew over a remote area where it was nothing but a forest area with a couple of mountains surrounding us, when the ATC gave us the green light, we began the competition.

Author's POV

As the mock dogfight begins, Kei and Sehun had already come up with a strategy to bring down Y/N's F-18. The plan came into action when both F-16 Fighting Falcons came behind the F-18 Hornet but they'd never expected Y/N to suddenly dive down.

Pursuing him, they both dove down in order not to lose him but he was fast and his maneuverability was something they'd never come across before making it difficult for the targeting computer to get a lock.

They come up to a canyon and Y/N used the canyon to confuse the two EXO pilots, Kai and Sehun saw what Y/N was planning and split up with Sehun chasing Y/N and Kai going to the other side to cut him off.

"Be careful Sehun, those canyons are tight spaces. We don't want to lose anyone for real!" Kai warned him.

"Of course, Kai, he won't be getting away so easily!" Sehun replied but he'd be proven wrong when suddenly Y/N had pulled a cobra maneuver catching Sehun off guard.

Sehun tried to get away but it was too late as Y/N already had a lock onto his jet eliminating him from the competition.

"Shit! He's got a lock on me! Kai, it's all up to you!" Sehun said before flying out of the canyon.

"Roger that! I won't let you down!" Kai replied to him and pursued Y/N into the canyon cliffs.

The canyon cliffs were getting narrower making it more difficult and dangerous to fly in but it didn't stop Y/N or Kai. Locking his targeting computer on Y/N's signature, they're approaching a dead end but to his surprise, Y/N didn't pull up.

"Hey, Kai, you wanna give up?" Y/N asked him.

"Never!" Kai replied to him.

"Alright, suit yourself!" He replied before quickly heading to the canyon wall before suddenly pulling up forcing Kai to pull up to avoid crashing into the cliff.

Getting back into the open, Kai was right behind the F-18 giving him the perfect chance to lock onto him thus eliminating him from the competition but he was caught off guard when all of a sudden, Y/N pulled up before falling over and pulling a Tailside maneuver one of the hardest maneuvers that not even EXO can do.

"How the hell?!" Kai exclaimed making Y/N chuckle.

"Nice try, Kai, maybe better luck next time," Y/N said after locking his targeting computer onto Kai's F-16 eliminating him.

With both pairs out of the match, they fly back to base before sending out Chanyeol and D.O., when they arrived at the canyon where Y/N was last spotted he was nowhere to be found.

"Damn, I can't see him anywhere," Chanyeol mentioned making them both nervous.

"Yeah, it's like he disappeared. Maybe, he called it quits." D.O. suggested but Chanyeol disagreed.

"I don't think so, knowing hotshots like him, they don't give up so easily. Especially, after defeating Kai and Se-" Chanyeol said but was interrupted when a jet fighter flew between them at blinding speed.

"There he is!" D.O. pointed out and pursued him.

The dogfight commences, with D.O. and Chanyeol chasing after him but he was too quick and made high-g turns to make the targeting computer almost impossible to lock onto him.

"Shit! He's making high-g turns and I can't get a lock!" Chanyeol mentioned while barely being able to pursue him.

"Yeah, looks like all of that Top Gun training is no joke, that's for sure." D.O. pointed out.

However, with another incredible move that they've never seen before, Y/N pointed the F-18's nose up before pulling a Kvocher's Bell and quickly locked onto D.O. thus eliminating him out of the match but it didn't take long for Y/N to also lock onto Chanyeol's F-16 despite doing his best efforts.

With Y/N's F-18 starting to run low on fuel, a KC-135 Stratotanker rendevous with him, and refueled his fighter in the air. When the aerial refueling was finished, the next pair, Baekyhun, and Chen joined him in the skies.

The dogfight commences, Baekhyun and Chen are indeed skilled dogfighters and veterans of aerial combat but their skills were still no match for Y/N's superior flying.

When they had thought they had a clear lock on him, Y/N began circling around confusing the two ace pilots. Next, Y/N pulled off another incredible maneuver called the Herbst maneuver.

"What on Earth?!" Baekhyun exclaimed as he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Still shocked, Y/N came behind and knocked out Chen along with Baekyhun out of the match leaving the match to Suho and Xiumin the two of the most skilled ace pilots in the squadron.

They flew to the canyon, where Y/N was waiting for them, the chase begins with Suho and Xiumin pursuing the Top Gun Pilot as he had made several high-g turns to prevent their targeting computers to get a lock on him forcing Suho and Xiumin to make high-g turns as well.

"Damn, you're good but will get you eventually!" Xiumin warned him.

"Wouldn't be so sure of that..." Y/N replied to him.

"Huh?" Xiumin wondered what he meant.

Next, Y/N had pulled and circled in a tight circle known as kulbit maneuver, Suho managed to get away but Xiumin was knocked out of the match as Y/N had locked onto him, with just Suho and Y/N left.

Two aces against one another, Suho managed to get the upper hand in the canyon but Y/N had a special surprise for him. Suddenly, Y/N pulled the power and turned his F-18 upside down making the cockpits visible to each other.

With the two fighters flying next to each other at close range, it began to frustrate Suho as Y/N turned out to be toying with him.

"Argh, quit it, already!" Suho demanded.

"Alright, fine, I had my fun but I believe it's time to conclude this," Y/N replied to him and pulled up with Suho pursuing him.

Y/N was flying high in the sky putting him in danger of stalling but that's exactly what he had wanted.

"I have you now..." Suho said as the targeting computer was about to lock onto him.

However, Suho was caught off guard when Y/N stalled forcing his F-18 to dive down right in his direction.

"What the hell?! Are you trying to kill us?!" Suho exclaimed.

"Nope." He replied to him.

Diving down, Y/N had easily locked onto Suho's F-16 eliminating him out of the match and making Y/N victorious. The entire EXO squadron watching the match was bummed out when their best ace pilots were knocked out.

Suho and Y/N fly back to base, they landed on the runway before taxiing their way back to the airfield before towing vehicles came to bring them back inside the hangar.

They climbed out of the cockpits, and the EXO pilots shook hands with him and thanked Y/N for the thrilling experience of dogfighting they'd ever had in their lives.

But what Y/N wasn't aware that an unknown female figure was watching him from afar...


To Be Continued...

Author: Who could this female figure be? And what ties does she have with Y/N? Stay tuned to find out! If you are enjoying this so far please leave a vote and comment if you can :)

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