later that day toothless is at twilight's castle
hanging out with starlight
they are cuddling on the couch
starlight:toothless i'm going to vist my dad in a couple of weeks
starlight:and i was thiniking if you would like to come with me baby
toothless:of course baby i would like to come with you
starlight:thanks honey
toothless:your welcome honey pie
they start kissing each other on the lips
trixie comes in
trixie:hey startlight!
starlight:hey trixie
trixie:yall ready
toothless:ready for what
starlight:baby we are taking you to a dragon city because someone wants to meet you
trixie:now come on the train will be here soon
they get to the train station
starlight is holding toothless's hand
nuzzling him
they start boarding the train
mr conductor:attention everyone i am your conductor today and thanks for boarding the ponyville express today we will be heading to mainhaden today it will be a 5 hour train ride up there and we will make sure yall are relaxed on the way up there so enjoy the train ride up there
the train starts heading to mainhaden
12 mins later
starlight is talking to toothless
starlight:toothy i can't wait until you meet my father toothy you are going to love him
starlight:yea and soon we will be married and i'll spend my whole life with you toothy
she cuddles up against him
starlight:i love you toothy
toothless:i love you to baby
they lay on the chair's cuddling each other
to be continued!
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