the doctor part 2

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cream heart is still waiting for the results

nurse redheart comes back

cream heart:so red heart what did you say

nurse redheart:well your having a girl

cream heart:smiles

nurse red heart:so how is toothless by chance

cream heart:he is ok and don't worry i'll tell him

cream heart:to vist you

nurse redheart:thanks bestie

cream heart:no problem see you later

nurse redheart:yup

cream heart heads home

nurse snowheart:red heart your going to see toothless tonight

nurse redheart:yea i am

nurse snowheart:well good luck don't forget 

nurse snowheart:don't forget to bring condoms

nurse snowheart:so you can fuck him all the time

nurse redheart:you got it

she heads home to get ready for her spectal night

to be continued!

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